#' Derive a Disposition Reason at a Specific Timepoint
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' *Deprecated*, please use `derive_vars_disposition_reason()` instead.
#' Derive a disposition reason from the the relevant records in the disposition domain.
#' @param dataset Input dataset.
#' @param dataset_ds Dataset containing the disposition information (e.g.: `ds`).
#' It must contain:
#' - The variable(s) specified in the `reason_var` (and `reason_var_spe`, if required)
#' - The variables used in `filter_ds`.
#' @param new_var Name of the disposition reason variable.
#' A variable name is expected (e.g. `DCSREAS`).
#' @param reason_var The variable used to derive the disposition reason
#' A variable name is expected (e.g. `DSDECOD`).
#' @param new_var_spe Name of the disposition reason detail variable.
#' A variable name is expected (e.g. `DCSREASP`).
#' If `new_var_spe` is specified, it is expected that `reason_var_spe` is also specified,
#' otherwise an error is issued.
#' Default: NULL
#' @param reason_var_spe The variable used to derive the disposition reason detail
#' A variable name is expected (e.g. `DSTERM`).
#' If `new_var_spe` is specified, it is expected that `reason_var_spe` is also specified,
#' otherwise an error is issued.
#' Default: NULL
#' @param format_new_vars The function used to derive the reason(s)
#' This function is used to derive the disposition reason(s) and must follow the below conventions
#' - If only the main reason for discontinuation needs to be derived (i.e. `new_var_spe` is NULL),
#' the function must have at least one character vector argument, e.g.
#' `format_reason <- function(reason)`
#' and `new_var` will be derived as `new_var = format_reason(reason_var)`
#' Typically, the content of the function would return `reason_var` or `NA` depending on the
#' value (e.g. `if_else ( reason != "COMPLETED" & !is.na(reason), reason, NA_character_)`).
#' `DCSREAS = format_reason(DSDECOD)` returns DCSREAS = `DSDECOD` when `DSDECOD` is not 'COMPLETED'
#' nor `NA`, `NA` otherwise.
#' - If both the main reason and the details needs to be derived (`new_var_spe` is specified)
#' the function must have two character vectors argument, e.g.
#' `format_reason2 <- function(reason, reason_spe)` and
#' `new_var` will be derived as `new_var` = `format_reason(reason_var)`,
#' `new_var_spe` will be derived as `new_var_spe` = `format_reason(reason_var, reason_var_spe)`,
#' Typically, the content of the function would return `reason_var_spe` or `NA` depending on the
#' `reason_var` value (e.g. `if_else ( reason != "COMPLETED" & !is.na(reason), reason_spe,
#' NA_character_)`).
#' `DCSREASP = format_reason(DSDECOD, DSTERM)` returns DCSREASP = `DSTERM` when `DSDECOD` is not
#' 'COMPLETED' nor NA.
#' Default: format_reason_default defined as:
#' format_reason_default <- function(reason, reason_spe = NULL) {
#' out <- if ( is.null(reason_spe) ) reason else reason_spe
#' if_else ( reason != "COMPLETED" & !is.na(reason), out, NA_character_)
#' }
#' format_reason_default(DSDECOD) returns `DSDECOD` when `DSDECOD` is not 'COMPLETED' nor NA.
#' format_reason_default(DSDECOD, DSTERM) returns `DSTERM` when `DSDECOD` is not 'COMPLETED' nor NA.
#' @param filter_ds Filter condition for the disposition data.
#' Filter used to select the relevant disposition data.
#' It is expected that the filter restricts `dataset_ds` such that there is at most
#' one observation per patient. An error is issued otherwise.
#' Permitted Values: logical expression.
#' @param subject_keys Variables to uniquely identify a subject
#' A list of quosures where the expressions are symbols as returned by
#' `vars()` is expected.
#' @return the input dataset with the disposition reason(s) (`new_var` and
#' if required `new_var_spe`) added.
#' @details
#' This functions returns the main reason for discontinuation (e.g. `DCSREAS` or `DCTREAS`).
#' The reason for discontinuation is derived based on `reason_var` (e.g. `DSDECOD`) and
#' `format_new_vars`.
#' If `new_var_spe` is not NULL, then the function will also return the details associated
#' with the reason for discontinuation (e.g. `DCSREASP`).
#' The details associated with the reason for discontinuation are derived based on
#' `reason_var_spe` (e.g. `DSTERM`), `reason_var` and `format_new_vars`.
