
Defines functions aon_genes count_conversion annotate_table annotatERs get_junctions

Documented in annotatERs

#' Get junctions that overlap the optimally defined ERs
#' The junctions will be added to the ERs passed in as a metadata column, a
#' `GRangeslist` with each GRanges element of the list corresponding to it's
#' associated ER. If there are no overlaps, the `GRangeslist` will be empty.
#' Any ERs that do not have an overlapping junction will have an empty GRanges.
#' The respective genes that each ER could be associated with will also be
#' passed in as a metadata column, a character list.
#' @seealso dasper::junction_annot
#' @param opt_ers optimally defined ERs (the product of the ODER function)
#' @param junc_data junction data that should match the ERs passed into opt_ers
#' @param txdb a gtf file or txdb ([TxDb-class][GenomicFeatures::TxDb-class])
#' with exon data. This will ultimately be used to annotate the junction data
#' passed in.
#' @return optimally defined ers annotated with junction and gene information
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
get_junctions <- function(opt_ers, junc_data, txdb) {
    if (methods::is(junc_data, "data.frame")) {
        junc_data <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(junc_data)
    GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(junc_data) <- "NCBI"
    annotated_junctions <- dasper::junction_annot(
        junctions = junc_data, ref = txdb
    ) # to match opt_ers
    GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(annotated_junctions) <- "UCSC"
        " - Finding junctions overlapping ers..."
    hits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(opt_ers, annotated_junctions)
    ann_junc_hits <- annotated_junctions[S4Vectors::subjectHits(hits)]
    ann_junc_hits$er_index <- S4Vectors::queryHits(hits)
    gene_id_list <- GenomicRanges::mcols(
    )[["gene_id_junction"]] %>%
        S4Vectors::split(f = ann_junc_hits$er_index)
    gene_id_list <- lapply(gene_id_list, function(x) {
    ann_junc_hits <- ann_junc_hits %>% S4Vectors::split(
        f = ann_junc_hits$er_index
    er_indices <- unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(hits))
    miss_ers <- numeric(0)
    for (i in seq_along(opt_ers)) {
        if (!(i %in% er_indices)) {
            miss_ers <- c(miss_ers, i)
    empty_grl <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(lapply(miss_ers, function(x) {
    names(empty_grl) <- miss_ers
    combi_ajh <- c(ann_junc_hits, empty_grl)
    sorted_combi_ajh <- combi_ajh[order(as.integer(names(combi_ajh)))]
    empty_gil <- vector("list", length = length(miss_ers))
    names(empty_gil) <- miss_ers
    combi_gil <- c(gene_id_list, empty_gil)
    sorted_combi_gil <- combi_gil[order(as.integer(names(combi_gil)))]
    sorted_combi_gil <- sorted_combi_gil %>% IRanges::CharacterList()
    GenomicRanges::mcols(opt_ers)$grl <- sorted_combi_ajh
    GenomicRanges::mcols(opt_ers)$genes <- sorted_combi_gil

