  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


Often one has used the same linkage-mapping population to look for QTL for multiple traits, or perform replicate experiments in the same or different environments. This is espeically true for plants, because once a mapping population has been generated it is straightforward to maintain indefinitely as seeds. However, the abundance of QTL models available can make it tricky to plot and interpret the results.

For example, @agren_genetic_2013 generated a mapping population derived from locally adpated lines of Arabidopsis thaliana from sites in Italy and Sweden, and tested them in reciprocal transplant experiments at both source sites over several years. Further work used the same mapping populations to delve into the genetic basis of relevant biolgical functions, such flowering time [@agren_flowering_time], freezing tolerance [@oakley2014qtl], and seed dormancy[@postma_early_2016; @postma_maternal_2015].

With so many traits over multiple years, this means a lot of QTL models to deal with. R/QTL has excellent facilities for fitting QTL models, but plotting tools are basic, and fairly ugly. arghqtl was created to make plotting and handling them easier - specifically cases where you think about how to plot a large QTL experiment and think 'aaaargh'.


This vignette will use data from @agren_genetic_2013 to illustrate how to use arghqtl. @agren_genetic_2013 transplanted ~400 recombinant inbred lines in Autumn of 2009, 2010 and 2011, and quantified QTL survival to reproduction, fecundity (fruit number per adult plant) and overall fitness (fruit number per plant seedling). They mapped QTL for these traits using R/QTL [@Broman2003], and we will begin by importing the qtl objects generated by the stepwiseqtl() function for these data, and the linkage map data used to create them. Here, we only consider data for 2010 and 2011. We will also need data on QTL model fits (the output of fitqtl), which we will also take as given.

data("qtl_models") # qtl models.
data("qtl_fits") # outputs of fitqtl
data("mloc") # linkage map

For each trait there are data for Italy (it) and Sweden (sw) in each year. Each element is a qtl object describing a QTL model.

Fitness in a single year

We will begin by plotting a simple example: QTL for fitness at two sites in 2011; see figure \@ref(fig:fitness-2011) for what we are aiming for. More specifically the aim is to create a plot showing each of the 5 chromosomes, each with two lanes - one for Italy and one for Sweden. To create a QTL plot we first need to define a set of coordinates, onto which further information will be added.

plotQTL objects


pos_plot <- plotQTL(1:5, mloc, nlanes = 2)

pos_plot is a list of different kinds of information about the plot; see ?plotQTL for the full description. The really crucial information is that it describes a set of 5 tracks (chromosomes), each with 2 lanes.


Lanes can be defined by the positions along the x-axis of their edges, and their centres. This is important because we will plot QTL along lane centres, and some kind of divider to separate lanes along their edges. Calling pos_plot$lane_centres shows a table of positions for both lanes on each track.


pos_plot$lane_margins shows the same information for lane margins. There are three margins rather than two, because every lane must be surrounded by a margin on either side.


Setting up the plot

This code creates a blank (base) plot, and adds marker positions.

plotQTL_base(pos_plot, by=20, maxy = 20, track_labels = paste("Chr.", 1:5))

We can add labels using the base R text function, and telling it where the lanes are.

# lane labels
text(pos_plot$lane_centres, 10, c("It", "Sw"))

Adding QTL positions.

To plot a QTL model, use plotQTL_qtl and tell it which lane to plot to. QTL will be plotted to the correct chromosome automatically, along with their 95% Bayesian credible intervals, and the direction of effects. To do this we also need to supply a fitqtl object.

# Plot QTL in Italy
  plotQTL = pos_plot,
  qtl_object = qtl_models$ffit$it2011,
  model_fit = qtl_fits$ffit$it2011,
  lane = 1,
  col = 'red3'
# Plot QTL in Sweden
  plotQTL = pos_plot,
  qtl_object = qtl_models$ffit$sw2011,
  model_fit = qtl_fits$ffit$sw2011,
  lane = 2,
  col = 'blue4'

@agren_genetic_2013 distinguished between 'well-defined' and 'poorly-defined' QTL depending on whether or not their credible intervals were shorter or longer than 1/4 the length of the shortest chromosome (15.2cM). You can supply a threshold length to define poorly-defined QTL using fill_cutoff, which will render poorly defined QTL with open arrows.

