# Launch the ShinyApp (Do not remove this comment)
# RT app
options("golem.app.prod" = TRUE)
# load submission date from data if on server
submission_date <- "2021-04-05"
first_forecast_date <- as.character(as.Date(submission_date) - 16)
# Run on local machine to load the latest data.
# Will be skipped on the shiny server
obs <- fread(
paste0("../covid-german-forecasts/rt-forecast/data/summary/cases/", submission_date, "/rt.csv")
) %>%
rename(value = median, target_end_date = date) %>%
mutate(target_type = "case", target_end_date = as.Date(target_end_date)) %>%
filter(target_end_date <= (as.Date(first_forecast_date) + 7 * 6)) %>%
filter(region %in% c("Poland", "Germany")) %>%
arrange(region, target_type, target_end_date)
data = obs,
app_mode = "rt",
selection_vars = c("region"),
first_forecast_date = first_forecast_date,
submission_date = submission_date,
horizons = 7,
horizon_interval = 7,
path_service_account_json = "../covid-german-forecasts/crowd-forecast/.secrets/crowd-forecast-app-c98ca2164f6c-service-account-token.json",
google_account_mail = "epiforecasts@gmail.com",
force_increasing_uncertainty = FALSE,
default_distribution = "normal",
forecast_sheet_id = "1g4OBCcDGHn_li01R8xbZ4PFNKQmV-SHSXFlv2Qv79Ks",
user_data_sheet_id = "1GJ5BNcN1UfAlZSkYwgr1-AxgsVA2wtwQ9bRwZ64ZXRQ",
path_past_forecasts = "external_ressources/processed-forecast-data/"
# library(magrittr)
# library(dplyr)
# library(tidyr)
# library(zoo)
# raw_forecast <- data.table::fread("../covid-german-forecasts/rt-crowd-forecast/raw-forecast-data/2021-02-22-raw-forecasts.csv") %>%
