
#' Filter out group checklists.
#' Function to remove all but one of a set of eBird group checklists.
#' @param dat The original eBird data.frame to filter.
#' @param group.id The name of the group ID column, usually "GROUP.ID".
#' @param sub.id The name of the sub ID column, or otherwise. Experimental,
#' have not really tested, but in theory can be used to sort dat so that, for
#' instance, only the first input of a set of group checklists is kept. 
#' @details This function is called internally by cleaner(), but is also
#' exported here, as it may prove generally useful to some. Note that the results
#' are saved into the active R session, as opposed to written to file like the
#' cleaner() function.
#' @return A filtered data.frame. 
#' @export
#' @references Team eBird.
#' @examples
#' #load the example data file and delete group checklist duplicate entries
#' data(ex)
#' dim(ex)
#' ex2 <- uniqueFilter(ex, "GROUP_ID")
#' dim(ex2)
#' ex3 <- uniqueFilter(ex, "GROUP_ID", "SUB_ID")
#' dim(ex3)
#' setdiff(ex2$SUB_ID, ex3$SUB_ID)

uniqueFilter <- function(dat, group.id, sub.id)
	#if all the group.ids are blank then this column may be all NAs. I think this happens
	#because of fread/fwrite assumptions. if this is the case, just return the original

	#convert group.id and, if provided, sub.id to character vectors
	dat[,group.id] <- as.character(dat[,group.id])

		dat[,sub.id] <- as.character(dat[,sub.id])

	#assign a unique group.id to every row that is missing a group identifier. first figure out
	#how many checklists do not have a group ID
	toGenerate <- length(dat[,group.id][dat[,group.id]==""])

	#previously you ran this like below hashed out, but got errors recently. here for
	#legacy sake	
	dat[,group.id][dat[,group.id]==""] <- paste("delete", 1:toGenerate, sep="")
	#dat[,group.id][is.na(dat[,group.id])] <- paste("delete", 1:toGenerate, sep="")

	#now if sub.id is provided, sort according to that	
		dat <- dat[order(dat[,sub.id]),]
	#subset to non-duplicated group.ids
	dat <- dat[!duplicated(dat[,group.id]),]
	#delete the group IDs you made up and return
	dat[,group.id][grep("delete", dat[,group.id])] <- ""
eliotmiller/ebirdr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 10:33 a.m.