
#' Find approximate k-Nearest Neighbors using random projection tree search.
#' A fast and accurate algorithm for finding approximate k-nearest neighbors.
#' Note that the algorithm does not guarantee that it will find K neighbors for each node. A
#' warning will be issued if it finds fewer neighbors than requested. If the input data contains
#' distinct partitionable clusters, try increasing the \code{tree_threshold} to increase the number
#' of returned neighbors.
#' @param x A (potentially sparse) matrix, where examples are columnns and features are rows.
#' @param K How many nearest neighbors to seek for each node.
#' @param n_trees The number of trees to build.
#' @param tree_threshold The threshold for creating a new branch.  The paper authors suggest
#' using a value equivalent to the number of features in the input set.
#' @param max_iter Number of iterations in the neighborhood exploration phase.
#' @param distance_method One of "Euclidean" or "Cosine."
#' @param seed Random seed passed to the C++ functions. If \code{seed} is not \code{NULL} (the default),
#' the maximum number of threads will be set to 1 in phases that would be non-determinstic otherwise.
#' @param threads The maximum number of threads to spawn. Determined automatically if \code{NULL} (the default).
#' @param verbose Whether to print verbose logging using the \code{progress} package.
#' @return A [K, N] matrix of the approximate K nearest neighbors for each vertex.
#' @export
randomProjectionTreeSearch <- function(x,
                                       K = 150,
                                       n_trees = 50,
                                       tree_threshold =  max(10, nrow(x)),
                                       max_iter = 1,
                                       distance_method = "Euclidean",
																			 seed = NULL,
																			 threads = NULL,
                                       verbose = getOption("verbose", TRUE))

#' @export
#' @rdname randomProjectionTreeSearch
randomProjectionTreeSearch.matrix <- function(x,
                                       K = 150,
                                       n_trees = 50,
                                       tree_threshold =  max(10, nrow(x)),
                                       max_iter = 1,
                                       distance_method = "Euclidean",
																			 seed = NULL,
																			 threads = NULL,
                                       verbose = getOption("verbose", TRUE)) {
  if (verbose) cat("Searching for neighbors.\n")

  if (distance_method == "Cosine") x <- x / rowSums(x)

  knns <- searchTrees(threshold = as.integer(tree_threshold),
                      n_trees = as.integer(n_trees),
                      K = as.integer(K),
                      maxIter = as.integer(max_iter),
                      data = x,
                      distMethod = as.character(distance_method),
  										seed = seed,
  										threads = threads,
                      verbose = as.logical(verbose))

  if (sum(colSums(knns != -1) == 0) > 0)
    stop ("After neighbor search, no candidates for some nodes.")
  if (sum(is.na(knns)) + sum(is.nan(knns)) > 0)
    stop ("NAs or nans in neighbor graph.")
  if (verbose[1] && sum(knns == -1) > 0)
    warning ("Wanted to find", nrow(knns) * ncol(knns),
             " neighbors, but only found",
                  ( (nrow(knns) * ncol(knns)) - sum(knns == -1)))


#' @export
#' @rdname randomProjectionTreeSearch
randomProjectionTreeSearch.CsparseMatrix <- function(x,
                                              K = 150,
                                              n_trees = 50,
                                              tree_threshold =  max(10, nrow(x)),
                                              max_iter = 1,
                                              distance_method = "Euclidean",
																							seed = NULL,
																							threads = NULL,
                                              verbose = getOption("verbose", TRUE)) {
  if (verbose) cat("Searching for neighbors.\n")

  knns <- searchTreesCSparse(threshold = as.integer(tree_threshold),
                      n_trees = as.integer(n_trees),
                      K = as.integer(K),
                      maxIter = as.integer(max_iter),
                      i = x@i,
                      p = x@p,
                      x = x@x,
                      distMethod = as.character(distance_method),
  										seed = seed,
  										threads = threads,
                      verbose = as.logical(verbose))

  if (sum(colSums(knns != -1) == 0) > 0)
    stop ("After neighbor search, no candidates for some nodes.")
  if (sum(is.na(knns)) + sum(is.nan(knns)) > 0)
    stop ("NAs or nans in neighbor graph.")
  if (verbose[1] && sum(knns == -1) > 0)
    warning ("Wanted to find", nrow(knns) * ncol(knns),
             " neighbors, but only found",
             ( (nrow(knns) * ncol(knns)) - sum(knns == -1)))


#' @export
#' @rdname randomProjectionTreeSearch
randomProjectionTreeSearch.TsparseMatrix <- function(x,
                                                     K = 150,
                                                     n_trees = 50,
                                                     tree_threshold =
                                                       max(10, nrow(x)),
                                                     max_iter = 1,
                                                     distance_method =
																										 seed = NULL,
																										 threads = NULL,
                                                     verbose = getOption("verbose", TRUE)) {
  if (verbose) cat("Searching for neighbors.\n")

  knns <- searchTreesTSparse(threshold = as.integer(tree_threshold),
                             n_trees = as.integer(n_trees),
                             K = as.integer(K),
                             maxIter = as.integer(max_iter),
                             i = x@i,
                             j = x@j,
                             x = x@x,
                             distMethod = as.character(distance_method),
  													 seed = seed,
  													 threads = threads,
                             verbose = as.logical(verbose))

  if (sum(colSums(knns != -1) == 0) > 0)
    stop ("After neighbor search, no candidates for some nodes.")
  if (sum(is.na(knns)) + sum(is.nan(knns)) > 0)
    stop ("NAs or nans in neighbor graph.")
  if (verbose[1] && sum(knns == -1) > 0)
    warning ("Wanted to find", nrow(knns) * ncol(knns),
             " neighbors, but only found",
             ( (nrow(knns) * ncol(knns) ) - sum(knns == -1)))

elbamos/largeVis documentation built on May 16, 2019, 2:58 a.m.