
Defines functions out_format `%n%` pandoc_to kable_format k_print

Documented in k_print

#' @title
#' Kable print wrapper
#' @description
#' A wrapper function for `knitr::kable` and `kableExtra` package.
#' @param x An R object, typically a matrix or data frame.
#' @param format A character string. Possible values are latex, html, markdown,
#'   pandoc, and rst; this will be automatically determined if the function is
#'   called within knitr; it can also be set in the global option
#'   knitr.table.format. If format is a function, it must return a character
#'   string.
#' @param col_names A character vector of column names to be used in the table.
#' @param bootstrap_options A character vector for bootstrap table options.
#'   Please see package vignette or visit the w3schools' Bootstrap Page for more
#'   information. Possible options include basic, striped, bordered, hover,
#'   condensed and responsive.
#' @param escape Boolean; whether to escape special characters when producing
#'   HTML or LaTeX tables. When escape = FALSE, you have to make sure that
#'   special characters will not trigger syntax errors in LaTeX or HTML.
#' @param align Column alignment: a character vector consisting of 'l' (left),
#'   'c' (center) and/or 'r' (right). By default or if align = NULL, numeric
#'   columns are right-aligned, and other columns are left-aligned. If
#'   length(align) == 1L, the string will be expanded to a vector of individual
#'   letters, e.g. 'clc' becomes c('c', 'l', 'c'), unless the output format is
#'   LaTeX.
#' @param long_table Boolean; Whether to break a table across multiple pages or
#'   not.
#' @param latex_options A character vector for LaTeX table options. Please see
#'   package vignette for more information. Possible options include basic,
#'   striped, hold_position, HOLD_position, scale_down & repeat_header. striped
#'   will add alternative row colors to the table. It will imports LaTeX package
#'   xcolor if enabled. hold_position will "hold" the floating table to the
#'   exact position. It is useful when the LaTeX table is contained in a table
#'   environment after you specified captions in `kable()`. It will force the
#'   table to stay in the position where it was created in the document. A
#'   stronger version: HOLD_position requires the float package and specifies.
#'   scale_down is useful for super wide table. It will automatically
#'   adjust the table to page width. repeat_header in only meaningful in a
#'   longtable environment. It will let the header row repeat on every page in
#'   that long table.
#' @param caption The table caption.
#' @param cols A numeric value or vector indicating which column(s) to be selected.
#' @param widths A character string telling HTML & LaTeX how wide the column
#'   needs to be, e.g. "10cm", "3in" or "30em".
#' @param bootstrap_options A character vector for bootstrap table options.
#'   Please see package vignette or visit the w3schools' Bootstrap Page for more
#'   information. Possible options include basic, striped, bordered, hover,
#'   condensed, responsive and none.
#' @param latex_options A character vector for LaTeX table options. Please see
#'   package vignette for more information. Possible options include basic,
#'   striped, hold_position, HOLD_position, scale_down & repeat_header. striped
#'   will add alternative row colors to the table. It will imports LaTeX package
#'   xcolor if enabled. hold_position will "hold" the floating table to the
#'   exact position. It is useful when the LaTeX table is contained in a table
#'   environment after you specified captions in kable(). It will force the
#'   table to stay in the position where it was created in the document. A
#'   stronger version: HOLD_position requires the float package and specifies
#'   (H). scale_down is useful for super wide table. It will automatically
#'   adjust the table to page width. repeat_header in only meaningful in a
#'   longtable environment. It will let the header row repeat on every page in
#'   that long table.
#' @param full_width A TRUE or FALSE variable controlling whether the HTML table
#'   should have 100\ the preferable format for full_width. If not specified, a
#'   HTML table will have full width by default but this option will be set to
#'   FALSE for a LaTeX table
#' @param position A character string determining how to position the table on a
#'   page. Possible values include left, center, right, float_left and
#'   float_right. Please see the package doc site for demonstrations. For a
#'   LaTeX table, if float_* is selected, LaTeX package wrapfig will be
#'   imported.
#' @param font_size A numeric input for table font size
#' @param row_label_position A character string determining the justification of
#'   the row labels in a table. Possible values inclued l for left, c for
#'   center, and r for right. The default value is l for left justifcation.
#' @param repeat_header_text LaTeX option. A text string you want to append on
#'   or replace the caption.
#' @param repeat_header_method LaTeX option, can either be append(default) or
#'   replace
#' @param repeat_header_continued T/F or a text string. Whether or not to put a
#'   continued mark on the second page of longtable. If you put in text, we will
#'   use this text as the "continued" mark.
#' @param stripe_color LaTeX option allowing users to pick a different color for
#'   their strip lines. This option is not available in HTML
#' @param stripe_index LaTeX option allowing users to customize which rows
#'   should have stripe color.
#' @param latex_table_env LaTeX option. A character string to define customized
#'   table environment such as tabu or tabularx.You shouldn't expect all
#'   features could be supported in self-defined environments.
#' @param protect_latex If TRUE, LaTeX code embedded between dollar signs will
#'   be protected from HTML escaping.
#' @param table.envir LaTeX floating table environment. kable_style will put a
#'   plain no-caption table in a table environment in order to center the table.
#'   You can specify this option to things like table* or float* based on your
#'   need.
#' @param fixed_thead HTML table option so table header row is fixed at top.
#'   Values can be either T/F or list(enabled = T/F, background = "anycolor").
#' @param htmltable_class Options to use the in-house lightable themes. Choices
#'   include lightable-minimal, lightable-classic, lightable-classic-2,
#'   lightable-material, lightable-striped and lightable-hover. If you have your
#'   customized style sheet loaded which defines your own table class, you can
#'   also load it here.
#' @param html_font A string for HTML css font. For example, html_font = '"Arial
#'   Narrow", arial, helvetica, sans-serif'.
#' @param wraptable_width Width of the wraptable area if you specify
#'   "float_left/right" for latex table. Default is "0pt" for automated
#'   determination but you may specify it manually.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to knitr::kable (see Examples and
#'   References).
#' @importFrom knitr opts_knit
#' @importFrom knitr is_latex_output
#' @importFrom knitr kable
#' @importFrom kableExtra kable_styling
#' @importFrom kableExtra column_spec
#' @return
#' A character vector of the table source code.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' k_print(x = head(iris),
#'         align = c("c", "c", "c", "c", "r"),
#'         format = "html",
#'         cols = c(2, 3, 4),
#'         widths = c("10em", "20em", "10em"))
#'         }

