
test_that("atomic vectors of length 1", {
  expect_identical(what_is_it(NULL), "`NULL`")
  expect_identical(what_is_it(TRUE), "`TRUE`")
  expect_identical(what_is_it(NA), "`NA`")
  expect_identical(what_is_it("Text"), '`"Text"`')
  expect_identical(what_is_it("3"), '`"3"`')
  expect_identical(what_is_it(4L), "`4`")
  expect_identical(what_is_it(2.42), "`2.42`")

test_that("vectors", {
  expect_identical(what_is_it(letters), "a character vector")
  expect_identical(what_is_it(1:10), "an integer vector")
  expect_identical(what_is_it(c(1.2, 3)), "a double vector")
  expect_identical(what_is_it(c(TRUE, FALSE)), "a logical vector")
  expect_identical(what_is_it(list(1, letters, TRUE)), "a list")

test_that("S3 objects", {
  expect_identical(what_is_it(mtcars), "a data frame")
  expect_identical(what_is_it(factor(letters)), "a factor")
  expect_identical(what_is_it(lm(hp ~ mpg, data = mtcars)), "an object of class 'lm'")
  expect_identical(what_is_it(quo(4 / 1)), "an object of class 'quosure'")

test_that("S4 objects", {
  expect_identical(what_is_it(lubridate::days(1)), "a S4 object of class 'Period'")

test_that("symbols", {
  expect_identical(what_is_it(quote(USUBJID)), "a symbol")

test_that("input is returned as is if filter is NULL", {
  input <- tibble::tribble(
    "P01",    "WEIGHT",  80.9,
    "P01",    "HEIGHT",  189.2

    filter_if(input, quo(NULL)),
    keys = c("USUBJID", "VSTESTCD")

test_that("input is filtered if filter is not NULL", {
  input <- tibble::tribble(
    "P01",    "WEIGHT",  80.9,
    "P01",    "HEIGHT",  189.2

    input[1L, ],
    filter_if(input, quo(VSTESTCD == "WEIGHT")),
    keys = c("USUBJID", "VSTESTCD")

test_that("enumerate works", {
  expect_equal(enumerate(letters[1]), "`a`")
  expect_equal(enumerate(letters[1:3]), "`a`, `b` and `c`")

test_that("squote works", {
  expect_equal(squote(letters[1]), "'a'")
  expect_equal(squote(letters[1:3]), c("'a'", "'b'", "'c'"))

test_that("arg_name works", {
  expect_equal(arg_name(sym("a")), "a")
  expect_equal(arg_name(call("enquo", sym("a"))), "a")
  expect_error(arg_name("a"), "Could not extract argument name from")

test_that("blank strings are turned into `NA`", {
    convert_blanks_to_na(c("a", "", "b")),
    c("a", NA, "b")

test_that("attributes are preserved when converting blanks to `NA`", {
  input <- structure(letters, names = rev(letters), label = "Letters")
  input[c(1, 9, 23)] <- NA
  output <- convert_blanks_to_na(input)

  expect_identical(attr(output, "label"), "Letters")
  expect_identical(names(output), rev(letters))

test_that("blank strings are turned into `NA` inside data frames", {
  input <- tibble::tibble(
    a = structure(c("a", "b", "", "c"), label = "A"),
    b = structure(c(1, NA, 21, 9), label = "B"),
    c = structure(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), label = "C"),
    d = structure(c("", "", "s", "q"), label = "D")
  expected_output <- tibble::tibble(
    a = structure(c("a", "b", NA, "c"), label = "A"),
    b = structure(c(1, NA, 21, 9), label = "B"),
    c = structure(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), label = "C"),
    d = structure(c(NA, NA, "s", "q"), label = "D")

  expect_identical(convert_blanks_to_na(input), expected_output)

test_that("negate_vars returns list of negated variables", {
  expect_identical(negate_vars(vars(var1, var2)),
                   exprs(-var1, -var2))

test_that("negate_vars returns NULL if input is NULL", {
epijim/admiral documentation built on Feb. 13, 2022, 12:15 a.m.