
Defines functions compare_IFR

Documented in compare_IFR

#' Compile age-adjusted IFR estimates from different countries based on ensemble
#' estimates by O'Driscoll et al. 2020, Levin et al. 2020 and Brazeau et al.
#' @description
#' Compile age-adjusted IFR estimates from different countries based on ensemble
#' estimates by O'Driscoll et al. 2020 and Levin et al. 2020. The population age
#' distributions are either taken from the UN World Population
#' Prospects 2019 (WPP2019). Estimates by Levin et al. 2020 are only included if
#' p_sex= "total".
#' @param countries A vector of ISO3 country codes used to extract age-specific
#' population estimates from the UN World Population Prospects 2019 dataset.
#' @param p_sex Use severity estimate for which sex (either "female", "male", or
#'   "total"). Defaults to "total". 
#' @return
#' A data.frame with IFR estimates (mean and 95% CI) for different countries
#' and methods.
#' Estimates by Levin et al. 2020 and Brazeau et al. 2020
#'  are only included if p_sex = "total".
#' @author Flavio Finger <flavio.finger@@epicentre.msf.org>
#' @examples
#' compare_IFR(countries = c("AFG", "PAK", "IRN"))
#' @export compare_IFR
compare_IFR <- function(countries = c("AFG", "PAK", "IRN"),
                        p_sex = c("total", "male", "female")) {

    p_sex <- match.arg(p_sex)

    ifr_df <- data.frame(
        iso = NULL,
        mn = NULL,
        low = NULL,
        up = NULL,
        method = NULL

    for (cnt in countries) {
        up <- get_p_ODriscoll(x = cnt, p_stat = "up_95", p_sex = p_sex)
        mn <- get_p_ODriscoll(x = cnt, p_stat = "mean", p_sex = p_sex)
        low <- get_p_ODriscoll(x = cnt, p_stat = "low_95", p_sex = p_sex)
        new <- data.frame(iso = cnt, mn = mn,
            low = low, up = up, method = "odriscoll")
        if (p_sex == "total") {
            up_levin <- get_p_Levin(x = cnt, p_stat = "up_95")
            mn_levin <- get_p_Levin(x = cnt, p_stat = "mean")
            low_levin <- get_p_Levin(x = cnt, p_stat = "low_95")
            new <- rbind(new, data.frame(iso = cnt, mn = mn_levin,
                low = low_levin, up = up_levin, method = "levin"))

            up_brazeau <- get_p_Brazeau(x = cnt, p_stat = "up_95")
            mn_brazeau <- get_p_Brazeau(x = cnt, p_stat = "mean")
            low_brazeau <- get_p_Brazeau(x = cnt, p_stat = "low_95")
            new <- rbind(new, data.frame(iso = cnt, mn = mn_brazeau,
                low = low_brazeau, up = up_brazeau, method = "brazeau"))

        ifr_df <- rbind(

epicentre-msf/covidestim documentation built on Jan. 1, 2021, 1:06 a.m.