Man pages for ehfhcrc/ImmSig2
Streamlined package to demonstrate HIPC ImmuneSigatures work using ImmuneSpace Data

adjust_GEFunction to select only the probes with highest expression...
adjust_haiFunction to generate HAI data table from ImmuneSpace...
arithMean_comb_validateGenerates Single Gene Analysis Scores
getGEFunction to return the prepackaged expression matrix held in...
initLibsThe following are packages only called in vignette and need...
makeGEMConverts expressionSet into list for MetaIntegrator analysis
meta_analysisFunction to perform meta analysis for HIPC ImmuneSignatures...
singleGeneAnalysisFunction to perform single gene meta analysis for HIPC...
swapColsSwap columns by name
ehfhcrc/ImmSig2 documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:15 a.m.