knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = F, warning = F, results = 'markdown')
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(tidyverse) )
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(oetteR) )

Various Intervalls of a normally distributed sample

map_intervalls_norm = function( .f = rnorm, n = 50, ...){


  pop = .f(n, ...)

  me = mean(pop)
  std = sd(pop)
  sem = std / sqrt( length(pop) )

  df = tibble( value = c('mean','SEM','2xSEM(CI95)','SD','2xSD(PI95)')
               , min = c( me, me - sem, me - 2 * sem, me - std, me - 2 * std )
               , max = c( me, me + sem, me + 2 * sem, me + std, me + 2 * std )
               , pop = list(pop) ) %>%
    mutate( value = fct_relevel(value, 'mean','SEM','2xSEM(CI95)','SD') )



plot_intervals = function(df, title){

  df_unnest = df %>%
    unnest(pop) %>%
    mutate( fill = case_when( pop < min | pop > max ~ 'out'
                              , TRUE ~ 'in' ) )

  p = ggplot(df) +
    geom_errorbar( aes(x = value, ymin = min, ymax = max)
                   , size = 1) +
    ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm( aes(x = value, y = pop, fill = fill)
                               , data = df_unnest
                               , shape = 21) +
    theme( legend.position = 'none') +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = 'grey', linetype = 2, size = 1 ) +
    labs( x = '', y = '', subtitle = title )



title = paste( c('calculated intervalls for 50 samples taken from a normal distributed population'
                 , 'with mean = 0 and sd = 1'), collapse = '\n' )

df = map_intervalls_norm( .f = rnorm)

plot_intervals(df, title = title)

Misleading Intervalls if sample is not normally distributed

title = paste( c('calculated intervalls for 50 samples taken from a gamma distributed population'
                 , 'with rate = 1 and scale = 1/rate'), collapse = '\n' )

df = map_intervalls_norm( .f = rgamma, shape = 1)

plot_intervals(df, title = title)

Bootstrap method can be used to calculate intervalls for none-normally distributed samples

map_intervalls_boot = function(){



  pop = rgamma(50, shape = 1)

  boundary = c(0.975, 0.84, 0.5, 0.16, 0.025)

  sim_mean = boot( pop
                , function(data, index) mean(data[index])
                , 1000 )

  sim_mean = sim_mean$t

  me_boot = quantile(sim_mean, boundary)

  df_boot = tibble(boundary = boundary )%>%
    mutate( boot = map( boundary, function(x) boot(pop, function(data, index) quantile(data[index], x), 1000 ) )
            , boot_value = map_dbl(boot, 't0') ) 

  df = tibble( value = c('mean','SEM','2xSEM(CI95)','PI68','PI95')
               , min = c( me_boot[3], me_boot[4], me_boot[5], df_boot$boot_value[4], df_boot$boot_value[5] )
               , max = c( me_boot[3], me_boot[2], me_boot[1], df_boot$boot_value[2], df_boot$boot_value[1] )
               , pop = list(pop) ) %>%
    mutate( value = fct_relevel(value, 'mean','SEM','2xSEM(CI95)','PI68','PI95') )


df = map_intervalls_boot()

title = paste( c('calculated intervalls for 50 samples taken from a gamma distributed population'
                 , 'with rate = 1 and scale = 1/rate using bootstrap'), collapse = '\n' )

plot_intervals(df, title = title)

Calculating prediction intervalls for linear regression

When we use a linear model to predict a none-linear context the residuals are not normally distributed throughout the prediction space.


m = lm(price~carat, ggplot2::diamonds)

df = tibble(pred = predict(m)
            , resid = m$residuals
            , obs = ggplot2::diamonds$price
            , min = obs - predict(m, = T)$ * 2
            , max = obs + predict(m, = T)$ * 2 ) %>%
  mutate( fill = case_when( obs < min | obs > max ~ 'out'
                              , TRUE ~ 'in' ) ) %>%

df %>%
  select(pred, obs, resid) %>%
  gather( value = 'value', key = 'key', - pred) %>%
  ggplot( aes(x = pred, y = value) ) +
    geom_point( ) +
    geom_smooth( method = 'lm') +

We can seperate the prediction space into bins and use the bootstrap method to calculate the prediction intervalls for each bin

Here we bin 250 value pairs into 10 equally sized bins of 25 observations

df_pi = f_prediction_intervall_raw(df, 'pred', 'obs'
                                   , bootstrap = T
                                   , n_neighbours = 25
                                   , intervall = 0.975) %>%
  f_prediction_intervall_raw('pred', 'obs'
                               , bootstrap = T
                               , n_neighbours = 25
                               , intervall = 0.025)

ggplot(df_pi) +
  geom_ribbon( aes(x = pred
                   , ymax = pred_PI97.5_raw
                   , ymin = pred_PI2.5_raw) ) +
  geom_point(aes(x = pred, y = obs, color = steps)
             , show.legend = F) +
  scale_color_manual( values = f_plot_col_vector74(greys = F))

Here we bin 53940 obseravations into 107 bins of 500 observations each.

Only a subset of 500 random points will be plotted

m = lm(price ~ carat + depth, ggplot2::diamonds)

df = tibble( obs = ggplot2::diamonds$price
           , pred = predict(m, newdata = ggplot2::diamonds) ) %>%
   f_prediction_intervall_raw( 'pred','obs', intervall = 0.975) %>%
   f_prediction_intervall_raw( 'pred','obs', intervall = 0.025) %>%
   f_prediction_intervall_raw( 'pred','obs', intervall = 0.875) %>%
   f_prediction_intervall_raw( 'pred','obs', intervall = 0.125)

p = f_plot_pretty_points( dplyr::sample_n(df, 500), 'pred', 'obs' ) +
  geom_ribbon(mapping = aes(ymin = pred_PI2.5_raw
                            , ymax = pred_PI97.5_raw
                            , fill = 'lightsalmon')
              , data = df
              , color = NA
              , fill = 'lightsalmon'
              , alpha = 0.3 ) + 
  geom_line(mapping = aes(x = pred
                          , y = pred_mean_raw
            , data = df
            , color = 'deepskyblue4'
            #, size = 1
            ) +
  coord_cartesian( xlim=c(0,20000), ylim = c(0,20000))

# reorganize layers
p$layers = list(p$layers[[2]], p$layers[[1]], p$layers[[3]] )


Check if percentiles are correct on total observations

df %>%
  mutate( in_75_perc = ( obs > pred_PI12.5_raw & obs < pred_PI87.5_raw )
          , in_95_perc = ( obs > pred_PI2.5_raw & obs < pred_PI97.5_raw ) ) %>%
  summarize( perc_in_75_percentile = sum(in_75_perc) / n()
             , perc_in_95_percentile = sum(in_95_perc) / n() ) %>%

erblast/oetteR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:11 p.m.