knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, error = TRUE)
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(oetteR) )
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(tidyverse) )

Presently I am only printing lists of one type of printable object as html using f_plot_obj_2_html. However I would like to mix these lists. Having plotly graphs right next to regular ggplot graphs.

Generate Mixed list

tab = f_datatable_universal( mtcars )

p = ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg) ) +

tag1 = f_html_padding( tab, title = 'tag1')

tag2 = f_html_padding( tab, title = 'tag2') 

p_plotly = plotly::ggplotly(p)

tabplot = tabplot::tableplot( mtcars, plot = F )

mix = list( p_plotly, tag1, p, tabplot, tab) 

Try to identify object

objects = tibble( obj = mix ) %>%
  mutate( class = map(obj, class)
          , class = map_chr( class, function(x) x[[1]] )
          , print_f = map(class, function(x) ifelse( x == 'tabplot',tabplot:::plot.tabplot, print) )
          , list_type = map_chr(class, function(x) ifelse( x %in% c('plotly', 'shiny.tag.list', 'datatables')
                                                     , 'taglist', 'regular_list') )

objects_marked = objects %>%
  mutate(  rank = rank(list_type)
          , change_lag = lag(rank)
          , change_event = rank != change_lag
          , change_num = ifelse( | change_event == FALSE, 0, 1 )
          , cum_change = cumsum(change_num) 

objects_collapse = objects_marked %>%
  group_by( list_type, cum_change ) %>%
  nest() %>%
  arrange( cum_change )

print_obj = function( tib, list_type){

  if( list_type == 'taglist' ){

    htmltools::tagList( tib$obj )


    walk2( tib$obj, tib$print_f, function(x,y) y(x) ) 



for( p in list(p_plotly, p_plotly) ){

  htmlwidgets:::knit_print.htmlwidget(p) # does not work inside loops or functions


walk2( objects_collapse$data, objects_collapse$list_type, print_obj )

it seems impossible to print a plotly object or a DT::datatable or a taglist inside a function or a loop. We could either try to built a custom print function with knitr.

which requires understanding of R objects.

or we could merge different Rmd files before rendering which seems a bit too hacky. I think its best to simply seperate htmlwidgets/taglists and other printable objects for the time being.

erblast/oetteR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:11 p.m.