pairwise_comparison_one_group: Do pairwise comparison for one set of forecasts

View source: R/pairwise-comparisons.R

pairwise_comparison_one_groupR Documentation

Do pairwise comparison for one set of forecasts


This function does the pairwise comparison for one set of forecasts, but multiple models involved. It gets called from get_pairwise_comparisons(). get_pairwise_comparisons() splits the data into arbitrary subgroups specified by the user (e.g. if pairwise comparison should be done separately for different forecast targets) and then the actual pairwise comparison for that subgroup is managed from pairwise_comparison_one_group(). In order to actually do the comparison between two models over a subset of common forecasts it calls compare_two_models().


pairwise_comparison_one_group(scores, metric, baseline, by, ...)



An object of class scores (a data.table with scores and an additional attribute metrics as produced by score()).


A string with the name of the metric for which a relative skill shall be computed. By default this is either "crps", "wis" or "brier_score" if any of these are available.


A string with the name of a model. If a baseline is given, then a scaled relative skill with respect to the baseline will be returned. By default (NULL), relative skill will not be scaled with respect to a baseline model.


Character vector with column names that define the grouping level for the pairwise comparisons. By default (model), there will be one relative skill score per model. If, for example, by = c("model", "location"). Then you will get a separate relative skill score for every model in every location. Internally, the data.table with scores will be split according by (removing "model" before splitting) and the pairwise comparisons will be computed separately for the split data.tables.


Additional arguments for the comparison between two models. See compare_two_models() for more information.


A data.table with the results of pairwise comparisons containing the mean score ratios (mean_scores_ratio), unadjusted (pval) and adjusted (adj_pval) p-values, and relative skill values of each model (..._relative_skill). If a baseline model is given then the scaled relative skill is reported as well (..._scaled_relative_skill).

epiforecasts/scoringutils documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 5:20 a.m.