reverse: Reverse the trace position.

reverseR Documentation

Reverse the trace position.


Reverse the trace position.

Reverse the trace position.


## S4 method for signature 'GPR'
reverse(x, id = NULL, tol = 0.3)

## S4 method for signature 'GPRsurvey'
reverse(x, id = NULL, tol = 0.3)



Object of the class GPR or GPRsurvey


Only if x is an object of the class GPRsurvey. If id = NULL and x has coordinates, reverse() will cluster the GPR data according to their names (e.g., cluster 1 = XLINE01, XLINE02, XLINE03; cluster 2 = YLINE01, YLINE02; cluster 3 = XYLINE1, XYLINE2, XYLINE3) and reverse the data such that all GPR lines within the same cluster have the same orientation (up to a tolerance value tol).


Length-one numeric vector. Tolerance angle in radian to determine if the data have the same orientation. The first data of the cluster is set as reference angle \alpha_0, then for data i in the same cluster, if \alpha_i is not between \alpha_0 - \frac{tol}{2} and \alpha_0 + \frac{tol}{2}, then the data is reversed.


## Not run: 
# SU class GPRsurvey
SU <- reverse(SU, id = "zigzag")
# identical to above
SU <- reverse(SU, id = seq(from = 2, to = length(SU), by = 2))

## End(Not run)

emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 6:13 a.m.