RR.table: Table of Relative Risk results by zone by group by envt risk...

View source: R/RR.table.R

RR.tableR Documentation

Table of Relative Risk results by zone by group by envt risk factor


Make table of Relative Risk results by zone by group by envt risk factor. See source code for notes on this work.


  Enames = ejscreen::names.e[ejscreen::names.e %in% names(mydat)],
  Dnames = ejscreen::names.d[ejscreen::names.d %in% names(mydat)],
  popcolname = "pop",
  testing = FALSE,
  digits = 4



Data.frame of input data, one row per geographic unit such as US Census block groups, or tracts.


names of columns with environmental risk factor data, default is names.e from ejscreen package


names of columns with percent (fraction) of population that is in each given demographic group, default is names.d from ejscreen package


name of column with total population count, default is pop


name of column with name of zone such as US State name


default is FALSE


Default is 4. How many significant digits to use.


Compiles RR values in array of 3 dimensions: RRS[Dnames, Enames, Zcolnames] Returns a matrix with one demographic group per row, one environmental risk indicator per column, and third dimension for which zone (e.g., which US State)

See Also



    # (This is very slow right now)

 # See examples for [RR.table()] and [RR.means()] and [RR()]

 ########################################  #

 ##    if just using ejanalysis pkg test data:
 bg <- ejanalysis::bgtest
  enames <- c("pm", "o3", "cancer", "resp", "dpm", "pctpre1960", "traffic.score",
   "proximity.npl", "proximity.rmp", "proximity.tsdf", "proximity.npdes", "ust")
 dnames = c("pctlingiso", "pctlowinc")
 dnames.subgroups.count =  c("hisp", "nhwa", "nhba", "nhaiana",
   "nhaa", "nhnhpia", "nhotheralone", "nhmulti")
 dnames.subgroups.pct = c("pcthisp", "pctnhwa", "pctnhba", "pctnhaiana",
   "pctnhaa", "pctnhnhpia", "pctnhotheralone", "pctnhmulti")

 ##    if EJAM pkg available:
 # bg <- as.data.frame(EJAM::blockgroupstats)
 # enames = EJAM::names_e
 # dnames = EJAM::names_d
 # dnames.subgroups.count = EJAM::names_d_subgroups_count
 # dnames.subgroups.pct  =  EJAM::names_d_subgroups

 ##    if EJAM pkg not available and using ejscreen pkg data:
 # bg <- ejscreen::bg22
 # enames = ejscreen::names.e
 # dnames = ejscreen::names.d
 # dnames.subgroups.count = ejscreen::names.d.subgroups
 # dnames.subgroups.pct  =  ejscreen::names.d.subgroups.pct

 ########################################  #
 Ratios <- ejanalysis::RR.table(bg, Enames = enames,
   Dnames = c(dnames, dnames.subgroups.pct),
   popcolname = 'pop', digits = 2)

 # done like this, it still has NA values:

 MeansByGroup_and_Ratios <- ejanalysis::RR.means(
   subset(bg, select = enames),
   subset(bg, select = c(dnames, dnames.subgroups.pct)),

RRS.US  <- RR.table(mydat = bg, Enames = enames,
  Dnames = c(dnames, dnames.subgroups.pct),
  popcolname = 'pop')
RRS.ST  <- RR.table(mydat = bg, Enames = enames,
  Dnames = c(dnames, dnames.subgroups.pct),
  popcolname = 'pop', Zcolname = 'ST')
RRS <- RR.table.add(RRS.ST, RRS.US)
RRS['pctlowinc', , ]
RRS[ , , 'CA']  # RRS[, , 'PR']
RRS[ , 'pm', ]
RRS.REGION  <- RR.table(mydat = bg,
  Enames = enames,
  Dnames = c(dnames, dnames.subgroups.pct),
  popcolname = 'pop', Zcolname = 'REGION')
RRS2 <- RR.table.add(RRS, RRS.REGION)
RRS2[ , , '8']

ejanalysis/ejanalysis documentation built on April 2, 2024, 10:12 a.m.