
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom purrr flatten_chr
#' @importFrom purrr is_list
#' @importFrom purrr map2_lgl
#' @importFrom readr read_csv2
#' @importFrom rlang is_character
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom rlang is_named
#' @importFrom rlang as_list
#' @importFrom readr locale

#' download data sets from Statistics Denmark
#' You can use this function to retrieve data sets from Statistics Denmark. It also let you choose
#' which variables to return.
#' @param tableID the data set's ID. See dst_tables() to get the ID.
#' @param vars the variables to return. If not specified it will return time and value of the
#' what the data set measure.
#' @param lang used language in the data set. Can take the values "da" for danish and "en" for
#' english
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dst_download("folk1a")
#' dst_download("folk1a", c("ALDER", "CIVILSTAND"))
dst_download <- function(tableID, vars, lang = "en") {
  lang <- lang_helper(lang)
  url <- modify_url_helper("data", tableID = tableID)

  if(is_missing(vars)) {
    message("No vars is specified. Only time will be included")
    query <-  list(lang = lang, Tid = "*")
    col_types <- "cd"
  } else if(is_character(vars)) {
    vars_helper(tableID, vars, lang)
    query <- query_helper(vars, lang)

  } else {
    vars_helper(tableID, vars, lang)
    query <- query_helper(vars, lang)

  if(status_code(GET(url, query = query)) == 400) {
    msg <- fromJSON(content(GET(url, query = query), "text"))[["message"]]
    res <- read_csv2(modify_url(url, query = query), na = c(".."),
                     locale = locale(decimal_mark = ",", grouping_mark = "."))
  res["TID"] <- parse_date_helper(res[["TID"]])

#' get data set variables
#' You can use this function to get a tibble which has information about the available variables
#' in the respective data set as well as an description of those
#' @param tableID the id of the desired table. See dst_tables() to get an overview of the table IDs.
#' @param lang the language used in the description of the variables. "en" for english "da" for
#' danish.
#' @param columns the columns returned. columns can take the following values: id, text,
#' elimination, time or map
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Not run:
#' dst_download("FOLK1A")
#' ## End(Not run)
#' dst_variables("FOLK1A", columns = c("id", "text", "time"))
dst_variables <- function(tableID, lang = "en", columns = c("id", "text")) {
  lang <- lang_helper(lang)
  url <- modify_url_helper("tableinfo", tableID = tableID)
  tableID <- table_helper(tableID)
  query <- list(format = "JSON", lang = lang)
  columns_values <- c("id", "text", "elimination", "time", "map", "values")

  if(!all(columns %in% columns_values)) {
    abort(glue('columns can take the values: {columns_values}', sep = ", "))

  GET_res <- GET(url, query = query)
  fromJSON(content(GET_res, "text"))[["variables"]][columns]

vars_helper <- function(tableID, vars, lang) {
  if(!(is_list(vars) & is_named(vars)) & !is_character(vars)) {
    abort(glue('vars has to be provided as either a character vector containing variable ',
               'or as a named list containing the desired variables as names, and',
               'the associated element has to include a charactervector containing the',
               'desired values of the variable'))

  if(is_character(vars)) {
    if(!all(vars %in% flatten_chr(dst_variables(tableID, columns = "id")))) {
      abort(glue('vars can take the following values: ',
                 '{str_c(flatten_chr(dst_variables(tableID, columns = "id")), collapse = ", ")}. ',
                 'The values must be provided as an charactervector. ',
                 'See dst_variables() for explanation of the vars'))
  } else {
    if(!all(names(vars) %in% dst_variables(tableID, columns = "id")[["id"]])) {
      abort(glue('vars can take the following values: ',
                 '{str_c(flatten_chr(dst_variables(tableID, columns = "id")), collapse = ", ")}. ',
                 'The values must be provided as an charactervector. ',
                 'See dst_variables() for explanation of the vars'))
    values <- dst_variable_values(tableID, lang)[names(vars)]
    cond <- map2_lgl(names(values), vars, is_valid_values, tableID)
    vars <- vars[!vars %in% "Tid"]
    if(!all(cond)) {
      abort(glue('The values is not provided correctly in the vars argument. ',
            'See dst_variable_values()'))

query_helper <- function(vars, lang) {
  if(is_character(vars)) {
    vars <- vars[!vars %in% "Tid"]
    as_list(set_names(c(lang, rep("*", length(vars) + 1)), c("Lang", "Tid", vars)))
  } else {
    vars <- vars[!names(vars) == "Tid"]
    c(list(Tid = "*", Lang = lang), map(vars, str_c, collapse = ","))

is_valid_values <- function(vars_names, vars, x) {
  vars <- vars[!vars %in% "Tid"]
  vars <- keep(vars, function(x) x != "*")
  all(vars %in% dst_variable_values(x)[[vars_names]])
elben10/rdst documentation built on May 8, 2019, 10:59 p.m.