#' @seealso [format_reason_default()]
#' @keywords adsl
#' @author Samia Kabi
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(admiral.test)
#' data("dm")
#' data("ds")
#' # Derive DCSREAS using the default format
#' dm %>%
#' derive_disposition_reason(
#' dataset_ds = ds,
#' new_var = DCSREAS,
#' reason_var = DSDECOD,
#' filter_ds = DSCAT == "DISPOSITION EVENT"
#' ) %>%
#' # Derive DCSREAS and DCSREASP using a study-specific format
#' format_dcsreas <- function(x, y = NULL) {
#' out <- if (is.null(y)) x else y
#' case_when(
#' !(x %in% c("COMPLETED", "SCREEN FAILURE")) & !is.na(x) ~ out,
#' TRUE ~ NA_character_
#' )
#' }
#' dm %>%
#' derive_disposition_reason(
#' dataset_ds = ds,
#' new_var = DCSREAS,
#' reason_var = DSDECOD,
#' new_var_spe = DCSREASP,
#' reason_var_spe = DSTERM,
#' format_new_vars = format_dcsreas,
#' filter_ds = DSCAT == "DISPOSITION EVENT"
#' ) %>%
derive_disposition_reason <- function(dataset,
new_var_spe = NULL,
reason_var_spe = NULL,
format_new_vars = format_reason_default,
subject_keys = vars(STUDYID, USUBJID)) {
deprecate_warn("0.6.0", "derive_disposition_reason()", "derive_vars_disposition_reason()")
derive_vars_disposition_reason(dataset = dataset,
dataset_ds = dataset_ds,
new_var = !!enquo(new_var),
reason_var = !!enquo(reason_var),
new_var_spe = !!enquo(new_var_spe),
reason_var_spe = !!enquo(reason_var_spe),
format_new_vars = format_new_vars,
filter_ds = !!enquo(filter_ds),
subject_keys = subject_keys)
#' Default Format for the Disposition Reason
#' Define a function to map the disposition reason
#' @param reason the disposition variable used for the mapping (e.g. `DSDECOD`).
#' @param reason_spe the disposition variable used for the mapping of the details
#' if required (e.g. `DSTERM`).
#' @details
#' `format_reason_default(DSDECOD)` returns `DSDECOD` when `DSDECOD` is not
#' 'COMPLETED' nor `NA`. `format_reason_default(DSDECOD, DSTERM)` returns
#' `DSTERM` when `DSDECOD` is not 'COMPLETED' nor `NA`.
#' For example:
#' ```
#' DCSREAS = format_reason_default(DSDECOD)
#' DCSREASP = format_reason_default(DSDECOD, DSTERM)
#' ```
#' @return A `character` vector
#' @author Samia Kabi
#' @export
#' @keywords user_utility adsl computation
format_reason_default <- function(reason, reason_spe = NULL) {
out <- if (is.null(reason_spe)) reason else reason_spe
if_else(reason != "COMPLETED" & !is.na(reason), out, NA_character_)
#' Derive a Disposition Reason at a Specific Timepoint
#' Derive a disposition reason from the the relevant records in the disposition domain.
#' @param dataset Input dataset
#' @param dataset_ds Dataset containing the disposition information (e.g. `ds`)
#' The dataset must contain:
#' - The variable(s) specified in the `reason_var` (and `reason_var_spe`, if required)
#' - The variables used in `filter_ds`.
#' @param new_var Name of the disposition reason variable
#' A variable name is expected (e.g. `DCSREAS`).
#' @param reason_var The variable used to derive the disposition reason
#' A variable name is expected (e.g. `DSDECOD`).
#' @param new_var_spe Name of the disposition reason detail variable
#' A variable name is expected (e.g. `DCSREASP`).
#' If `new_var_spe` is specified, it is expected that `reason_var_spe` is also specified,
#' otherwise an error is issued.
#' Default: NULL
#' @param reason_var_spe The variable used to derive the disposition reason detail
#' A variable name is expected (e.g. `DSTERM`).
#' If `new_var_spe` is specified, it is expected that `reason_var_spe` is also specified,
#' otherwise an error is issued.
#' Default: NULL
#' @param format_new_vars The function used to derive the reason(s)
#' This function is used to derive the disposition reason(s) and must follow the below conventions
#' - If only the main reason for discontinuation needs to be derived (i.e. `new_var_spe` is NULL),
#' the function must have at least one character vector argument, e.g.
#' `format_reason <- function(reason)`
#' and `new_var` will be derived as `new_var = format_reason(reason_var)`
#' Typically, the content of the function would return `reason_var` or `NA` depending on the
#' value (e.g. `if_else ( reason != "COMPLETED" & !is.na(reason), reason, NA_character_)`).
#' `DCSREAS = format_reason(DSDECOD)` returns DCSREAS = `DSDECOD` when `DSDECOD` is not 'COMPLETED'
#' nor `NA`, `NA` otherwise.
#' - If both the main reason and the details needs to be derived (`new_var_spe` is specified)
#' the function must have two character vectors argument, e.g.
#' `format_reason2 <- function(reason, reason_spe)` and
#' `new_var` will be derived as `new_var` = `format_reason(reason_var)`,
#' `new_var_spe` will be derived as `new_var_spe` = `format_reason(reason_var, reason_var_spe)`,
#' Typically, the content of the function would return `reason_var_spe` or `NA` depending on the
#' `reason_var` value (e.g. `if_else ( reason != "COMPLETED" & !is.na(reason), reason_spe,
#' NA_character_)`).
