
#' Best subset feature selection
#' @description Evaluate all combinations of predictors during model training
#' @param predictors see \code{\link{train}}
#' @param response see \code{\link{train}}
#' @param method see \code{\link{train}}
#' @param metric see \code{\link{train}}
#' @param maximize see \code{\link{train}}
#' @param globalval Logical. Should models be evaluated based on 'global' performance? See \code{\link{global_validation}}
#' @param trControl see \code{\link{train}}
#' @param tuneLength see \code{\link{train}}
#' @param tuneGrid see \code{\link{train}}
#' @param seed A random number
#' @param verbose Logical. Should information about the progress be printed?
#' @param ... arguments passed to the classification or regression routine
#' (such as randomForest).
#' @return A list of class train. Beside of the usual train content
#' the object contains the vector "selectedvars" and "selectedvars_perf"
#' that give the best variables selected as well as their corresponding
#' performance. It also contains "perf_all" that gives the performance of all model runs.
#' @details bss is an alternative to \code{\link{ffs}} and ideal if the training
#' set is small. Models are iteratively fitted using all different combinations
#' of predictor variables. Hence, 2^X models are calculated. Don't try running bss
#' on very large datasets because the computation time is much higher compared to
#' \code{\link{ffs}}.
#' The internal cross validation can be run in parallel. See information
#' on parallel processing of carets train functions for details.
#' @note This variable selection is particularly suitable for spatial
#' cross validations where variable selection
#' MUST be based on the performance of the model for predicting new spatial units.
#' Note that bss is very slow since all combinations of variables are tested.
#' A more time efficient alternative is the forward feature selection (\code{\link{ffs}}).
#' @author Hanna Meyer
#' @seealso \code{\link{train}},\code{\link{ffs}},
#' \code{\link{trainControl}},\code{\link{CreateSpacetimeFolds}},
#' \code{\link{nndm}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(iris)
#' bssmodel <- bss(iris[,1:4],iris$Species)
#' bssmodel$perf_all
#' plot(bssmodel)
#' }
#' @export bss
#' @aliases bss

bss <- function (predictors,
                 method = "rf",
                 metric = ifelse(is.factor(response), "Accuracy", "RMSE"),
                 maximize = ifelse(metric == "RMSE", FALSE, TRUE),
                 trControl = caret::trainControl(),
                 tuneLength = 3,
                 tuneGrid = NULL,
                 seed = 100,
  trControl$returnResamp <- "final"
  trControl$savePredictions <- "final"
    response <- factor(response)
      metric <- "Accuracy"
      maximize <- TRUE
  se <- function(x){sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)/sqrt(length(na.exclude(x)))}
  n <- length(names(predictors))
  if(maximize) evalfunc <- function(x){max(x,na.rm=T)}
  if(!maximize) evalfunc <- function(x){min(x,na.rm=T)}
  isBetter <- function (actmodelperf,bestmodelperf,maximization=maximize){
    result <- ifelse (!maximization, actmodelperf < bestmodelperf,
                      actmodelperf > bestmodelperf)
  testgrid <- expand.grid(lapply(seq_along(names(predictors)), c, 0))
  testgrid <- testgrid[-which(rowSums(testgrid==0)>=(length(names(predictors))-1)),]
  acc <- 0
  perf_all <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=length(predictors)+3,nrow=nrow(testgrid)))
  names(perf_all) <- c(paste0("var",1:length(predictors)),metric,"SE","nvar")
  for (i in 1:nrow(testgrid)){
    model <- caret::train(predictors[,unlist(testgrid[i,])],

    if (globalval){
      perf_stats <- global_validation(model)[names(global_validation(model))==metric]
      perf_stats <- model$results[,names(model$results)==metric]
    actmodelperf <- evalfunc(perf_stats)

    actmodelperfSE <- se(
    bestmodelperfSE <- actmodelperfSE
    if (i == 1){
      bestmodelperf <- actmodelperf
        bestmodelperfSE <- NA
      bestmodel <- model
    } else{
      if (isBetter(actmodelperf,bestmodelperf,maximization=maximize)){
        bestmodelperf <- actmodelperf
        bestmodelperfSE <- actmodelperfSE
        bestmodel <- model
    acc <- acc+1
    perf_all[acc,1:length(model$finalModel$xNames)] <- model$finalModel$xNames
    perf_all[acc,(length(predictors)+1):ncol(perf_all)] <- c(actmodelperf,actmodelperfSE,length(model$finalModel$xNames))
    if (verbose){
    print(paste0("models that still need to be trained: ",
                 2^n-(n+1) - acc))

  if (globalval){
    selectedvars_perf <- global_validation(bestmodel)[names(global_validation(bestmodel))==metric]
    if (maximize){
      selectedvars_perf <-max(bestmodel$results[,metric])
      selectedvars_perf <- min(bestmodel$results[,metric])

  bestmodel$selectedvars <- bestmodel$finalModel$xNames
  bestmodel$selectedvars_perf <- selectedvars_perf
  bestmodel$perf_all <- perf_all
  bestmodel$perf_all <- bestmodel$perf_all[!apply(is.na(bestmodel$perf_all), 1, all),]
  bestmodel$perf_all <- bestmodel$perf_all[order(bestmodel$perf_all$nvar),]
  bestmodel$type <- "bss"
  class(bestmodel) <- c("ffs", "bss", "train")
environmentalinformatics-marburg/CAST documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 9:54 a.m.