
Defines functions check_yes cli_ask cli_ifnot cli_if cli_quiet

# Standalone file: do not edit by hand
# Source: <https://github.com/elipousson/cliExtras/blob/main/R/standalone-cliExtras.R>
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---
# repo: elipousson/cliExtras
# file: standalone-cliExtras.R
# last-updated: 2023-03-30
# license: https://unlicense.org
# imports: rlang, cli
# ---
# ## Changelog
# 2023-03-30:
# * Added `cli_ask()` and `check_yes()`
# 2023-03-22:
# * Added `cli_ifnot()`
# 2023-03-21:
# * Added `cli_quiet()` and `cli_if()`
# nocov start
cli_quiet <- function(quiet = FALSE,
                      push = FALSE,
                      .frame = rlang::caller_env()) {
  if (rlang::is_false(quiet)) {

  if (rlang::is_true(push)) {
    return(rlang::push_options("cli.default_handler" = suppressMessages))

  rlang::local_options("cli.default_handler" = suppressMessages, .frame = .frame)

cli_if <- function(x = NULL,
                   .predicate = rlang::is_true,
                   .fn = NULL,
                   .default = cli::cli_alert,
                   call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  check <- rlang::try_fetch(
    error = function(cnd) cnd

  if (!rlang::is_bool(check)) {
    parent <- NULL
    if (rlang::is_error(check)) {
      parent <- check

      "{.fn {.predicate}} must return a {.cls logical} object,
      not {.obj_type_friendly {check}}.",
      call = call,
      parent = parent

  if (rlang::is_true(check)) {
    .fn <- .fn %||% .default
    fn_call <- rlang::call2(.fn, ...)
    if (rlang::has_name(rlang::call_args_names(fn_call), "call")) {
      fn_call <- rlang::call_modify(fn_call, call = call, .homonyms = "last")

cli_ifnot <- function(x = NULL,
                      .predicate = rlang::is_false,
                      .fn = NULL,
                      .default = cli::cli_alert,
                      call = rlang::caller_env()) {
    x = x,
    .predicate = .predicate,
    .fn = .fn,
    .default = .default,
    call = call

cli_ask <- function(prompt = "?",
                    .envir = rlang::caller_env(),
                    call = .envir) {
    x = rlang::is_interactive(),
    "User interaction is required.",
    .fn = cli::cli_abort,
    call = call
  if (!rlang::is_empty(rlang::list2(...))) {
    cli::cli_bullets(..., .envir = .envir)
  readline(paste0(prompt, "\u00a0"))

check_yes <- function(prompt = NULL,
                      yes = c("", "Y", "Yes", "Yup", "Yep", "Yeah"),
                      message = "Aborted. A yes is required.",
                      .envir = rlang::caller_env(),
                      call = .envir) {
  resp <- cli_ask(paste0("?\u00a0", prompt, "\u00a0(Y/n)"), .envir = .envir)

    x = all(tolower(resp) %in% tolower(yes)),
    message = message,
    .fn = cli::cli_abort,
    .envir = .envir,
    call = call
# nocov end
elipousson/mapbaltimore documentation built on April 2, 2024, 4:23 p.m.