#' `DCSREASP = format_reason(DSDECOD, DSTERM)` returns DCSREASP = `DSTERM` when `DSDECOD` is not
#' 'COMPLETED' nor NA.
#' Default: format_reason_default defined as:
#' format_reason_default <- function(reason, reason_spe = NULL) {
#' out <- if ( is.null(reason_spe) ) reason else reason_spe
#' if_else ( reason != "COMPLETED" & !is.na(reason), out, NA_character_)
#' }
#' format_reason_default(DSDECOD) returns `DSDECOD` when `DSDECOD` is not 'COMPLETED' nor NA.
#' format_reason_default(DSDECOD, DSTERM) returns `DSTERM` when `DSDECOD` is not 'COMPLETED' nor NA.
#' @param filter_ds Filter condition for the disposition data.
#' Filter used to select the relevant disposition data.
#' It is expected that the filter restricts `dataset_ds` such that there is at most
#' one observation per patient. An error is issued otherwise.
#' Permitted Values: logical expression.
#' @param subject_keys Variables to uniquely identify a subject
#' A list of quosures where the expressions are symbols as returned by
#' `vars()` is expected.
#' @return the input dataset with the disposition reason(s) (`new_var` and
#' if required `new_var_spe`) added.
#' @details
#' This functions returns the main reason for discontinuation (e.g. `DCSREAS` or `DCTREAS`).
#' The reason for discontinuation is derived based on `reason_var` (e.g. `DSDECOD`) and
#' `format_new_vars`.
#' If `new_var_spe` is not NULL, then the function will also return the details associated
#' with the reason for discontinuation (e.g. `DCSREASP`).
#' The details associated with the reason for discontinuation are derived based on
#' `reason_var_spe` (e.g. `DSTERM`), `reason_var` and `format_new_vars`.
#' @seealso [format_reason_default()]
#' @keywords adsl
#' @author Samia Kabi
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(admiral.test)
#' data("dm")
#' data("ds")
#' # Derive DCSREAS using the default format
#' dm %>%
#' derive_vars_disposition_reason(
#' dataset_ds = ds,
#' new_var = DCSREAS,
#' reason_var = DSDECOD,
#' filter_ds = DSCAT == "DISPOSITION EVENT"
#' ) %>%
#' # Derive DCSREAS and DCSREASP using a study-specific format
#' format_dcsreas <- function(x, y = NULL) {
#' out <- if (is.null(y)) x else y
#' case_when(
#' !(x %in% c("COMPLETED", "SCREEN FAILURE")) & !is.na(x) ~ out,
#' TRUE ~ NA_character_
#' )
#' }
#' dm %>%
#' derive_vars_disposition_reason(
#' dataset_ds = ds,
#' new_var = DCSREAS,
#' reason_var = DSDECOD,
#' new_var_spe = DCSREASP,
#' reason_var_spe = DSTERM,
#' format_new_vars = format_dcsreas,
#' filter_ds = DSCAT == "DISPOSITION EVENT"
#' ) %>%
derive_vars_disposition_reason <- function(dataset,
new_var_spe = NULL,
reason_var_spe = NULL,
format_new_vars = format_reason_default,
subject_keys = vars(STUDYID, USUBJID)) {
new_var <- assert_symbol(enquo(new_var))
reason_var <- assert_symbol(enquo(reason_var))
new_var_spe <- assert_symbol(enquo(new_var_spe), optional = T)
reason_var_spe <- assert_symbol(enquo(reason_var_spe), optional = T)
filter_ds <- assert_filter_cond(enquo(filter_ds))
warn_if_vars_exist(dataset, quo_text(new_var))
# Additional checks
if (!quo_is_null(new_var_spe)) {
if (!quo_is_null(reason_var_spe)) {
statusvar <- c(quo_text(reason_var), quo_text(reason_var_spe))
} else {
err_msg <- paste(
"`new_var_spe` is specified as ", quo_text(new_var_spe),
"but `reason_var_spe` is NULL.",
"Please specify `reason_var_spe` together with `new_var_spe`."
} else {
statusvar <- quo_text(reason_var)
assert_has_variables(dataset_ds, statusvar)
# Process the disposition data
ds_subset <- dataset_ds %>%
filter(!!filter_ds) %>%
select(!!!subject_keys, !!reason_var, !!reason_var_spe)
# Expect 1 record per subject in the subsetted DS - issue an error otherwise
by_vars = subject_keys,
msg = "The filter used for DS results in multiple records per patient"
# Add the status variable and derive the new dispo reason(s) in the input dataset
if (!quo_is_null(new_var_spe)) {
dataset %>%
left_join(ds_subset, by = vars2chr(subject_keys)) %>%
mutate(!!new_var := format_new_vars(!!reason_var)) %>%
mutate(!!new_var_spe := format_new_vars(!!reason_var, !!reason_var_spe)) %>%
} else {
dataset %>%
left_join(ds_subset, by = vars2chr(subject_keys)) %>%
mutate(!!new_var := format_new_vars(!!reason_var)) %>%
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