#' account_details UI Function
#' @description A shiny Module.
#' @param id,input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom googlesheets4 range_write
#' @importFrom shiny NS tagList
mod_account_details_ui <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id)
selection_vars <- golem::get_golem_options("selection_vars")
textInput(inputId = ns("name"), label = "Name"),
textInput(inputId = ns("username"), label = "Username (used to log in)"),
textInput(inputId = ns("board_name"), label = "Name on leaderboard"),
textInput(inputId = ns("email"), label = "Email"),
shinyWidgets::prettyRadioButtons(inputId = ns("expert"),
inline = TRUE,
label = "Do you have domain expertise?",
choices = c("yes", "no")),
textInput(inputId = ns("affiliation"), label = "Affiliation / Institution"),
textInput(inputId = ns("website"), label = "Affiliation website"),
h3("Select which targets to forecast"),
FUN = function(selection_var) {
possible_selections <- list_selections()
selection_options <- possible_selections[[selection_var]]
id = ns(paste0("selection_", selection_var)),
selection_var = selection_var
actionButton(inputId = ns("update_preferences"),
label = HTML("<b>Update User Data and Preferences</b>"))
#' account_details Server Functions
#' @noRd
mod_account_details_server <- function(id, user_management){
moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
ns <- session$ns
# after startup, all the user data gets read in. At this point, the
# input fields are updated according to what was read from the server
observeEvent(user_management$current_user_data, {
if (!is.null(user_management$current_user_data)) {
current_user_data <- user_management$current_user_data
# show ID (cannot be changed)
output$id <- renderUI({
HTML(paste0("<b>ID</b>: ", current_user_data$forecaster_id))
# update all fields with the read in user_data
updateTextInput(inputId = "name", value = current_user_data$name)
updateTextInput(inputId = "username", value = current_user_data$username)
updateTextInput(inputId = "board_name", value = current_user_data$board_name)
updateTextInput(inputId = "email", value = current_user_data$email)
updateTextInput(inputId = "affiliation", value = current_user_data$affiliation)
updateTextInput(inputId = "website", value = current_user_data$website)
session = session,
inputId = "expert", selected = ifelse(current_user_data$expert, "yes", "no")
selection_vars <- golem::get_golem_options("selection_vars")
FUN = function(var) {
mod_account_details_selection_server(id = paste0("selection_", var),
selection_var = var,
user_management = user_management)
# update preferences, store in user data, write to server, update selection
observeEvent(input$update_preferences, {
# for all selection variables, update the selection in the user data
FUN = function(var) {
user_selection <- user_management$selection_choice[[var]]
user_selection <- paste(user_selection, collapse = ", ")
colname <- paste0("selection_", var)
user_management$current_user_data[[colname]] <- user_selection
# update user data with all other inputs
user_management$current_user_data$name <- input$name
user_management$current_user_data$username <- input$username
user_management$current_user_data$board_name <- input$board_name
user_management$current_user_data$email <- input$email
user_management$current_user_data$affiliation <- input$affiliation
user_management$current_user_data$website <- input$website
user_management$current_user_data$expert <- ifelse(input$expert == "yes", TRUE, FALSE)
# construct range to write to by getting the line and
# add + 1 as the header is the first line in the sheet
forecaster_id <- user_management$current_user_data$forecaster_id
# read user data from sheet - this is necessary because a new user
# might want to change their data again and in the meantime the
# user data could have grown if other users had registered
user_data <- try_and_wait(
read_sheet(ss = golem::get_golem_options("user_data_sheet_id"),
sheet = "ids")
line_number <- which(user_data$forecaster_id == forecaster_id) + 1
# write to sheet
range_write(ss = golem::get_golem_options("user_data_sheet_id"),
data = user_management$current_user_data,
sheet = "ids",
range = paste0("A", line_number),
col_names = FALSE)
# show an alert that the update was successful
shinyalert::shinyalert(type = "success",
title = "",
text = "User data successfully updated!",
closeOnClickOutside = TRUE,
timer = 2500)
#' UI for selection of targets
#' @description A shiny Module.
#' @param id,input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom shiny NS tagList
mod_account_details_selection_ui <- function(id, selection_var){
ns <- NS(id)
possible_selections <- list_selections()
selection_options <- possible_selections[[selection_var]]
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = ns("make_selection"),
label = paste("Options for", selection_var),
choices = selection_options,
# selected = selection_options,
inline = TRUE)
fluidRow(column(2, actionButton(ns("select_all"), label = "Select all")),
column(2, actionButton(ns("deselect_all"), label = "Select none")))
#' account_details Server Functions
#' @noRd
mod_account_details_selection_server <- function(id, selection_var,
moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
ns <- session$ns
# whenever a selection is changed, store it such that it can be accessed
# from within the mod_account_details_server() function and the
# actionButton there.
observeEvent(input$make_selection, {
user_management$selection_choice[[selection_var]] <- input$make_selection
observeEvent(input$select_all, {
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session = session,
inputId = paste0("make_selection"),
choices = list_selections()[[selection_var]],
selected = list_selections()[[selection_var]],
inline = TRUE)
observeEvent(input$deselect_all, {
updateCheckboxGroupInput(inputId = paste0("make_selection"),
choices = list_selections()[[selection_var]],
selected = NULL,
inline = TRUE)
# update the selected choices according to what the user has selected.
# This happens after login when user data is fetched from the server
observeEvent(user_management$current_user_data, {
user_selection <- get_selections(user_management$current_user_data)
inputId = "make_selection",
selected = user_selection[[selection_var]])
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.