
Defines functions print.code.chunk code.chunk verbatim print.verbatim

Documented in code.chunk verbatim

#' Helper functions for \code{write2}
#' Helper functions for \code{\link{write2}}.
#' @param ... For \code{verbatim}, objects to print out monospaced (as if in the terminal). For \code{code.chunk},
#'   either expressions or single character strings to paste into the code chunk.
#' @param chunk.opts A single character string giving the code chunk options. Make sure to specify the engine!
#' @details
#' The \code{"verbatim"} class is to tell \code{\link{write2}} to print the object inside
#'   a section surrounded by three back ticks. The results will look like it would in the terminal (monospaced).
#' \code{code.chunk()} is to write explicit code chunks in the \code{.Rmd} file; it captures the call and writes it to the
#'   file, to execute upon knitting.
#' @name write2.internal

#' @export
print.verbatim <- function(x, ...)
  for(i in seq_along(x))
    print(x[[i]], ...)

#' @rdname write2.internal
#' @export
verbatim <- function(...)
  structure(list(...), class = "verbatim")

#' @rdname write2.internal
#' @export
code.chunk <- function(..., chunk.opts = "r")
  if(!is.character(chunk.opts) || length(chunk.opts) != 1) stop("'chunk.opts' should be a single character string")
  Call <- match.call()
  Call[[1]] <- NULL
  Call$chunk.opts <- NULL
  if(length(Call) == 0) Call[[1]] <- ""
  set_attr(set_attr(Call, "chunk.opts", chunk.opts), "class", c("code.chunk", class(Call)))

#' @export
print.code.chunk <- function(x, ...)
  cat("```{", attr(x, "chunk.opts"), "}\n", sep = "")
  lapply(x, function(elt) if(is.character(elt)) cat(elt, "\n", sep = "") else print(elt))
eheinzen/arsenal documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 6:04 a.m.