#' Derive Analysis Age
#' Derives analysis age (`AAGE`) and analysis age unit (`AAGEU`)
#' @param dataset Input dataset
#' The columns specified by the `start_date` and the `end_date` parameter are
#' expected.
#' @param start_date The start date
#' A date or date-time object is expected.
#' Default: `BRTHDT`
#' @param end_date The end date
#' A date or date-time object is expected.
#' Default: `RANDDT`
#' @param unit Unit
#' The age is derived in the specified unit
#' Default: 'years'
#' Permitted Values: 'years', 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'
#' @details The age is derived as the integer part of the duration from start to
#' end date in the specified unit.
#' @author Stefan Bundfuss
#' @return The input dataset with ``AAGE`` and ``AAGEU`` added
#' @export
#' @seealso [derive_vars_duration()]
#' @examples
#' data <- tibble::tribble(
#' lubridate::ymd("1984-09-06"), lubridate::ymd("2020-02-24")
#' )
#' derive_vars_aage(data)
derive_vars_aage <- function(dataset,
start_date = BRTHDT,
end_date = RANDDT,
unit = "years") {
start_date <- assert_symbol(enquo(start_date))
end_date <- assert_symbol(enquo(end_date))
assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = quo_c(start_date, end_date))
values = c("years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds")
new_var = AAGE,
new_var_unit = AAGEU,
start_date = !!start_date,
end_date = !!end_date,
out_unit = unit,
add_one = FALSE,
trunc_out = TRUE
#' Derive Age in Years
#' @details This function is used to convert age variables into years.
#' These can then be used to create age groups.
#' @param dataset Input dataset.
#' @param age_var AGE variable.
#' @param age_unit AGE unit variable.
#' The AGE unit variable is used to convert AGE to 'years' so that grouping can occur.
#' This is only used when the age_var variable does not have a corresponding unit in the dataset.
#' Default: NULL
#' Permitted Values: 'years', 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'
#' @param new_var New AGE variable to be created in years.
#' @author Michael Thorpe
#' @return The input dataset with new_var paramater added in years.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' data <- data.frame(AGE = c(27, 24, 3, 4, 1),
#' AGEU = c("days", "months", "years", "weeks", "years"))
#' data %>%
#' derive_var_age_years(., AGE, new_var = AAGE)
#' data.frame(AGE = c(12, 24, 36, 48)) %>%
#' derive_var_age_years(., AGE, age_unit = "months", new_var = AAGE)
derive_var_age_years <- function(dataset, age_var, age_unit = NULL, new_var) {
age_variable <- assert_symbol(enquo(age_var))
assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = quo_c(age_variable))
age_var <- pull(dataset, !!age_variable)
age_var <- age_variable
unit_var <- paste0(quo_get_expr(age_var), "U")
new_var <- assert_symbol(enquo(new_var))
warn_if_vars_exist(dataset, quo_text(new_var))
if (!unit_var %in% colnames(dataset)) {
if (is.null(age_unit)) {
err_msg <- paste(
"There is no variable unit:", unit_var, "associated with", quo_get_expr(age_var),
"and the argument `age_unit` is missing. Please specify a value for `age_unit`"
} else{
assert_character_scalar(tolower(age_unit), values = c("years", "months", "weeks", "days",
"hours", "minutes", "seconds"))
ds <- dataset %>%
mutate(!!new_var := time_length(duration(!!age_var, units = tolower(age_unit)),
unit = "years"))
} else {
unit <- tolower(unique(pull(dataset, !!sym(unit_var))))
values = c(NA, "years", "months", "weeks", "days",
"hours", "minutes", "seconds"))
if (!is.null(age_unit)) {
if (length(unit) > 1) {
msg <- paste(
"The variable unit", unit_var, "is associated with", quo_get_expr(age_var),
"and contatins multiple values but the argument `age_unit`
has been specified with a single different value.",
"The `age_unit` argument is ignored and the grouping will based on",
else if (unit != tolower(age_unit)) {
msg <- paste(
"The variable unit", unit_var, "is associated with", quo_get_expr(age_var),
"but the argument `age_unit` has been specified with a different value.",
"The `age_unit` argument is ignored and the grouping will based on",
average_durations <- c(seconds = 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60,
minutes = 365.25 * 24 * 60,
hours = 365.25 * 24,
days = 365.25,
weeks = 365.25 / 7,
months = 12,
years = 1)
ds <- dataset %>%
mutate(!!new_var := !!age_var / unname(average_durations[tolower(!!sym(unit_var))])
#' Derive Age Groups
#' Functions for deriving standardized age groups.
#' @param dataset Input dataset.
#' @param age_var AGE variable.
#' @param age_unit AGE unit variable.
#' The AGE unit variable is used to convert AGE to 'years' so that grouping can occur.
#' This is only used when the age_var variable does not have a corresponding unit in the dataset.
#' Default: NULL
#' Permitted Values: 'years', 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'
#' @param new_var New variable to be created.
#' @return `dataset` with new column `new_var` of class factor.
#' @author Ondrej Slama
#' @name derive_agegr_fda
#' @rdname derive_agegr_fda
#' @export
#' @details `derive_agegr_fda()` Derive age groups according to FDA. `age_var` will
#' be split in categories: <18, 18-64, >=65.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(admiral.test)
#' data(dm)
#' dm %>%
#' derive_agegr_fda(age_var = AGE, new_var = AGEGR1) %>%
#' select(SUBJID, AGE, AGEGR1)
#' data <- tibble::tribble(
#' lubridate::ymd("1984-09-06"), lubridate::ymd("2020-02-24")
#' )
#' data %>%
#' derive_vars_aage(unit = "months") %>%
#' derive_agegr_fda(AAGE, age_unit = NULL, AGEGR1)
#' data.frame(AGE = 1:100) %>%
#' derive_agegr_fda(age_var = AGE, age_unit = "years", new_var = AGEGR1)
derive_agegr_fda <- function(dataset, age_var, age_unit = NULL, new_var) {
deprecate_warn("0.6.0", "derive_agegr_fda()", "derive_var_agegr_fda()")
derive_var_agegr_fda(dataset = dataset,
age_var = !!enquo(age_var),
age_unit = age_unit,
new_var = !!enquo(new_var))
#' @rdname derive_agegr_fda
#' @export
#' @details `derive_agegr_ema()` Derive age groups according to EMA
#' (\url{https://eudract.ema.europa.eu/result.html} -> Results - Data Dictionary -> Age range).
