
#' @title Observation error model
#' @description XXX
#' @export
#' @param y XXX
#' @param h XXX
#' @param Fmult XXX. Why is this here???
#' @param ctr XXX

hcr_observation_error <- function(y, h, Fmult,ctr) {
  hrate <- ctr$HRATE[h]
  delay <- ctr$delay
  assError <- X$assError[ y + delay, h,]
  N   <-    X$N[,y + delay, h,]
  # Note: In step above we have the problem of not having the
  #       incoming recruit assumption! I.e. it is currently 
  #       set to -1. This is most likely because the 
  #       delay = 1. Test if this happens if delay=0
  # Here we could put in the GM assumption of Age 0 fish
  # Question is: Should it be the current GM or should it be
  #              updated each year.
  # Note: We need to think of something with respect to the
  #       starting years
  N[1,] <- ctr$r_mean
  bW  <-   X$bW[,y + delay, h,]
  sB  <- X$selB[,y + delay, h,]
  bio <- colSums(N * bW * sB)
  sW  <-   X$sW[,y + delay ,h,]
  xN  <-  X$mat[,y + delay, h,]
  M   <-    X$M[,y + delay, h,]
  pF  <-   X$pF[,y + delay, h,]
  pM  <-   X$pM[,y + delay, h,]
  selF <- X$selF[, y + delay, h,]
  selD <- X$selD[, y + delay, h,]
  totalF <- t(Fmult * t(selF))
  dF <- t(Fmult * t(selD))
  ssb <- colSums(N * exp( -( pM * M + pF * (totalF + dF))) * xN * sW)
  n_iters <- ctr$iter
  hrate    <- rep(hrate, n_iters)
  ## A. The assessment error model
  if (ctr$a_error == 1) {
    bio_hat     <- bio   * ctr$a_bias * exp(assError)
    ssb_hat     <- ssb   * ctr$a_bias * exp(assError)
    hrate_hat   <- hrate * ctr$a_bias * exp(assError)
  if (ctr$a_error == 2) {
    bio_hat     <- bio   * ctr$a_bias * (1 + assError)
    ssb_hat     <- ssb   * ctr$a_bias * (1 + assError)
    hrate_hat   <- hrate * ctr$a_bias * (1 + assError)
einarhjorleifsson/mac documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:29 a.m.