  plotQTL = pos_plot,
  qtl_object = qtl_models$ffit$it2011,
  model_fit = qtl_fits$ffit$it2011,
  lane = 1,
  fill_cutoff = 15.2,
  col = 'red3'

Here is the full code to create \@ref(fig:fitness-2011):

par(mar = c(0,3,0,0))

# Plot skeleton
pos_plot <- plotQTL(
  chr = 1:5,
  marker_locations = mloc,
  nlanes = 2,
  left_gap = 2,
  right_gap = 4)

# Plot empty QTL map.
plotQTL_base(pos_plot, by=20, maxy = 20, track_labels = paste("Chr.", 1:5))
plotQTL_ladder(pos_plot, lty=2)
text(pos_plot$lane_centres, 10, c("It", "Sw"))

# Plot QTL in Italy
  plotQTL = pos_plot,
  qtl_object = qtl_models$ffit$it2011,
  lane = 1,
  col = 'red3'
# Plot QTL in Sweden
  plotQTL = pos_plot,
  qtl_object = qtl_models$ffit$sw2011,
  model_fit = qtl_fits$ffit$sw2011,
  lane = 2,
  col = 'blue4'

Colocalisation of QTL

Figure \@ref(fig:fig2) shows a more complicated example. There are three traits, assess in two years at two sites. We can't really know exactly where a QTL 'is', but we can group QTL that map to roughly the same place, as indicate with grey boxes.

Group QTL into clusters

cluster_qtl takes a list of multiple QTL models and their corresponding fitqtl objects, and clusters them into groups. Loci from two QTL models are considered to colocalise if:

  1. Their 95% Bayesian credible intervals overlap, and/or
  2. Maximum-likelihood estimates for QTL positions are within 2cM of each other.

This procedure is rough, and far from ideal, but we lack any better criteria for deciding whether two loci are the same or different [@agren_genetic_2013; @dittmar2014flowering; @oakley2014qtl; @agren_flowering_time]. It will be immeidately obvious that the longer the credible intervals are for a locus, the more likely it is to overlap with something, so we remove QTL with CIs longer than some threshold; as previously mentioned, following we will use 15.2cM.

cluster_ffit <-
  chr = 1:5,
  qtl_list = qtl_models$ffit,
  model_fit_list = qtl_fits$ffit,
  threshold = 15.2

cluster_qtl returns three dataframes. Firstly, cluster_ffit$summary returns information on each cluster identified, and the positions, effect sizes and percentage of exlpained phenotypic variance explained by all constituent loci. Note that mean values are weighted by the LOD score of each constituent QTL. cluster_ffit$full.list shows the details for each constituent QTL and which cluster it belongs to. Finally, boxes summarises upper and lower bounds of each cluster to facilitate plotting.

There is a slight complication for in that we need to exclude Sweden in 2010 from the objects related to survival, because no QTL were identified there:

clusters <- list(
  frut = cluster_qtl(chr=1:5, qtl_models$frut, qtl_fits$frut, 15.2),
  surv = cluster_qtl(chr=1:5, qtl_models$surv[c(1,2,4)], qtl_fits$surv[c(1,2,4)], 15.2),
  ffit = cluster_qtl(chr=1:5, qtl_models$ffit, qtl_fits$ffit, 15.2))

Plot clusters

First create the base plot. We want to plot four lanes for each trait for a total of twelve lanes.

pos_plot <- plotQTL(1:5, mloc, nlanes = 12)
plotQTL_base(pos_plot, by=20, maxy = 20)
text(35, -95, "Chromosome")

The boxes data generated by cluster_qtl show chromosome number, and upper and lower bounds for cluster position. It is straight forward to plot these. We do this first so that they do not obscure lane dividers and QTL.

plotQTL_boxes(pos_plot, clusters$frut$boxes, margins = c(1,5), col='gray75', border='gray50')
plotQTL_boxes(pos_plot, clusters$surv$boxes, margins = c(5,9), col='gray75', border='gray50')
plotQTL_boxes(pos_plot, clusters$ffit$boxes, margins = c(9,13), col='gray75', border='gray50')