k_print <- function(x,
                    col_names = NA,
                    full_width = FALSE,
                    bootstrap_options = c("striped"),
                    escape = TRUE,
                    align = NULL,
                    long_table = FALSE,
                    latex_options = "basic",
                    caption = NULL,
                    cols = NULL,
                    widths = NULL,
                    position = "center",
                    font_size = NULL,
                    row_label_position = "l",
                    repeat_header_text = "\\textit{(continued)}",
                    repeat_header_method = c("append", "replace"),
                    repeat_header_continued = FALSE,
                    stripe_color = "gray!6",
                    stripe_index = NULL,
                    latex_table_env = NULL,
                    protect_latex = TRUE,
                    table.envir = "table",
                    fixed_thead = FALSE,
                    htmltable_class = NULL,
                    html_font = NULL,
                    wraptable_width = "0pt",...) {

  format = kable_format(format)

  k_tab <- knitr::kable(x,
                        format = format,
                        col.names = col_names,
                        booktabs = TRUE,
                        escape = escape,
                        align = align,
                        longtable = long_table,
                        caption = caption,

  k_tab <- kableExtra::kable_styling(kable_input = k_tab,
                                     full_width = full_width,
                                     bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options,
                                     latex_options = latex_options,
                                     position = position,
                                     font_size = font_size,
                                     row_label_position = row_label_position,
                                     repeat_header_text = repeat_header_text,
                                     repeat_header_method = repeat_header_method,
                                     repeat_header_continued = repeat_header_continued,
                                     stripe_color = stripe_color,
                                     stripe_index = stripe_index,
                                     latex_table_env = latex_table_env,
                                     protect_latex = protect_latex,
                                     table.envir = table.envir,
                                     fixed_thead = fixed_thead,
                                     htmltable_class = htmltable_class,
                                     html_font = html_font,
                                     wraptable_width = wraptable_width)

  if (length(widths) > 0 & length(widths) != length(cols)) {
    stop("'cols' and 'widths' must be the same length.")

  if (length(widths) > 0) {

    for (i in 1:length(cols)) {
      k_tab <- kableExtra::column_spec(kable_input = k_tab,
                                       column = cols[i],
                                       width = widths[i])



#### Taken from knitr package --------------------------------

# https://github.com/yihui/knitr/blob/cf213e48eb47b84bb82950d134c564a1e537586d/R/table.R

# determine the table format
kable_format = function(format = NULL) {
  if (missing(format) || is.null(format)) format = getOption('knitr.table.format')
  if (is.null(format)) format = if (is.null(pandoc_to())) switch(
    out_format() %n% 'markdown',
    latex = 'latex', listings = 'latex', sweave = 'latex',
    html = 'html', markdown = 'pipe', rst = 'rst',
    stop('table format not implemented yet!')
  ) else if (isTRUE(knitr::opts_knit$get('kable.force.latex')) && knitr::is_latex_output()) {
    # force LaTeX table because Pandoc's longtable may not work well with floats
    # http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/276699/9128
  } else 'pipe'
  if (is.function(format)) format = format()
  # backward compatibility with knitr <= v1.28
  switch(format, pandoc = 'simple', markdown = 'pipe', format)

# https://github.com/yihui/knitr/blob/0e717be80cd29c99ffb65bd0b36de7269e9bd069/R/utils.R

# rmarkdown sets an option for the Pandoc output format from markdown
pandoc_to = function(x) {
  fmt = knitr::opts_knit$get('rmarkdown.pandoc.to')
  if (missing(x)) fmt else !is.null(fmt) && (fmt %in% x)

# if LHS is NULL, return the RHS
`%n%` = function(x, y) if (is.null(x)) y else x

# return the output format, or if current format is in specified formats
out_format = function(x) {
  fmt = knitr::opts_knit$get('out.format')
  if (missing(x)) fmt else !is.null(fmt) && (fmt %in% x)
emilelatour/lamisc documentation built on May 20, 2024, 2:42 a.m.