timeCorOffset: Constant-offset correction (time) of the GPR data

timeCorOffsetR Documentation

Constant-offset correction (time) of the GPR data


timeCorOffset applies a time correction to every traces to compensate the offset between transmitter and receiver antennae (it converts the trace time of the data acquired with a bistatic antenna system into trace time data virtually acquiered with a monostatic system under the assumption of horizontally layered structure). If all the traces have the same time-zero, this function does not change the trace but only the time (time scale). If the traces have different time-zero, the traces are first aligned to have the same time-zero (spline interpolation)


## S4 method for signature 'GPR'
timeCorOffset(x, t0 = NULL, track = TRUE)



[GPR class] An object of the class GPR


[DEPRECATED] DEPRECATED - NO MORE USED. Instead, set time-zero with either time0(x) <- ... or x <- setTime0(x, ...).


Modified slots

  • data: trace shifted to time-zeor. The number of rows of data may be smaller.

  • time0: set to 0.

  • depth: adapted to a virtual monostatic system. FIXME: not regularly spaced!

  • antsep: set to 0.

  • proc: updated with function name and arguments.


[GPR class] An object of the class GPR

See Also

time0 to set time zero and firstBreakToTime0 to convert the first wave break into time zero.

emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 6:13 a.m.