
#' Simulate Lotka-Volterra population dynamics and get summary stats
#' Read in a matrix and population file, simulate discrete-time
#' population dynamics with perturbed growth rates, and calculate
#' species importance, variability, and degree. Note that this function
#' is used internally, and many parameters (simtime, perturbation size)
#' are hardcoded. Use discreteLV_C() for your own simulations or
#' Step2_Discrete_LV() to replicate simulations from Wootton et al.
#' @param matname path to parameterized network to be simulated
#' @param popname path to vector of equilibrium abundances for the network
#' @param immname path to vector of immigration rates for species in the network
#' @param simtime number of time steps to simulate
#' @param deltat step size for simulation (smaller value will allow the model to
#' more closely approximate a continuous-time Lotka-Volterra)
#' @return a data frame containing Jaccard distance, perturbation importance,
#' mean abundance, standard deviation of abundance over the simulation, and
#' network degree for each species in the network.
#' @export

OneRun <- function(matname, popname, immname, simtime = 1000, deltat = .001){
    ## hardcoded jaccard simtime and burn-in
    jaccardSimtime <- 500
    if(simtime > 300){
        burnIn <- 300
    } else {
      burnIn <- 0

    ##matrix of alphas
    ## read in, if applicable
        mat <- as.matrix(read.table(matname, header = FALSE))
    } else {
        mat <- as.matrix(matname)
    S <- dim(mat)[1]
    mat <- t(mat) ##to make it consistent with how we're simulating it

    ##immigration vector
    ##read in, if applicable
        imm <- as.vector(as.matrix(read.table(immname, header = FALSE)))
    } else {
        imm <- as.vector(as.matrix(immname))

    ##equilibrium ns
    ##read in, if applicable
        nstars <- as.vector(as.matrix(read.table(popname, header = FALSE)))
    } else {
        nstars <- as.vector(as.matrix(popname))

    ## back-calculate r0s based on equilibrium ns and immigration rates
    ## r0s <- (-mat) %*% nstars
    r0s <- (-mat) %*% nstars - (imm/nstars)

    rmat <- matrix(r0s, S, simtime)
    ##add external forcing
    rmat <- rmat + matrix(rnorm(S*simtime, mean = 0, sd = .01), S, simtime)

    ## This is the workhorse of the function.
    ## It actually carries out the simulation.
    ## ns <- discreteLV_C(rmat, mat, nstars, imm, deltat, simtime)
    ns <- discreteLV(rmat = rmat,
                     alphas = mat,
                     n0s = nstars,
                     Is = imm,
                     deltat = deltat,
                     simtime = simtime)

    extinctionthreshold <- 10e-06
    nfinals <- ns[,dim(ns)[2]]
    nfinals[nfinals < extinctionthreshold] <- 0

    ##average abundance for simulation
    mus <- apply(ns[,(simtime/2):simtime], 1, mean)
    ##standard deviation for simulation
    sigmas <- apply(ns[,(simtime/2):simtime], 1, sd)

    ##remove each species to calculate effect on community
    jaccardvals <- rep(0, S)
    ##external forcing for jaccard distance calculation
    rmat2 <- matrix(r0s, S, jaccardSimtime) +
        matrix(rnorm(S*jaccardSimtime, mean = 0, sd = .01), S, jaccardSimtime)
    for(i in 1:S){
        ## remove a species from all of the r/n/alpha/imm data so that it
        ## goes globally extinct, for jaccard calculations
        rmat2Tmp <- rmat2[-i,]
        matTmp <- mat[-i,-i]
        nstarsTmp <- nstars[-i]
        immTmp <- imm[-i]

        ## rmNs <- discreteLV_C(rmat2Tmp, matTmp, nstarsTmp, immTmp, deltat, jaccardSimtime)
        rmNs <- discreteLV(rmat = rmat2Tmp,
                           alphas = matTmp,
                           n0s = nstarsTmp,
                           Is = immTmp,
                           deltat = deltat,
                           simtime = jaccardSimtime)
        rmNs[rmNs < extinctionthreshold] <- 0
        rmMus <- apply(rmNs[,burnIn:jaccardSimtime], 1, mean)

        ##calculate Jaccard distance
        ## we don't need to re-include the removed species
        ## since it won't contribute to the Jaccard distance
        tmpmu <- mus[-i]
        ## tmpmu[i] <- 0
        jaccardvals[i] <- jaccard(tmpmu, rmMus)

    ##calculate degree
    adj <- (mat > 0)*1
    degs <- rowSums(adj) + colSums(adj)

    ##calculate press perturbation importance
    ## matinv <- solve(diag(nstars, S, S)%*%mat)
    matinv <- solve(diag(imm/(nstars^2)) - mat)
    presspert <- colSums(abs(matinv))

    outdata <- data.frame(Jaccard = jaccardvals,
                          Perturbation = presspert,
                          Mean = mus,
                          Sigma = sigmas,
                          Degree = degs)

elsander/PredictImportance documentation built on May 5, 2019, 3:49 a.m.