Man pages for ejanalysis/analyze.stuff
Miscellaneous Tools for Analyzing Data in Rows and Columns

analyze.stuffBasic Tools for Analyzing Datasets
calc.fieldsCreate calculated fields by specifying formulas as text,...
change.fieldnamesChange some or all of the colnames of a data.frame or matrix...
colMaxsGet the max value of each column of a data.frame or matrix
colMinsReturns the min value of each column of a data.frame or...
cols.above.countNumber of Columns with Value (at or) above (or below) Cutoff
cols.above.pctPercent of Columns with Value at or above Cutoff
cols.above.whichDoes each Column have a Value at or above Cutoff(s)
count.aboveNumber or percent of rows (for each col) where value exceeds...
count.belowNumber or percent of rows (for each col) where value is below...
count.wordsWord Frequency in a Text File
dir2Directory listing using wildcard search
dirdirsDirectory listing of R-related files/folders
dirrDirectory listing of R-related files/folders
download.filesTry to download one or more files
expand.gridMatrixSimilar to expand.grid, but returns a matrix not data.frame Numbers Stored as Factors
findArgsGet the arguments of a function
formatcommaPrint numbers with commas and 0-2 decimal places
geomeanGeometric mean
get.osWindows or Mac?
harmeanHarmonic mean
installrequiredRequire a list of packages, downloading and installing if...
intersperseIntersperse the elements of a vector, mixing 2d half of the...
lead.zeroesAdd leading zeroes as needed
length2Length of a list with or without NA values
linefitAdd fit lines to a scatter plot
linesofcodeCounts lines of source code in .R files of package source -...
logposneglog10(x) if positive, 0 if 0, -log10(-x) if negative
memSee what is using up memory but just for 1 environment
minNonzeroFind minimum non-zero number(s) - BUT EXCLUDES COLUMNS THAT...
na.checkBasic info on each col of data.frame
na.check2Basic info on each col of data.frame - testing faster way,...
names2Print names(data.frame) commented out for easy pasting into...
normalizedNormalize raw scores as ratio of score to wtd mean
osWindows, Mac, or other Unix?
overlapsCounts for Intersect, Union, etc. for Two Sets
pausePause and wait specified number of seconds
pct.aboveNumber or percent of rows (for each col) where value exceeds...
pct.belowNumber or percent of rows (for each col) where value is below...
pctilesShow the rounded values at 100 percentiles
pctiles.a.over.bShow the rounded values at 100 percentiles for a/b (or zero...
pctiles.exactShow the not-rounded values at 100 percentiles
pdf2Overlay two simple histograms (pdf=probability density...
put.firstSimple way to put certain cols first, in a data.frame
rmallHelp removing all objects from memory
rmsRoot Mean Square (RMS), or Quadratic Mean
rowMaxsReturns the max value of each row of a data.frame or matrix
rowMinsReturns the min value of each row of a data.frame or matrix
rows.above.countNumber or percent of rows (for each col) where value exceeds...
rows.above.pctNumber or percent of rows (for each col) where value exceeds...
rows.above.whichDoes each Row have a Value at or above Cutoff(s)
rows.below.countNumber or percent of rows (for each col) where value is below...
rows.below.pctNumber or percent of rows (for each col) where value is below...
setdiff2Differences between sets a and b
signifarraySpecify Significant Digits for Each Column
similarSee how closely numeric values match in 2 datasets
similar.pSee how closely numeric values match in 2 datasets
tabularFormat a table in roxygen documentation of function in a...
unzip.filesUnzip multiple zip files
wtd.colMeansWeighted Mean of each Column - WORK IN PROGRESS (NA HANDLING...
wtd.colMeans2Weighted Mean of each Column - WORK IN PROGRESS
wtd.pctilesShow the rounded values at 100 weighted percentiles
wtd.pctiles.exactShow the values at 100 weighted percentiles
wtd.pctiles.fastShow the values at 100 weighted percentiles
wtd.rowMeansWeighted Mean of each Row - WORK IN PROGRESS
wtd.rowSumsWeighted Sum of each Row
ejanalysis/analyze.stuff documentation built on Dec. 11, 2024, 2:16 p.m.