# dplyr::filter(forecaster_id == "515822")
# draw_samples <- function(distribution, median, width, num_samples = 50) {
# if (distribution == "log-normal") {
# values <- exp(rnorm(
# num_samples, mean = log(as.numeric(median)), sd = as.numeric(width))
# )
# } else if (distribution == "normal") {
# values <- rnorm(
# num_samples, mean = (as.numeric(median)), sd = as.numeric(width)
# )
# } else if (distribution == "cubic-normal") {
# values <- (rnorm(
# num_samples, mean = (as.numeric(median) ^ (1 / 3)), sd = as.numeric(width)
# )) ^ 3
# } else if (distribution == "fifth-power-normal") {
# values <- (rnorm(
# num_samples, mean = (as.numeric(median) ^ (1 / 5)), sd = as.numeric(width)
# )) ^ 5
# } else if (distribution == "seventh-power-normal") {
# values <- (rnorm(
# num_samples, mean = (as.numeric(median) ^ (1 / 7)), sd = as.numeric(width)
# )) ^ 7
# }
# out <- list(sort(values))
# return(out)
# }
# # draw samples
# forecast_samples <- raw_forecast %>%
# rowwise() %>%
# mutate(
# value = draw_samples(median = median, width = width,
# distribution = distribution,
# num_samples = 50),
# sample = list(seq_len(length(value)))
# ) %>%
# unnest(cols = c(sample, value)) %>%
# ungroup()
# # interpolate missing days
# # I'm pretty sure the horizon time indexing is currently wrong.
# dates <- unique(forecast_samples$target_end_date)
# date_range <- seq(min(as.Date(min(dates))),
# max(as.Date(max(dates))), by = "days")
# submission_date <- unique(forecast_samples$submission_date)
# forecaster_ids <- unique(forecast_samples$forecaster_id)
# n_samples <- max(forecast_samples$sample)
# # solve with a list
# helper_data <- expand.grid(target_end_date = date_range,
# forecaster_id = forecaster_ids,
# location = c("GM", "PL"),
# submission_date = submission_date,
# sample = 1:n_samples)
# forecast_samples_daily <- forecast_samples %>%
# mutate(target_end_date = as.Date(target_end_date)) %>%
# full_join(helper_data) %>%
# arrange(forecaster_id, location, sample, target_end_date) %>%
# group_by(forecaster_id, location, sample) %>%
# mutate(no_predictions = ifelse(all(is.na(value)), TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
# filter(!no_predictions) %>%
# mutate(value = na.approx(value))
# # Packages ----------------------------------------------------------------
# library(covid.german.forecasts)
# library(EpiNow2)
# library(data.table)
# library(here)
# library(purrr)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(lubridate)
# library(devtools)
# # parallel
# options(mc.cores = 4)
# # Set forecasting date ----------------------------------------------------
# target_date <- as.Date("2021-02-22")
# # Get Rt forecasts --------------------------------------------------------
# crowd_rt <- as.data.table(forecast_samples_daily)
# # dropped redundant columns and get correct shape
# crowd_rt <- crowd_rt[, .(location,
# date = as.Date(target_end_date),
# value = round(value, 3)
# )]
# crowd_rt[location %in% "GM", location := "Germany"]
# crowd_rt[location %in% "PL", location := "Poland"]
# crowd_rt[, sample := 1:.N, by = .(location, date)]
# crowd_rt[, target := "cases"]
# # Simulate cases ----------------------------------------------------------
# root_dir <- "../covid-german-forecasts/rt-crowd-forecast/data/rt-epinow-data"
# simulations <- simulate_crowd_cases(
# crowd_rt,
# model_dir = root_dir,
# target_date = target_date
# )
# # Extract output ----------------------------------------------------------
# crowd_cases <- extract_samples(simulations, "cases")
# # save output
# plot_dir <- here("rt-crowd-forecast", "data", "plots", target_date)
# check_dir(plot_dir)
# walk(names(simulations), function(loc) {
# walk(names(simulations[[1]]), function(tar) {
# ggsave(paste0(loc, "-", tar, ".png"),
# simulations[[loc]][[tar]]$plot,
# path = plot_dir, height = 9, width = 9
# )
# })
# })
# # Simulate deaths --------------------------------------------------------------
# observations <- get_observations(dir = "../covid-german-forecasts/data-raw", target_date,
# locs = c("Germany", "Poland"))
# # Forecast deaths from cases ----------------------------------------------
# source_gist("https://gist.github.com/seabbs/4dad3958ca8d83daca8f02b143d152e6")
# # run across Poland and Germany specifying
# # options for estimate_secondary (EpiNow2)
# deaths_forecast <- regional_secondary(
# observations, crowd_cases[, cases := value],
# delays = delay_opts(list(
# mean = 2.5, mean_sd = 0.5,
# sd = 0.47, sd_sd = 0.2, max = 30
# )),
# return_fit = FALSE,
# secondary = secondary_opts(type = "incidence"),
# obs = obs_opts(scale = list(mean = 0.01, sd = 0.02)),
# burn_in = as.integer(max(observations$date) - min(observations$date)) - 3 * 7,
# control = list(adapt_delta = 0.98, max_treedepth = 15),
# verbose = FALSE
# )
# # Submission --------------------------------------------------------------
# # Cumulative data
# cum_cases <- fread(here("data-raw", "weekly-cumulative-cases.csv"))
# cum_deaths <- fread(here("data-raw", "weekly-cumulative-deaths.csv"))
# crowd_cases <- format_forecast(crowd_cases,
# locations = locations,
# cumulative = cum_cases[location_name %in% c("Germany", "Poland")],
# forecast_date = target_date,
# submission_date = target_date,
# target_value = "case"
# )
# crowd_deaths <- format_forecast(deaths_forecast$samples,
# locations = locations,
# cumulative = cum_deaths[location_name %in% c("Germany", "Poland")],
# forecast_date = target_date,
# submission_date = target_date,
# target_value = "death"
# )
# # save forecasts
# crowd_folder <- here("submissions", "crowd-rt-forecasts", target_date)
# check_dir(crowd_folder)
# save_crowd_rt <- function(...) {
# save_forecast(model = "-epiforecasts-EpiExpert_Rt",
# folder = crowd_folder,
# date = target_date,
# ...)
# }
# save_crowd_rt(crowd_cases, "Germany", "GM", "-case")
# save_crowd_rt(crowd_cases, "Poland", "PL", "-case")
# save_crowd_rt(crowd_deaths, "Germany", "GM")
# save_crowd_rt(crowd_deaths, "Poland", "PL")
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