rmBackground: Remove background

rmBackgroundR Documentation

Remove background


rmBackground is a generic function used to produce results defined by an user function. The user function is applied accross traces (horizontal) using a moving window. Note that if the moving window length is not defined, all traces are averaged into one single trace (the results is similar to apply(x, 1, FUN, ...). rmBackground is a wrapper for x - traceStat(...)


## S4 method for signature 'GPR'
rmBackground(x, w = NULL, FUN = mean, ..., track = TRUE)



An object of the class GPR


A length-one integer vector equal to the window length of the average window. If w = NULL a single trace corresponding to the average trace of the whole profile is returned.


A function to compute the average (default is mean)


Additional parameters for the FUN functions


An object of the class GPR. When w = NULL, this function returns a GPR object with a single trace corresponding to the average trace of the whole radargram. When w is equal to a strictly positive interger this function returns a GPR object with a size identical to x where each trace corresponds to the average of the w neighbouring traces centered on the considered trace.



f0 <- frenkeLine00

# substract the average trace
f1 <- rmBackground(f0)

f2 <- rmBackground(f0, w = 20)

f3 <- rmBackground(f0, w = 20, FUN = median)

emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 6:13 a.m.