

fs <- lapply(args_list, pass_args)

test_that("firm_core gets original function of a firmly applied function", {
  for (f in fs) {
    nm <- nomen(formals(f))$nm
    if (!length(nm)) {
      # No named argument, so firmly does not create firm closure
      expect_null(firm_core(suppressWarnings(firmly(f, ~ is.numeric))))


    f_firm <- firmly(f, ~ is.numeric)
    f_warn <- firmly(f, .warn_missing = nm)
    f_firm_warn <- firmly(f_firm, .warn_missing = nm)

    expect_identical(firm_core(f_firm), f)
    expect_identical(firm_core(f_warn), f)
    expect_identical(firm_core(f_firm_warn), f)

test_that("firm_core returns NULL for non-firmly applied functions", {
  for (f in fs) {

test_that("firm_checks gets checks for firmly applied function", {
  fs <- list(function(x, y) NULL, function(x, y, ...) NULL,
             function(...) NULL, function() NULL)

  for (f in fs) {
    nm <- nomen(formals(f))$nm
    if (!length(nm)) {
      # No named argument, so firmly does not create firm closure
      expect_null(suppressWarnings(firm_checks(firmly(f, ~ is.numeric))))


    is_positive <- function(x) x > 0
    is_numeric <- function(x) is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1L
    chks <- list(
      ~ is_numeric,
      list(~ x, "y not greater than x" ~ y - x) ~ is_positive
    ffs <- list(
      firmly(f, .warn_missing = "y"),
      firmly(f, .checklist = chks),
      firmly(f, .checklist = chks, .warn_missing = "x")
    exprs <- list(
      "FALSE: is_numeric(x)"  = substitute(f(x),     list(f = is_numeric)),
      "FALSE: is_numeric(y)"  = substitute(f(y),     list(f = is_numeric)),
      "FALSE: is_positive(x)" = substitute(f(x),     list(f = is_positive)),
      "y not greater than x"  = substitute(f(y - x), list(f = is_positive))

    # No checks if we only check for missing arguments

    # Checks in chks are correctly encoded in fc
    for (ff in ffs[-1L]) {
      fc <- firm_checks(ff)

      # Exactly four checks
      expect_equal(nrow(fc), 4L)

      for (msg in names(exprs)) {
        expect_identical(fc[fc$msg == msg, "expr"][[1L]], exprs[[msg]])

test_that("firm_checks returns NULL for non-firmly applied functions", {
  for (f in fs) {

test_that("firm_args gets missing-arguments for firmly applied function", {
  for (f in fs) {
    nm <- nomen(formals(f))$nm
    if (!length(nm)) {
      # Should raise error when no named argument but .warn_missing given
      expect_error(firm_args(firmly(f, .warn_missing = "x")),
                   "Invalid `\\.warn_missing`: `\\.f` has no named argument")


    f_firm <- firmly(f, ~ is.numeric)

    # No missing-argument warnings applied

    # Missing-argument warning (with and without checks)
    nm_seq <- lapply(seq_along(nm), function(.) nm[seq_len(.)])
    for (n in nm_seq) {
      f_warn <- firmly(f, .warn_missing = n)
      f_firm_warn <- firmly(f_firm, .warn_missing = n)

      expect_equal(firm_args(f_warn), n)
      expect_equal(firm_args(f_firm_warn), n)

test_that("firm_args returns NULL for non-firmly applied functions", {
  for (f in fs) {

test_that("firm_error gets error subclass for firmly applied functions", {
  for (f in fs) {
    nm <- nomen(formals(f))$nm
    if (!length(nm)) {
      # No named argument, so firmly does not create firm closure
      expect_null(firm_error(suppressWarnings(firmly(f, ~ is.numeric))))


    f_firm1 <- firmly(f, ~is.numeric)
    f_firm2 <- firmly(f, ~is.numeric, .error_class = c("customError", "simpleError"))
    f_firm3 <- firmly(f_firm2, ~{. > 0})
    f_firm4 <- firmly(f_firm3, .error_class = "newError")
    f_firm5 <- firmly(f, .error_class = "customError")
    f_firm_warn1 <- firmly(f_firm1, .warn_missing = nm, .error_class = "newError")
    f_firm_warn2 <- firmly(f_firm1, .warn_missing = nm)
    # .error_class is ignored if there are no checks
    f_warn_only <- firmly(f, .warn_missing = nm, .error_class = "customError")

    expect_identical(firm_error(f_firm1), "simpleError")
    expect_identical(firm_error(f_firm2), c("customError", "simpleError"))
    expect_identical(firm_error(f_firm3), c("customError", "simpleError"))
    expect_identical(firm_error(f_firm4), "newError")
    expect_identical(firm_error(f_firm5), NULL)
    expect_identical(firm_error(f_firm_warn1), "newError")
    expect_identical(firm_error(f_firm_warn2), "simpleError")
    expect_identical(firm_error(f_warn_only), NULL)

test_that("firm_error returns NULL for non-firmly applied functions", {
  for (f in fs) {
egnha/valaddin documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 5:27 p.m.