# This is a description of the testsmsim package, it motivations and some results
# it has generated so far
# location: vignettes/testmsim-paper.Rmd

# Libraries needed to compile this document
libs <- c("knitr", "devtools")
lapply(libs, library, character.only = T)

# Installing the testmsim R library (uncomment to install latest version)
# install_github("robinlovelace/testmsim")


'Spatial microsimulation' is a term that has become associated with methods of synthesising and analyzing multi-level data: individuals (typically humans, households, firms or ...) allocated to geographical space, typically administrative zones. In the terminology of the spatial microsimulation literature, this type of individual-level data allocated to zones is called 'spatial microdata' [@ref1; @ref2]. Spatial microdata is usually stored as a long 2 dimensional table resembling the general structure illustrated in Table 1. Note that the data could equally be stored as a list type, with each zone represented by a separate list object. However, for analysis purposes, the 'long data format presented in Table 1 is generally preferable as it is 'tidy' [@tidy-data].

df1 <- read.csv(textConnection("ID,V1,V2,V...,Vn,Zone
T,,,,,Zm"), )
df1[2:5] <- " "
kable(df1, row.names = F)

|ID |V1 |V2 |V... |Vn |Zone | |:--|:--|:--|:----|:--|:----| |1 | | | | |1 | |2 | | | | |1 | |3 | | | | |1 | |… | | | | |… | |… | | | | |2 | |… | | | | |2 | |… | | | | |… | |T | | | | |Zm |

There is an ongoing debate about whether the term 'spatial microsimulation' should be used to describe the process of generating such spatial microdata [ref] or an approach to investigating multi-level problems that uses spatial microdata as its foundation [ref]. the process of generating



The methods presented in this paper are threefold:

  1. Code (saved in functions) and test data for generating spatial microdata from aggregate and individual-level data using a variety of techniques.
  2. A collection of test functions for internal validation of microsimulation models.
  3. A collection of methods for the external validation of these models.

The first set of functions consists of 13 test. We classify these test into two categories: a) tests comparing design survey weights with estimated new weights; and b) tests comparing small area census data with the marginal sums of the resulting synthetic population.

Methods of population synthesis



# I think we should just start with these two. We can add more later (RL)

Weight based tests

Weights Distance

Computes the distance between sample design weights and estimated new weights.

$ D_i = \sum_j^m |w_j - d_j| $

Total Chi-squared distance

Computes the Chi-squared distance between sample design weights and estimated new weights.

$ Chi_i = \sum_j^m \frac{\left( w_j \times d_j\right)^2 }{2d_j} $

Mean Chi-squared distance

Computes the mean Chi-squared distance between sample design weights and estimated new weights.

$ \theta Chi_i = \sum_j^m \frac{\left(w_j \times d_j\right)^2 }{2d_j} \div m $

Total absolute distance (TAD)

Computes the total absolute distance between sample design weights and estimated new weights.

$ TAD = \sum_i^n \left|\sum_j^m w_{i,j} - pop_i\right| $

Error in Margin (EM)

Computes the ration between estimated and known number of individuals or households.

$ EM_i = \frac{\sum w_j - pop_i}{pop_i} $

Error in Distribution (ED)

Computes the ration between absolute sum of residuals (estimated - known) and the actual population size.

$ ED_i = \frac{|\sum w_j - pop_i|}{pop_i} $

Marginal sums based tests

Total absolute error (TAE)

Computes the total absolute error as the sum of the absolute difference between observed marginal sums and simulated marginal sums.

$TAE = \sum_i^n |Tx - \hat{t}x|$

Standardized absolute error (SAE)

Divides the \code{\link{getTAE}} by the know population size.

$ SAE = \sum_i^n |Tx - \hat{t}x| \div pop_i $

Percentage error (PSAE)

Divides the \code{\link{getSAE}} by the known population size.

$ PAE = \sum_i^n |Tx - \hat{t}x| \div pop_i \times 100 $


The Z-statistic aims to describe the performance of the individual characteristics of the population used as constrains in the simulation.

$$ r = \frac{\hat{t}x}{\sum Tx} p = \frac{Tx}{\sum Tx} Z = \frac{r-p}{\sqrt{p\times\left(1-p\right)\div\sum Tx}} $$

Correlation Coefficient (Pearson Correlation)

test for correlations between simulated and expected marginal totals. This functions implements the \code{\link[stats]{cor}} function for the estimation of the Pearson correlation coefficient.

pearson <- cor(cbind(Tx, hTx), use="complete.obs", method="pearson")

Independent samples t-Test

performs a t-test to compare expected proportions between simulated and observed marginal totals. This function implements the available t.test function in R.

Coefficient of determination

Compute the r-squared coefficient of determination between simulated and observed marginal totals. This function implements the function lm in R to estimate the r-squared coefficient.



emunozh/testmsim documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:11 a.m.