
Defines functions make_image_map make_social_map make_location_map

Documented in make_image_map make_location_map make_social_map

#' Make a ggplot map using layer_location_data
#' Location is used as the data parameter of layer_location_data so this
#' function is primarily appropriate for the layer_mapbox (`geom = "mapbox"`).
#' @inheritParams get_paper
#' @param save If `TRUE`, save file with [ggsave_ext] or [ggsave_social],
#'   requires `basemap = TRUE` and filename is not NULL *or* ... include a name
#'   parameter. Default: `FALSE`
#' @inheritParams st_bbox_ext
#' @inheritParams layer_location_data
#' @inheritParams ggsave_ext
#' @inheritParams mapboxapi::layer_static_mapbox
#' @param basemap If `FALSE`, return a list of ggplot2 layers (or ggproto
#'   objects). If `TRUE`, add the list to [ggplot2::ggplot()] to return a map.
#' @param bg_layer,fg_layer A ggplot2 layer or a list of ggproto objects (e.g.
#'   scales, labels, etc.) to add to the background or foreground of the primary
#'   map layer defined by `"geom"` and other parameters.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to [layer_location_data].
#' @details Using make_image_map:
#' [make_image_map] wraps [read_sf_exif] and [make_location_map]. It is designed for
#' making simple maps of photos in combination with reference tables.
#' @rdname make_location_map
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
make_location_map <- function(location,
                              dist = NULL,
                              diag_ratio = NULL,
                              unit = NULL,
                              asp = NULL,
                              data = NULL,
                              crs = NULL,
                              paper = "Letter",
                              orientation = NULL,
                              geom = "sf",
                              basemap = TRUE,
                              bg_layer = NULL,
                              fg_layer = NULL,
                              save = FALSE,
                              name = NULL,
                              label = NULL,
                              prefix = NULL,
                              postfix = NULL,
                              filename = NULL,
                              device = NULL,
                              path = NULL,
                              dpi = 300,
                              ...) {
  paper <-
      paper = paper,
      orientation = orientation

  if (is.null(asp)) {
    asp <- paper$section_asp

  if (is.null(data)) {
    data <- location
    location <- NULL

    is.null(bg_layer) || is.list(bg_layer) || is_gg_layer(bg_layer),
    is.null(fg_layer) || is.list(fg_layer) || is_gg_layer(fg_layer)

  map_layer <-
        data = data,
        location = location,
        dist = dist,
        diag_ratio = diag_ratio,
        unit = unit,
        asp = asp,
        crs = crs,
        geom = geom,

  if (basemap) {
    map_layer <-
      ggplot2::ggplot() +

  if (save && basemap) {
    # FIXME: basemap condition should be substituted for some condition checking if map_layer is a valid plot
      plot = map_layer,
      width = paper$section_width,
      height = paper$section_height,
      filename = filename,
      name = name,
      label = label,
      prefix = prefix,
      postfix = postfix,
      device = device,
      path = path,
      scale = scale,
      dpi = dpi


#' @name make_social_map
#' @rdname make_location_map
#' @inheritParams get_social_image
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
make_social_map <- function(location,
                            dist = NULL,
                            diag_ratio = NULL,
                            unit = NULL,
                            asp = NULL,
                            crs = 3857,
                            image = NULL,
                            platform = NULL,
                            format = NULL,
                            orientation = NULL,
                            basemap = TRUE,
                            geom = "mapbox",
                            save = FALSE,
                            name = NULL,
                            filename = NULL,
                            label = NULL,
                            prefix = NULL,
                            postfix = NULL,
                            path = NULL,
                            filetype = "jpeg",
                            dpi = 72,
                            ...) {
  image_size <-
      image = image,
      platform = platform,
      format = format,
      orientation = orientation

  if (is.null(asp)) {
    asp <- image_size$section_asp

  bbox <-
      x = location,
      dist = dist,
      diag_ratio = diag_ratio,
      unit = unit,
      asp = asp,
      crs = crs

  map_layer <-
      data = bbox,
      geom = geom,

  if (basemap) {
    map_layer <-
      ggplot2::ggplot() +

  if (save && basemap) {
      plot = map_layer,
      width = image_size$section_width,
      height = image_size$section_height,
      filename = filename,
      name = name,
      label = label,
      prefix = prefix,
      postfix = postfix,
      filetype = filetype,
      path = path,
      scale = scale,
      dpi = dpi


#' @name make_image_map
#' @rdname make_location_map
#' @param image_path path to location of images for [make_image_map()]
#' @param image_geom For [make_image_map()], geom to use with layer_markers to
#'   mark the location of images (based on EXIF metadata).
#' @inheritParams layer_markers
#' @export
make_image_map <- function(image_path,
                           location = NULL,
                           dist = NULL,
                           diag_ratio = NULL,
                           unit = NULL,
                           asp = NULL,
                           data = NULL,
                           crs = 3857,
                           paper = "Letter",
                           orientation = NULL,
                           geom = "mapbox",
                           style_url = NULL,
                           basemap = TRUE,
                           bg_layer = NULL,
                           fg_layer = NULL,
                           save = FALSE,
                           name = NULL,
                           label = NULL,
                           prefix = NULL,
                           postfix = NULL,
                           filename = NULL,
                           device = NULL,
                           path = NULL,
                           dpi = 300,
                           image_geom = "label",
                           groupname_col = NULL,
                           group_meta = NULL,
                           number = FALSE,
                           num_by_group = FALSE,
                           num_style = NULL,
                           num_start = 1,
                           suffix = NULL,
                           sort = "dist_xmin_ymax",
                           desc = FALSE,
                           ...) {
  images <-
      path = image_path

  if (is.null(location)) {
    location <-
        dist = dist,
        diag_ratio = diag_ratio,
        unit = unit,
        asp = asp,
        crs = crs

  fg_layer <-
        data = images,
        geom = image_geom,
        crs = crs,
        groupname_col = groupname_col,
        group_meta = group_meta,
        number = number,
        num_by_group = num_by_group,
        num_style = num_style,
        num_start = num_start,
        suffix = suffix,
        sort = sort,
        desc = desc,

    location = location,
    geom = geom,
    bg_layer = bg_layer,
    fg_layer = fg_layer,
    save = save,
    name = name,
    label = label,
    prefix = prefix,
    postfix = postfix,
    filename = filename,
    device = device,
    path = path,
    dpi = dpi,
    style_url = style_url
elipousson/overedge documentation built on Aug. 13, 2022, 7:41 p.m.