knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(tidyverse) )
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(oetteR) )

wd = file.path( system.file(package = 'oetteR') )


link to the oetteR github page

here you can find an introduction to the package functions and links to rendered versions of the vignettes and rendered versions of most of the Rmd POCs


These vignettes give you an overview about what functions are in the package and how you can use them

They can be found here

folder_Rmd = 'vignettes'
folder_html = 'vignettes'

f_html_table_html_and_rmd_link( wd, folder_Rmd, folder_html )


These are some proof of concepts that I have drafted as Rmd files.

They can be found here

folder_Rmd = 'POC_Rmd'
folder_html = 'POC_Rmd'

f_html_table_html_and_rmd_link( wd, folder_Rmd, folder_html )


These are some proof of concepts that I have drafted out as plain R files

They can be found here

R_files = tibble( file = dir( file.path( wd, 'POC_R' ), pattern = '\\.R', full.names = FALSE ) ) %>%
  mutate( path = dir( file.path( wd, 'POC_R'  ), pattern = '\\.R', full.names = TRUE )
          , link =  map_chr( path, function(x) f_html_filename_2_link( file_path = x ) )
          , file_prefix = str_split(file, '\\.')
          , file_prefix = map_chr( file_prefix, function(x) x[[1]] )
  ) %>%


POC Rmd Shiny

These are some proof of concepts for shiny functionality which I drafted as Rmd files.

They can be found here

R_files = tibble( file = dir( file.path( wd, 'POC_Rmd_shiny' ), pattern = '\\.R', full.names = FALSE ) ) %>%
  mutate( path = dir( file.path( wd, 'POC_Rmd_shiny'  ), pattern = '\\.R', full.names = TRUE )
          , link =  map_chr( path, function(x) f_html_filename_2_link( file_path = x ) )
          , file_prefix = str_split(file, '\\.')
          , file_prefix = map_chr( file_prefix, function(x) x[[1]] )
  ) %>%


erblast/oetteR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:11 p.m.