upsample: Up-sample the GPR data (1D and 2D sinc-interpolation)

upsampleR Documentation

Up-sample the GPR data (1D and 2D sinc-interpolation)


When upsampling is performed on a GPR data, it produces an approximation of the data that would have been collected by sampling them at a higher rate in time/depth domain and/or in spatial domain (trace sampling).


## S4 method for signature 'GPR'
upsample(x, n)



[GPR class]


[integer(1|2)] Two positive integer values. The GPR data are upsampled in the time/depth domain by a factor of n[1] and in the spatial domain (trace sampling) by a factor of n[2]. If only one value is passed, then n[2] <- n[1].

emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 6:13 a.m.