#' Connects ERs to genes using junction data, then classifies ERs
#' into "exonic", "intronic", "intergenic",
#' or a combination of these categories
#' Finds the overlap between junctions and ERs, then adds gene info
#' and junction info as metadata columns. Then, uses a `gtf` file
#' or a `Txdb` passed in to generate a genomic state used to label
#' each ER as to whether they are exonic, intronic, intergenic or none.
#' @param opt_ers optimally defined ERs (the product of the ODER function)
#' @param junc_data junction data that should match the ERs passed into opt_ers
#' @param genom_state a genomic state object
#' @param gtf gtf in a GRanges object, pre-imported using
#' `rtracklayer::import` . This is used to provide the gene information
#' for annotation.
#' @param txdb [TxDb-class][GenomicFeatures::TxDb-class] (txdb object)
#' to create genomic state. This is used to annotate the
#' expressed regions as exonic, intronic or intergenic.
#' @return annotated ERs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gtf_url <- paste0(
#'     "http://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-103/gtf/",
#'     "homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.103.chr.gtf.gz"
#' )
#' # file_cache is an internal function to download a bigwig file from a link
#' # if the file has been downloaded recently, it will be retrieved from a cache
#' gtf_path <- file_cache(gtf_url)
#' gtf_gr <- rtracklayer::import(gtf_path)
#' ex_opt_ers <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#'     seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(c("chr21"), c(5)),
#'     ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
#'         start = c(5032176, 5033408, 5034717, 5035188, 5036577),
#'         end = c(5032217, 5033425, 5034756, 5035189, 5036581)
#'     )
#' )
#' junctions <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(dasper::junctions_example)
#' chrs_to_keep <- c("21", "22")
#' #### preparing the txdb and genomstate object(s)
#' hg38_chrominfo <- GenomeInfoDb::getChromInfoFromUCSC("hg38")
#' new_info <- hg38_chrominfo$size[match(
#'     chrs_to_keep,
#'     GenomeInfoDb::mapSeqlevels(hg38_chrominfo$chrom, "Ensembl")
#' )]
#' names(new_info) <- chrs_to_keep
#' gtf_gr_tx <- GenomeInfoDb::keepSeqlevels(gtf_gr,
#'     chrs_to_keep,
#'     pruning.mode = "tidy"
#' )
#' GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(gtf_gr_tx) <- new_info
#' GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(gtf_gr_tx) <- "UCSC"
#' rtracklayer::genome(gtf_gr_tx) <- "hg38"
#' ucsc_txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges(gtf_gr_tx)
#' genom_state <- derfinder::makeGenomicState(txdb = ucsc_txdb)
#' ens_txdb <- ucsc_txdb
#' GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(ens_txdb) <- "Ensembl"
#' annot_ers1 <- annotatERs(
#'     opt_ers = ex_opt_ers, junc_data = junctions,
#'     gtf = gtf_gr, txdb = ens_txdb, genom_state = genom_state
#' )
#' annot_ers1
annotatERs <- function(opt_ers, junc_data, genom_state, gtf, txdb) {
    aoers <- get_junctions(
        opt_ers = opt_ers, junc_data = junc_data, txdb = txdb
        Sys.time(), " - Annotating the Expressed regions..."
    annot_ers <- derfinder::annotateRegions(
        regions = aoers, genomicState = genom_state[["fullGenome"]],
        maxgap = -1L, minoverlap = 1L
    g <- "genes"
    gs <- "gene_source"
    annot_table <- annotate_table(annot_ers[["countTable"]])
    GenomicRanges::mcols(aoers)$annotation <- annot_table[["region_annot"]]
    GenomicRanges::mcols(aoers)$og_index <- annot_table[["ER_index"]]
    genesource <- character(length(aoers)) # add missing junction genes
    GenomicRanges::mcols(aoers)$gene_source <- genesource
    gtf_gr <- gtf_load(gtf) # getting the gtf in to a Granges format
    # if all or none of the ers are matched up with a gene, this is run
    if (all(identical(
        unique(unlist(GenomicRanges::mcols(aoers)$genes)), character(0)
    ))) {
        aoers <- aon_genes(aoers, gtf_gr) # ann_opt_ers
    ) > 0])$gene_source <- "junction(s)"
    ngers <- aoers[lengths(GenomicRanges::mcols(aoers)[[g]]) == 0]
    genes_gr <- gtf_gr[gtf_gr$type == "gene"]
    GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(genes_gr) <- "UCSC"
    nearest_genes <- GenomicRanges::nearest(ngers, genes_gr)
    missing_genes <- GenomicRanges::mcols(genes_gr[nearest_genes])[["gene_id"]]
    GenomicRanges::mcols(ngers)[[g]] <- missing_genes
    )[["og_index"]]])[[g]] <- missing_genes
    )[["og_index"]]])[[gs]] <- "nearest gtf genes"
    ngdist <- GenomicRanges::distanceToNearest(aoers, genes_gr)
    overmaxdist <- ngdist[GenomicRanges::mcols(ngdist)[["distance"]] > 10000]
    if (length(overmaxdist) > 0) {
        GenomicRanges::mcols(aoers[queryHits(overmaxdist)])[[g]] <- ""
        GenomicRanges::mcols(aoers[queryHits(overmaxdist)])[[gs]] <- "Too far"
    message(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - done!"))

#' Converting count table output of derfinder to region annotation
#' \code{convert_annot_count_table_to_region_annot} takes as input the derfinder
#' output and converts to useful region annotation - "intron", "exon",
#' "intergenic"... etc
#' @param count_table count table output from
#'   \code{\link{derfinder::annotateRegions}}
#' @return df with the notation "intron", "exon", "intergenic"
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
annotate_table <- function(count_table) {
    count_table_tmp <-
        count_table %>%
            exon = ifelse(exon > 0, 1, 0),
            intergenic = ifelse(intergenic > 0, 1, 0),
            intron = ifelse(intron > 0, 1, 0),
            annot_code_tmp = stringr::str_c(exon, intergenic, intron)
        ) %>%

    count_table[["region_annot"]] <-
        count_table_tmp[["annot_code_tmp"]] %>%
        purrr::map(count_conversion) %>%

    count_table_w_region_annot <-
        count_table %>%
        dplyr::mutate(ER_index = dplyr::row_number())


#' Converting the count table to annotations
#' @param annot_code
#' @return table with annotation added on
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
count_conversion <- function(annot_code) {
    region_annot <-
            `100` = "exon",
            `110` = "exon, intergenic",
            `101` = "exon, intron",
            `111` = "exon, intergenic, intron",
            `010` = "intergenic",
            `011` = "intron, intergenic",
            `001` = "intron",
            `000` = "none"


#' Annotating ers when all or none of the ers can be matched up to genes
#' @param ann_opt_ers annotated optimum ers
#' @param gtf_gr gtf file in a genomic ranges
#' @return annotated ers with gene information
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
aon_genes <- function(ann_opt_ers, gtf_gr) {
    g <- "genes"
    gs <- "gene_source"
    genes_gr <- gtf_gr[gtf_gr$type == "gene"]
    GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(genes_gr) <- "UCSC"
    nearest_genes <- GenomicRanges::nearest(ann_opt_ers, genes_gr)
    missing_genes <- GenomicRanges::mcols(
    GenomicRanges::mcols(ann_opt_ers)[[g]] <- missing_genes
    )[["og_index"]]])[[g]] <- missing_genes
    )[["og_index"]]])[[gs]] <- "nearest gtf genes"
    ngdist <- GenomicRanges::distanceToNearest(ann_opt_ers, genes_gr)
    overmaxdist <- ngdist[GenomicRanges::mcols(ngdist)[["distance"]] > 10000]
    if (length(overmaxdist) > 0) {
        GenomicRanges::mcols(ann_opt_ers[queryHits(overmaxdist)])[[g]] <- ""
        )])[[gs]] <- "Too far"
    message(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - done!"))
eolagbaju/ODER documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 5:21 a.m.