
Defines functions centralValueIN centralValueL centralValueCF centralValueB centralValue.Date centralValue.logical centralValue.integer centralValue.numeric centralValue.haven_labelled centralValue.labelled centralValue.factor centralValue.character centralValue

Documented in centralValue

#' @title summaryFunction for central values
#' @description A \code{summaryFunction}, intended to be called from 
#' \code{\link{summarize}}, which returns the central value of a variable. 
#' For numeric and integer variables, this is the median. For
#' character, factor, (have_)labelled, Date and logical variables, the central value is the mode 
#' (i.e. the value that occurs the largest number of times).
#' @param v A variable (vector).
#' @param ... Extra arguments to be passed to class-specific functions. These incluse
#' \code{maxDecimals} (default is 2) which controls the rounding of integer and numeric
#' values.
#' @details Note that NA, NaN and Inf values are ignored for numeric and integer variables, while
#' only NA values are ignored for factor, character, Date and (haven_)labelled variables. No values are
#' ignored for logical variables.
#' @return An object of class \code{summaryResult} with the following entries: \code{$feature} 
#' (the mode/median),\code{$result} (the central value of \code{v}) and \code{$value} (identical 
#' to \code{$result}).
#' If the mode is returned and it is not uniquely determined, the first value qualifying as a mode is
#' returned, when the variable is sorted according to \code{\link{sort}}. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{summaryFunction}}, \code{\link{summarize}}, \code{\link{summaryResult}},
#' \code{\link{allSummaryFunctions}}
#' @examples
#'  #central value of an integer variable:
#'    centralValue(c(rep(1, 25), rep(2, 10), rep(3, 20)))
#'  #central value of a character variable:
#'    centralValue(as.character(c(rep(1, 20), rep(2, 10), rep(3, 20))))
#' @importFrom stats na.omit median
#' @export
centralValue <- function(v, ...) UseMethod("centralValue")

#assign methods to generic centralValue function

#' @export
centralValue.character <- function(v, ...) centralValueCF(v)

#' @export
centralValue.factor <- function(v, ...) centralValueCF(v)

#' @export
centralValue.labelled <- function(v, ...) centralValueL(v)

#' @export
centralValue.haven_labelled <- function(v, ...) centralValueL(v)

#' @export
centralValue.numeric <- function(v, ...) centralValueIN(v, ...)

#' @export
centralValue.integer <- function(v, ...) centralValueIN(v, ...)

#' @export
centralValue.logical <- function(v, ...) centralValueB(v)

#' @export
centralValue.Date <- function(v, ...) centralValueCF(v)

#' @include summaryFunction.R 
centralValue <- summaryFunction(centralValue, 
                                "Compute median for numeric variables, mode for categorical variables", 

##########################################Not exported below#########################################

#methods for each variable type

#logical variables
centralValueB <- function(v) {
  vMode <- names(which.max(table(v, exclude=NULL)))[1]
                     result=paste("\"", escapeRMDStyle(vMode), "\"", sep=""),
                     value = vMode))

#character and factor variables
##' @importFrom stats na.omit
centralValueCF <- function(v) {

#labelled variables
centralValueL <- function(v) {

#integer and numeric variables
##' @importFrom stats median na.omit
centralValueIN <- function(v, maxDecimals = 2) {
  v <- na.omit(v)
  val <- median(v)
                     result=round(val, maxDecimals), value = val))
ekstroem/dataMaid documentation built on Jan. 31, 2022, 9:10 a.m.