knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(oetteR) )
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(tidyverse) )
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(caret) )
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(corrplot) )


We will try out several regression models supported by caret and presented in Applied Predictive Modelling

In this POC we will look into two-layer neuronal networks


The mlbench package includes several simulated datasets that can be used as benchmarks. These dataset are described in "01 regression with caret - robust linear modelling"

The nnet algorithm which we are going to use takes a long time on my desktop computer in order to converge. To do a propper tuning might take a day or more. Hence we will only use 5-fold cross validation and a limited set of tuning parameters.

if( file.exists( 'poc_01_regr_caret.Rdata' ) ){

  load( file = 'poc_01_regr_caret.Rdata' )


  load( file = file.path('.', 'inst', 'POC_Rmd', 'poc_01_regr_caret.Rdata') )



df = df %>%
  mutate( cv = map(data, rsample::vfold_cv, v = 5 )
          , cv = map(cv, rsample::rsample2caret ) )


This wrapper is a bit modified compared to the last wrapper we used.
- We pass function parameters via the ... argument.
- We Specifically turn on parallel processing by allowParallel = T and registering 4 CPU cores
- We return the complete caret model, rather than just parts of it.

Register CPU cores

cluster <- makeCluster(detectCores() - 1) ## convention to leave 1 core for OS


wr_car = function( formula, rsample, method, data, grid, ...){

    if( ) grid = NULL

  car = caret::train( formula
                      , data = data )
                      , method = method
                      , tuneGrid = grid
                      , trControl = caret::trainControl(index = rsample$index
                                                        , indexOut = rsample$indexOut
                                                        , method = 'cv'
                                                        , verboseIter = F
                                                        , savePredictions = T
                                                        , allowParallel = T
                      , ...

  return( car )


Neuronal Networks

Neuronal networks mimic the organisational pyrimidal structure of cortical neurons in which we have several layers of models working in unison to produce a common outcome. The simplest neuronal netwrok model constist of two layers. One layer that catches none-linear relationships and one layer that builds a linear model on the predictions of the first layer. The models in the first layer connect all or some of the predictors to a hidden unit which collects the predictions of the model. The number of hidden units (equal to the number of models in the first layer) has to be defined by the analyst and is one of the tuning parameters. Then a linear model usies the results of the hidden units to predict the outcome. A dataset with 100 predictors and three hidden units would have in total 100 * 3 + 3 parameter (coefficients + intercept) in the first layer and 3 + 1 parameters for the last layer so in total 307 parameters to minimize the error of the outcome. Such a model is extremely flexible and will most definetely overfit. So similarly to the lasso method a smoothing (penalty term) $\gamma$ is added to the total equation which is the second tuning parameter for such a network. In order to find the optimal parameter values random starting values are chosen and then back propagation ( sequence through first parameter range, find error minimum, then do the same for the second parameter and then the next one, repeat until error does not get any smaller ) is used to find the optimal parameter values. This method will propagate towards a local minima and produces different results in each run. To combat this effect we can average the results of 3-5 models. neuronal networks

The smoothing term penalizes especially large coefficients, which means that all coefficients need to be on the same scale, meaning that we have to scale and center the predicting variables

The back propagation process is perturbed by high correlations among the predictor variables therefore we need to filter them out or use principle compenents for fitting the model.

tribble( ~Property, ~Sensitivity
         , 'Colinearity', 'less sensitive, but difficult to interpret variable importance'
         , 'Outlier', 'sensitive'
         , 'Not normally distributed predictors', 'insensitive'
         , 'Not normally distributed response', 'insensitive'
         , 'None-linear correlation between predictors and response', 'sensitive, detects '
         , 'Irrelevant variables', 'insensitive, but increases computation time'
         , 'Unscaled variables', 'insensitive, but necessary for calculation of variable importance'
         ) %>%
  knitr::kable( align = 'lc')

Tuning Parameters:
- $\gamma$ range 0.0 - 0.1
- number of hidden units: 1-20 Variable Importance: use caret which uses the Gevrey method which uses combinations of the absolute values of the coefficients.

The nnet package provides a neuronal network algorithm. caret has a version which also does averaging of the produced models avNNet.

# this would be a sensible tuning grid, but it takes too long to compute
grid = expand.grid( decay = c( 0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 )
                    , size = c(1:20) 
                    , bag = c(T,F) )

# overwrite tuning grid with a reduced set of parameters
grid =  expand.grid( decay = c( 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 )
                    , size = c(3, 5, 10, 15 ) 
                    , bag = c(F) )


  df_nnet = df %>%
    mutate( formula = map( response, paste, '~ .' ) ) %>%
    mutate( method = 'avNNet'
            , formula = map( formula, as.formula )
            , grid = list(grid)
            , car = pmap( list(formula, cv, method, data, grid), wr_car
                            , repeats = 5   ## number of models to average
                            , linout = TRUE ## linear output units
                            , trace = FALSE ## reduce print output
                            , maxit = 500   ## maximum number of iterations
                            ## maximum number of parameters
                            ## no_hidden_units * (ncol(predictors) + 1 ) + no_hidden_units + 1
                            ## adjust, it speeds up fitting
                            , MaxNWts = 182


