
Defines functions geometryVariables

Documented in geometryVariables

#' Calculate selected geometry variables from raster data
#' @description This function calculates geoemtry parameters from Raster data.
#' @param x A RasterLayer with any values but where patches are seperated by surrounding NA values
#' @return A RasterStacks containing the geoemtry parameters. The names are as following;
#' Patches: The ID of the Patches
#' Ar: The area of the individual patches
#' SI: The shape index calculated by SDMTools
#' CA: The core area calculated by SDMTools
#' Up: The perimeter of the indivisual patches
#' CAI: The core area index calculated by SDMTools
#' PAR:The perimeter area ratio calculated by SDMTools
#' Re: The radius of the inner circle
#' distEdges: The distcance from edges 
#' Ru: The radius of the outer circle
#' OIC: The inner-outer-circle ratio
#' CI1: inner compactness
#' CO1: outer compactness
#' CI2: inner compactness2
#' CO2: outer compactness2
#' CCI1: corrected compactness index 1
#' CCI2: corrected compactness index 2
#' CO: compactness
#' SHD: Shoreline development
#' C1: Circularity
#' E: Elongateness
#' TR:Thinness Ratio
#' CR: Circularity ratio
#' C2: Circularity2
#' FR: Form ratio
#' EI: Elipticity index
#' SF1: Shape factor
#' GSI: Grain shape index
#' SF2: Shape factor 2
#' C3: Circularity 3
#' SF3: Shape factor 3
#' For decription of the indices see list in Borg 1998: Vergleichende Analyse 
#' von Formindizes zur Charakterisierung von Landschaftsobjekten unter 
#' oekologischen Aspekten. Zeitschrift fuer Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung 4: 
#' 108-119.
#' @author Hanna Meyer
#' @seealso \strong{SDMTools},  \code{clump}, \code{borg_indices}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' RasterLayer <- raster(system.file("training.rst", package = "Rsenal"))
#' shape <- geometryVariables(RasterLayer)
#' plot(shape)
#' }
#' @export geometryVariables
#' @aliases geometryVariables

geometryVariables <- function(x){
     Patches <- clump(x)
     Stats <- SDMTools::PatchStat(Patches)
     # patch area:
     Area <- reclassify(Patches, cbind(Stats$patchID,Stats$area))
     #shape index:
     shapeIndex <- reclassify(Patches, cbind(Stats$patchID,Stats$shape.index))
     #core area:
     coreArea <- reclassify(Patches, cbind(Stats$patchID,Stats$core.area.index))
     perimeter <- reclassify(Patches, cbind(Stats$patchID,Stats$perimeter))
     coreAreaIndex <- reclassify(Patches, cbind(Stats$patchID,Stats$core.area.index))
     #the ratio of the patch perimeter (m) to area (m2)
     perimAreaRatio <- reclassify(Patches, cbind(Stats$patchID,Stats$perim.area.ratio))
     #distance to edge:
     edges <- boundaries(Patches, type='inner')
     distEdges <- gridDistance(edges,origin=1) 
     values(distEdges)[is.na(values(Patches))] <- NA
     #innerCircle (largest circle)= maximum distance from edge
     tmp <- zonal(distEdges,Patches,fun="max")
     innerCircle <- Patches
     innerCircle <- reclassify(innerCircle,tmp)
     ##### outer circle
     oci <- c()
     for (i in 1:max(values(Patches),na.rm=TRUE)){
      cp <- Patches
      cp[cp!=i] <- NA
      cpp <- rasterToPolygons(cp,dissolve=TRUE)
      centroid <- rgeos::gCentroid(cpp, byid=TRUE,id=attributes(cpp)$plotOrder)
      dist <- distanceFromPoints(Patches, centroid)
      dist[is.na(cp)] <- NA
      oci[i] <- max(values(dist),na.rm=TRUE)
     outerCircle <- reclassify(Patches, cbind(Stats$patchID,oci))
     outerInnerCircle <- outerCircle-innerCircle

  ### Indices listed and/or developed by Borg 98
    borg <- borgIndices(Ar=Area,Ur=perimeter,De=innerCircle*2,Du=outerCircle*2)
     result <- stack(Patches,Area,shapeIndex,coreArea,perimeter,
                   coreAreaIndex, perimAreaRatio,innerCircle,distEdges,outerCircle,
     names(result) <- c("Patches","Ar","SI","CA",
                     "Up", "CAI","PAR",
environmentalinformatics-marburg/Rsenal documentation built on July 28, 2023, 6:09 a.m.