Man pages for emilelatour/lamisc
Latour's Little Helpers

admissionsAdmission into graduate school
all_dupesFind all duplicate rows
apply_data_labelsSet variable labels
as_numeric_factorConvert a factor to integer/numeric without loss of...
autoAuto data set
backMove selected columns to front and back
blank_to_naReplaces blank-ish elements of a factor or character vector...
calc_2x2_res_tableCalculate agreement statistics for a 2 x 2 table
calc_date_diffCalculate difference between two dates
calc_modeMode - most frequent value of a variable
calc_normal_testsTests of normality
calc_obs_agreeCalculate observed agreement and confidence interval
calc_odds_ratioA simple function to calculate an odds ratio and the...
calc_pw_kappaCalculate pairwiese agreement statistics for multiple raters
calc_sig_indReturns the significance codes the R shows in regression...
calc_summ_statsTitle Calculate summary / descriptive statistics
calc_surv_p_tableCalculate time-to-event estimates
calc_surv_tableCalculate time-to-event estimates
calc_tabylMake a tabyl with totals and formatting
calc_ttestCalculate a t-test and summary statistics
calc_ttest_1Internal function - one-sample t-test used in public function...
calc_ttest_2Internal function - two-sample t-test used in public function...
calc_vifVariance inflation factor (VIF)
convert_all_char_to_fctrConverts all character vectors to factors
corandcovProvides the Variance-covariance parameters estimates
count_charsCharacter counting helper
count_countCount and percentages
count_disCount distinct/unique rows
count_duplicatesCount the number of duplicate rows in a data frame
counts_to_casesConvert from a table or data frame of counts to data frame of...
create_proj_foldersCreate folder with structure for analysis
debug_contrast_errorDebug "contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or...
decimate_timeConvert time to decimals
detach_all_packagesDetach all currently loaded packages
dot-calc_survHelper function for 'calc_cuminc_df'
dot-NUse 'Rmpfr' to use mpfr-number instead of a simple number to...
drop_fct_lvlsDrop factor levels and filter the data the same time
drop_lvls2Drop factor levels and filter the data the same time
extract_df_from_listTake a list of data frames and write them to individual data...
factor_to_numericConvert a factor to integer/numeric
fenceLimit values to a minimum and maximum
find_funcIdentifying the package of a function
fixitableFix-it table.
fix_messy_datesConsistent formatting of a column of dates
flex_printflextable wrapper
fmt_numNumber formatters
fmt_pvlp-values formatter
get_fct_lvlsGet factor levels for a variable. Unique ones only or all of...
get_unique_col_valsExtract the unique, non-duplicate values in a column
ggladderLadder-of-powers histograms
ggpreviewPreview a file that would be created by ggsave()
glWrapper to get a glimpse of your data
grapes-not_in-grapesNot in
gt_printgt wrapper
hsb_sampleSample of the High School and Beyond data set
hushSometimes you just need a little peace and quiet.
index_funcCount the occurence of a value in a vector.
index_func_dfGet the occurence of duplicate combinations of variables in a...
interpret_kappaInterpretation of kappa statistic
interpret_orHelp with interpreting odds ratios
interpret_or2Help with interpreting odds ratios (using 2x2 table values)
inv_logitInverse logit function
ir_calcCalculate confidence interval for crude incidence rate
k_alphaCalculate Fleiss' kappa and Krippendorff's alpha
k_printKable print wrapper
ladderLadder of powers
lamisclamisc: Miscellaneous helper functions
lamisc-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'lamisc'.
leftReturn text to the left and the right of a string
length2Length that can handle NAs
len_uniqNumber of unique values
lincomrCalculate a linear combination from regression results.
make_concordance_dfMake a table of concordance for multi-rater kappa
make_cuminc_dfCalculate data frame of cumulative incidence.
make_histosInternal function - Make the histograms
make_tableMore consistent version of base::table()
max_padPad a string with the maximum width
multi_joinMerge a list of datasets together
my_sampleCounting, combinations, and permutations
na_preprocessingNA preprocessing
num_extractExtraction of numbers from a character string
pctr-deprecatedFormat proportion (0 < p < 1) to a percent (0 < pct < 100)
peep_datPeep at your data
pipePipe operator
print_2x2_kable_tablePrint a 2x2 table with kable
print_pipePrint result of a pipe
proc_freqA "PROC FREQ" for R
properCapitalize the first letter (option: in each word)
pvalr-deprecatedA function for formatting p-values
qqladderLadder-of-powers quantile-normal plots
rank_in_groupCreate a rank variable by group in a data frame
read_excel_allsheetsRead in all sheets in an excel spreadsheet.
read_excel_all_sheetsRead in all the sheets at once from an excel file
read_listRead a lot of datasets at once with R
read_then_csvCSV caching and iterating over sheets
repeat_lastA "Last Observation Carried Forward" function
roundr-deprecatedA rounding function with option to return character
rquery_cormatCorrelation matrix
safe_ifelsePreserves class when using ifelse
set_lib_pathsSet your R library paths where you want when you want
skewnessInternal function - calculates the skewness of a variable
sktestSkewness and kurtosis tests for normality
square_tableForce a square version of base::table()
str_split_2strsplit 2.0 by Jakob Gepp
st_sumSummarize survival-time data
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
vlookupLookup and retrieve data from a specific column in table
write_multi_tabbed_xlsxEasily Make Multi-tabbed .xlsx Files with openxlsx
emilelatour/lamisc documentation built on May 20, 2024, 2:42 a.m.