Get best tuning parameters, prediction and variable importance

df_nnet_suppl = df_nnet %>%
  mutate( best_tune = map(car, 'bestTune' )
          , preds   = map(car, 'pred' )
          , preds   = map(preds, as.tibble )
          ## if predictions contain NA values column will be converted to character
          ## we have to manually convert it back to numeric
          , preds   = map(preds, mutate, pred = as.numeric(pred) )
          , imp     = map(car, caret::varImp )
          , imp     = map(imp, 'importance' ) 

df_nnet_pred = df_nnet_suppl %>%
  select( - data, - grid, - car, -imp ) %>%
  unnest( best_tune, .drop = F) %>%
  unnest( preds, .drop = F) %>%
  filter( size == size1, decay == decay1, bag == bag1 ) %>%
  select( - size1, -decay1, - bag1)

Plot Tuning

caret has a built in plot feature that is compatible with ggplot2. It would be nice to have SEM error bars on the plots, but they are not so important for chosing tuning parameters. However if our sampling technique was not too thorough the best tuning parameters could vary depending on the random splits of the validation method. Here I think error bars would be usefull.

df_nnet_plot = df_nnet %>%
  mutate( plot = map( car, ggplot)
          , plot = map2( plot, data_name, function(p,x) p = p + ggtitle(x) ) )


Distributions of the predictions.

The response variables of the friedmann benchamrk sets 2 and 3 are not normally distributed. For linear regression we would thus expect a skewed residuals plot.

df_nnet_pred %>%
  select( data_name, pred, obs ) %>%
  gather( key = 'key', value = 'value', -data_name ) %>%
  ggplot( aes( x = value, fill = key ) ) +
    geom_histogram( position = 'identity'
                    , alpha = 0.5) +
    facet_wrap(~data_name, scales = 'free' )

We can see that the distributions of the observed values almost perfectly mirror the distributions of the predicted values.

Residual Plots

df_res = df_nnet_pred %>%
  select( data_name, pred, obs ) %>%
  mutate( resid = pred-obs ) %>%
  group_by( data_name ) %>%
  nest() %>%
  mutate( p = pmap( list( df = data, title = data_name),  oetteR::f_plot_pretty_points, col_x = 'obs', col_y = 'resid' )
          , p = map(p, function(p) p = p + geom_hline( yintercept = 0, color = 'black', size = 1) ))


However in the residual plots we can see that there is some skewness and we see that we systematicall overestimate observations with small values for the Friedmann 2 dataset and systematically underestimate larger values for the Friedman 3 dataset.

Variable Importance

df_nnet_suppl %>%
  select(data_name, imp) %>%
  mutate( imp = map(imp, function(x) {x$var = row.names(x); x} ) ) %>%
  unnest( imp, .drop = F ) %>%
  group_by( data_name ) %>%
  mutate( rank = rank( desc(Overall) ) ) %>%
  mutate( var = paste(var, round(Overall,1) ) ) %>%
  select( - Overall) %>%
  spread( key = 'data_name', value = 'var' ) %>%

Compare with Correlation Analysis

Friedman 1

all 5 correlating variables contribute to the model, note that V3 correleates in a none-linear fashion

Friedman 2

Response variable beta or gamma distributed with a skewness to the right.
- V2, V3 correleate with the response in a linear fashion

all 2 correlating variables contribute to the model

Friedman 3

Response variable is skewed to the left - V1 linear correlation to response
- V2 semi-linear correlation
- V3 none-linear correlation

all 3 correlating variables contribute to the model, note that V3 correleates in a none-linear fashion

Friedman 1 -colinear

Same as Friedman 1 except for V11 which is the inverse of V4

V4 and V11 contribute equally

Friedman 1 - outlier

Same as Friedman 1

Hill Racing

climb does not contribute to the model


Finally we will calculate the final performance and compare it to regular linear regression

df_nnet_perf = df_nnet_pred %>%
  mutate(  se = (pred-obs)^2
           , ae = abs(pred-obs) ) %>%
  group_by( data_name, Resample ) %>%
  summarise( mse = mean(se)
             , mae = mean(ae) ) %>%
  group_by( data_name ) %>%
  summarise( mean_mse = mean(mse)
             , mean_mae = mean(mae)
             , sem_mean_mse = sd(mse) / sqrt( length(mse) )
             , sem_mean_mae = sd(mae) / sqrt( length(mae) )
             , n = length(mae)
             , method = 'avNNet'

final = df_nnet_perf %>%
  bind_rows(final) %>%
  select( data_name, method
          , mean_mse
          , sem_mean_mse
          , mean_mae
          , sem_mean_mae
          , n ) %>%
  arrange( data_name, method) 

final %>%
  f_datatable_universal( round_other_nums = 4, page_length = nrow(.) )

Plot Performance

final %>%
  ggplot() +
    geom_pointrange( aes(x = method
                         , y = mean_mae
                         , ymin = mean_mae - sem_mean_mae
                         , ymax = mean_mae + sem_mean_mae
                         , color = method)
                     ) +
  facet_wrap( ~ data_name, scales = 'free_y' )

final %>%
  ggplot() +
    geom_pointrange( aes(x = method
                         , y = mean_mse
                         , ymin = mean_mse - sem_mean_mse
                         , ymax = mean_mse + sem_mean_mse
                         , color = method)
                     ) +
  facet_wrap( ~ data_name, scales = 'free_y' )


The avNNet method significantly outperforms regular linear regression. It is able to model a none-normally-distributed response variable and is able to pick up on none-linear correlations.

save( final, df, df_lasso, file = 'poc_02_regr_caret.Rdata' )

erblast/oetteR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:11 p.m.