
#' EOT-Based Spatial Downscaling
#' We provide a set of functions to spatially downscale arbitrary \code{Raster*}
#' time series based on the empirical orthogonal teleconnections (EOT) method.
#' @name ESD-package
#' @aliases ESDpackage
#' @docType package
#' @title EOT-Based Spatial Downscaling
#' @author Florian Detsch, Thomas Nauss
#' @import gimms lattice latticeExtra methods MODIS RNetCDF parallel raster remote
#' @importFrom plotrix std.error
#' @importFrom stats cor cor.test lm
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @keywords package
#' @docType data
#' @name albMODIS
#' @title Schwaebische Alb MODIS NDVI
#' @description Schwaebische Alb half-monthly 1-km MODIS NDVI (V006; 2012 to 
#' 2015).
#' @details This dataset contains half-monthly 1-km MODIS NDVI observations for 
#' parts of the Schwaebische Alb, south-western Germany (Jan 2012 to Dec 2015). 
#' For both the 16-day Terra (MOD13A1.006) and Aqua-MODIS composite layers
#' (MYD13A1.006), preprocessing included
#' \itemize{
#' \item{the conduction of a comprehensive quality control based on the
#' 'pixel_reliability' and 'VI_quality' SDS and}
#' \item{the subsequent creation of half-monthly composites based on the
#' 'composite_day_of_the_year' SDS that line up exactly with the release
#' interval of GIMMS NDVI3g.}
#' }
#' This was followed by the combination of the sensor-specific layers into
#' half-monthly maximum value composites and, finally, the application of a
#' modified Whittaker smoother to account for non-captured clouds and fill newly
#' introduced data gaps.
#' @format \code{raster::RasterBrick}
#' @references
#' Didan K, Barreto Munoz A, Solano R, Huete A (2015) MODIS Vegetation Index
#' User's Guide (MOD13 Series). Version 3.00, June 2015 (Collection 6).
#' Available online: \url{https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/sites/default/files/public/product_documentation/mod13_user_guide.pdf}.
#' @docType data
#' @name albGIMMS
#' @title Schwaebische Alb GIMMS NDVI3g.v1
#' @description Schwaebische Alb half-monthly GIMMS NDVI3g.v1 (2012 to 2015).
#' @details This dataset contains half-monthly GIMMS NDVI3g.v1 observations for
#' parts of the Schwaebische Alb, south-western Germany (Jan 2012 to Dec 2015).
#' Preprocessing included
#' \itemize{
#' \item{the conduction of a comprehensive quality control based on the
#' accompanying quality flags followed by}
#' \item{the application of a modified Whittaker smoother to account for
#' non-captured clouds and fill newly introduced data gaps.}
#' }
#' @format \code{raster::RasterBrick}
#' @references
#' Pinzon JE, Tucker CJ (2014) A Non-Stationary 1981-2012 AVHRR NDVI3g Time
#' Series. Remote Sensing, 6(8), 6929-6960. Available online:
#' \url{http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/6/8/6929/htm}.
environmentalinformatics-marburg/ESD documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:49 a.m.