STFT-GPR-method: Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT)

STFT,GPR-methodR Documentation

Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT)


The STFT can be seen as a sliding window that takes at each sample-window a Fast-Fourier Transform of the windowed signal.


## S4 method for signature 'GPR'
STFT(x, w)


DFT with N = 128: The time domain signal is Contained in the array: x[1] to x[128]. The frequency domain signals are contained in the two arrays: ReX[1] to ReX[65], and to ImX[1] to ImX[65]. Notice that 128 points in the time domain corresponds to 65 points in each of the frequency domain signals. That is, N points in the time domain corresponds to points in the N/2 + 1 frequency domain (not N/2 points). Forgetting about this extra point is a common bug in DFT programs. ReX[1] holds the average value of all the points. ImX[1] is equal to zero. In R, the fft returns: c(ReX[1:(N/2 + 1)], ImX[(N/2 + 1):2]) (??)

emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 6:13 a.m.