About ImmSig2

Last Updated: March 2017 Maintainer: Evan Henrich Contact:

The purpose of this package is to reproduce the original results from the HIPC ImmuneSignatures study on baseline transcriptional predictors of response to the Influenza vaccine in cohorts of young and old adults. To see a report with the results, you can first install the package via devtools::install_github("ehfhcrc/ImmSig2", build_vignettes = TRUE) then view the vignette with vignette("ImmSig_pipeline_demo", package = "ImmSig2").

Since the code used to generate the vignette is a heavily refactored version of the original code, the original code is provided within the package and can be viewed on github at

ehfhcrc/ImmSig2 documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:15 a.m.