
Defines functions dataset_vignette

Documented in dataset_vignette

#' Output a Dataset in a Vignette in the admiral Format
#' Output a dataset in a vignette with the pre-specified admiral format.
#' @param dataset Dataset to output in the vignette
#' @param display_vars Variables selected to demonstrate the outcome of the derivation
#' Permitted Values: list of variables
#' Default is NULL
#' If `display_vars` is not NULL, only the selected variables are visible in the vignette while the
#' other variables are hidden. They can be made visible by clicking the`Choose the columns to
#'  display` button.
#' @param filter Filter condition
#' The specified condition is applied to the dataset before it is displayed.
#' Permitted Values: a condition
#' @keywords dev_utility
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(admiral)
#' library(DT)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(admiral.test)
#' data("dm")
#' dataset_vignette(dm)
#' dataset_vignette(dm, display_vars = vars(USUBJID, RFSTDTC, DTHDTC), filter = ARMCD == "Pbo")
dataset_vignette <- function(dataset, display_vars = NULL, filter = NULL) {
  display_vars <- assert_vars(display_vars, optional = TRUE)
  assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = display_vars)
  filter <- assert_filter_cond(enquo(filter), optional = TRUE)

  out <- dataset %>%
    filter_if(filter) %>%
    mutate_if(is.character, as.factor)

  # Create a short markdown table when this function is called outside {pkgdown}
  if (!pkgdown::in_pkgdown()) {
    if (is.null(display_vars)) {
      return(knitr::kable(utils::head(out, 10)))
    } else {
      return(knitr::kable(utils::head(select(out, !!!display_vars), 10)))

  if (!is.null(display_vars)) {
    hide_columns <- which(!(colnames(out) %in% vars2chr(display_vars)))
    cols_to_hide <- list(list(targets = hide_columns - 1, visible = FALSE))
  } else {
    cols_to_hide <- list()

    rownames = FALSE,
    filter = "top",
    extensions = c("Buttons", "ColReorder", "Scroller"),
    options = list(
      columnDefs = cols_to_hide,
      searchHighlight = TRUE,
      searching = TRUE,
      pageLength = 5,
      lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100),
      dom = "Bfrtipl",
      buttons = list(list(
        extend = "colvis",
        text = "Choose the columns to display",
        scroller = T,
        collectionLayout = "fixed two-column"
      colReorder = TRUE
epijim/admiral documentation built on Feb. 13, 2022, 12:15 a.m.