Custom labels

Lane dividers can be customised based on lane position. Calling plotQTL_ladder but setting lty=0 plot marker positions, but leaves lane dividers blank. You can call the base R function segments to plot lane dividers independently. In this case, dashed lines are drawn between each lane, and traits are separated by solid line. Notice that no line is plotted on the left most margin (the -1 index to pos_plot$lane_margins), because we have already added marker positions.

plotQTL_ladder(pos_plot, lty=0)

# Lanes dividers
segments(pos_plot$lane_margins[-1,], 0,
         pos_plot$lane_margins[-1,], rep(-pos_plot$track_lengths, each=pos_plot$nlanes),
         lty=c(2,2,2,1), col=c('gray50','gray50','gray50',1))

QTL models follow a hierarchy of year within site within trait. We can add custom lane labels to reflect that by specifying where we would like things plotted. Notice that these examples specify either the centres of lanes or the lane margins, dependning where things need centering.

# Trait labels
text(pos_plot$lane_margins[c(3,7,11),], 15, c("Fruits\nper plant", "Survival", "Fruits\nper seedling"),
     col=1, cex=0.6, srt=-90, adj=c(0.5,0.5))
# Site labels
text(pos_plot$lane_margins[seq(2,13,2),], 6, c("IT", "SW"),
     cex=0.6, adj=c(0.5,0.5), srt=0, col=c('red3','blue4'))
# Year labels
text(pos_plot$lane_centres, 2, c("10", "11"),
     cex=0.5, adj=c(0.5,0.5), srt=0, col='gray30')

Plot multiple QTL objects

There are twelve QTL models to plot, and it would be confusing to copy-paste the command for plotQTL_qtl each time. Instead, you can just use the same call multiple times with a loop. Of course, it would be even better to loop over traits, but in this example this is difficult because of the Null QTL object for survival in Sweden in 2010.

for (i in 1:4) {
    fill_cutoff = 15.2,
    lane = i,
    col = colvec[i]
for (i in 1:4) {
    fill_cutoff = 15.2,
    lane = i + 4,
    col = colvec[i]
for (i in 1:4) {
    fill_cutoff = 15.2,
    lane = i+8,
    col = colvec[i]

Full plot code

Here is the full code to create figure \@ref(fig:fig2).

pos_plot <- plotQTL(1:5, mloc, nlanes = 12)
plotQTL_base(pos_plot, by=20, maxy = 20)
text(35, -95, "Chromosome")

# Plot boxes
plotQTL_boxes(pos_plot, clusters$frut$boxes, margins = c(1,5), col='gray75', border='gray50')
plotQTL_boxes(pos_plot, clusters$surv$boxes, margins = c(5,9), col='gray75', border='gray50')
plotQTL_boxes(pos_plot, clusters$ffit$boxes, margins = c(9,13), col='gray75', border='gray50')

# Lanes dividers
segments(pos_plot$lane_margins[-1,], 0,
         pos_plot$lane_margins[-1,], rep(-pos_plot$track_lengths, each=pos_plot$nlanes),
         lty=c(2,2,2,1), col=c('gray50','gray50','gray50',1))
plotQTL_ladder(pos_plot, lty=0)

# Trait labels
text(pos_plot$lane_margins[c(3,7,11),], 15, c("Fruits\nper plant", "Survival", "Fruits\nper seedling"),
     col=1, cex=0.6, srt=-90, adj=c(0.5,0.5))
# Site labels
text(pos_plot$lane_margins[seq(2,13,2),], 6, c("IT", "SW"),
     cex=0.6, adj=c(0.5,0.5), srt=0, col=c('red3','blue4'))
# Year labels
text(pos_plot$lane_centres, 2, c("10", "11"),
     cex=0.5, adj=c(0.5,0.5), srt=0, col='gray30')

colvec = c("red3", "red3", "blue4", "blue4")
for (i in 1:4) {
    fill_cutoff = 15.2,
    lane = i,
    col = colvec[i]
for (i in 1:4) {
    fill_cutoff = 15.2,
    lane = i + 4,
    col = colvec[i]
for (i in 1:4) {
    fill_cutoff = 15.2,
    lane = i+8,
    col = colvec[i]

Literature cited

ellisztamas/arghqtl documentation built on March 18, 2021, 9:44 p.m.