Man pages for ehrlichd/moRphomenses
Geometric Morphometric Tools to Align, Scale, and Compare "Shape" of Menstrual Cycle Hormones

mm_ArrayDataArray Data
mm_BuildModelBuild, implement, visualize multivariate linear model.
mm_CalcShapespaceDefine Shapespace of aligned dataset.
mm_CheckImputationCheck Imputation
mm_ColorLeavesColor leves of a dendrogram
mm_CompModelCompare Model Metrics
mm_CompModel_FullCompare Complex Model Metrics
mm_coords_to_shapeVisualize shape of target coordinates
mm_dataSample hormone dataset
mm_diagnosticsRun a suite of diagnostic analyses.
mm_ellipseAdd confidence ellipses to an active scatterplot.
mm_ExplorerLaunch mm_Explorer
mm_FillMissingImpute Missing Data
mm_FlattenArrayFlatten Array
mm_get_intervalCreate equallly spaced intervals.
mm_grp_distsDistance from Centroid
mm_grps_PlotArrayPlot Arrays of groups
mm_mute_colsTake a color and modify it
mm_PhenotypeGenerate Phenotypes
mm_PlotArrayPlot Array Plot individuals and optionally mean form
mm_pretty_pcaPlot Calendar Days
mm_ScreePlotScree Plot
mm_SilPlotSilhouette Width Plot
mm_transf_geomGeometric Scaling
mm_transf_lognatural log transform
mm_transf_log10Common log transform
mm_transf_minmaxMin-Max Scaling
mm_transf_zscoreZ scores
mm_VizModelVisualize Multivariate LM
mm_VizShapespaceVisualize PC axes
moRphomensesGeometric Morphometric Analysis of Hormone Cycle Phenotypes
print_summaryPrint basic summary
ehrlichd/moRphomenses documentation built on Jan. 9, 2025, 6:29 p.m.