#' `age_var` will be split into categories: 0-27 days (Newborns), 28 days to
#' 23 months (Infants and Toddlers), 2-11 (Children), 12-17 (Adolescents), 18-64,
#' 65-84, >=85.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(admiral.test)
#' data(dm)
#' dm %>%
#' derive_agegr_ema(age_var = AGE, new_var = AGEGR1) %>%
#' select(SUBJID, AGE, AGEGR1)
#' data.frame(AGE = 1:100) %>%
#' derive_agegr_ema(age_var = AGE, age_unit = "years", new_var = AGEGR1)
#' data.frame(AGE = 1:20) %>%
#' derive_agegr_ema(age_var = AGE, age_unit = "years", new_var = AGEGR1)
derive_agegr_ema <- function(dataset, age_var, age_unit = NULL, new_var) {
deprecate_warn("0.6.0", "derive_agegr_ema()", "derive_var_agegr_ema()")
derive_var_agegr_ema(dataset = dataset,
age_var = !!enquo(age_var),
age_unit = age_unit,
new_var = !!enquo(new_var))
#' Derive Age Groups
#' Functions for deriving standardized age groups.
#' @param dataset Input dataset.
#' @param age_var AGE variable.
#' @param age_unit AGE unit variable.
#' The AGE unit variable is used to convert AGE to 'years' so that grouping can occur.
#' This is only used when the age_var variable does not have a corresponding unit in the dataset.
#' Default: NULL
#' Permitted Values: 'years', 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'
#' @param new_var New variable to be created.
#' @return `dataset` with new column `new_var` of class factor.
#' @author Ondrej Slama
#' @name derive_var_agegr_fda
#' @rdname derive_var_agegr_fda
#' @export
#' @details
#' `derive_var_agegr_fda()` derives age groups according to FDA guidance. `age_var`
#' will be split in categories: <18, 18-64, >=65.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(admiral.test)
#' data(dm)
#' dm %>%
#' derive_var_agegr_fda(age_var = AGE, new_var = AGEGR1) %>%
#' select(SUBJID, AGE, AGEGR1)
#' data <- tibble::tribble(
#' lubridate::ymd("1984-09-06"), lubridate::ymd("2020-02-24")
#' )
#' data %>%
#' derive_vars_aage(unit = "months") %>%
#' derive_var_agegr_fda(AAGE, age_unit = NULL, AGEGR1)
#' data.frame(AGE = 1:100) %>%
#' derive_var_agegr_fda(age_var = AGE, age_unit = "years", new_var = AGEGR1)
derive_var_agegr_fda <- function(dataset, age_var, age_unit = NULL, new_var) {
age_var <- assert_symbol(enquo(age_var))
new_var <- assert_symbol(enquo(new_var))
warn_if_vars_exist(dataset, quo_text(new_var))
ds <- derive_var_age_years(dataset, !!age_var, age_unit, new_var = temp_age)
out <- ds %>%
!!new_var := cut(
x = temp_age,
breaks = c(0, 18, 65, Inf),
labels = c("<18", "18-64", ">=65"),
include.lowest = TRUE,
right = FALSE
) %>%
if (anyNA(dplyr::pull(out, !!new_var))) {
out <- mutate(out, !!new_var := addNA(!!new_var))
#' @rdname derive_var_agegr_fda
#' @export
#' @details
#' `derive_var_agegr_ema()` derives age groups according to EMA guidance.
#' `age_var` will be split into categories: 0-27 days (Newborns), 28 days to
#' 23 months (Infants and Toddlers), 2-11 (Children), 12-17 (Adolescents), 18-64,
#' 65-84, >=85.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(admiral.test)
#' data(dm)
#' dm %>%
#' derive_var_agegr_ema(age_var = AGE, new_var = AGEGR1) %>%
#' select(SUBJID, AGE, AGEGR1)
#' data.frame(AGE = 1:100) %>%
#' derive_var_agegr_ema(age_var = AGE, age_unit = "years", new_var = AGEGR1)
#' data.frame(AGE = 1:20) %>%
#' derive_var_agegr_ema(age_var = AGE, age_unit = "years", new_var = AGEGR1)
derive_var_agegr_ema <- function(dataset, age_var, age_unit = NULL, new_var) {
age_var <- assert_symbol(enquo(age_var))
new_var <- assert_symbol(enquo(new_var))
warn_if_vars_exist(dataset, quo_text(new_var))
ds <- derive_var_age_years(dataset, !!age_var, age_unit, new_var = temp_age)
out <- mutate(
!!new_var := cut(
x = temp_age,
breaks = c(-Inf, (28 / 365.25), 2, 12, 18, 65, 85, Inf),
labels = c("0-27 days (Newborns)", "28 days to 23 months (Infants and Toddlers)",
"2-11 (Children)", "12-17 (Adolescents)", "18-64", "65-84", ">=85"),
include.lowest = FALSE,
right = FALSE
) %>%
if (anyNA(dplyr::pull(out, !!new_var))) {
out <- mutate(out, !!new_var := addNA(!!new_var))
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