knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE )
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(oetteR) ) 
suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(tidyverse) )

Cleaning Data

Before I learned about recipes. I had my own set of functions that would do something similar with less functionality of course. oetteR::f_clean_data() takes a dataframe and performs some automated cleaning steps and sorts the variables into categrocial and numerical categories and returns a list which I always name data_ls.

data = ISLR::Auto

data_ls = f_clean_data( data = data
                         # reduce number of levels to 10, group to other
                         , max_number_of_levels_factors = 10
                         # numericals with less than 10 unique values will be converted to factors
                         , min_number_of_levels_nums = 10
                         # exclude missing data
                         , exclude_missing = T
                         # negative values will be set to zero
                         ,replace_neg_values_with_zero = T
                         # allow negative values in these columns
                         ,allow_neg_values = 'null'
                         # tag id columns
                         , id_cols = 'name'

print( str(data_ls) )

Notice that numericals are converted to ordered factors

BoxCox Transformation

We can use a boxcox transformation on numerical variables.

data_ls = f_boxcox(data_ls)

print( str(data_ls) )


Base R has a decent function for PCA prcomp(). However the returned object is a bit messy and contains a lot of matrices intesad of dataframes. oetteR::f_pca() is a convenience wrapper which uses data_ls lists.

pca_ls = f_pca( data_ls
             , center = T
             , scale = T
             , use_boxcox_tansformed_vars = T
             , include_ordered_categoricals = T

The returned pca object has some new features compared to prcomp()

Call the original Data with the Principle Components as additional Variables

as_tibble( pca_ls$data )

Get variance explained as a dataframe


How much is each variable contributing to each component in percent

Note the columns add up to 100


Contribution of variables to variance explained by principle component


Plot PCA

Plot variance explained

Note returns a plotly graph by default


                              # dont include componetns that explain less than 2.5 percent of the variabnce
                              , threshold_vae_for_pc_perc = 2.5)

Plot first two principle components and color by cylinder

and color cylinders, oetteR::f_pca_plot_variance_explained returns a taglist created by htmltools::tagList which stores a plotly graph and a DT:datatable. The algebraic sign (+/-) of the rotation value in the table tells you whether a contribution of one variable to one principle component is positive or negative.

taglist = f_pca_plot_components( pca_ls
                                 , x_axis = 'PC1'
                                 , y_axis = 'PC2'
                                 , group = 'cylinders' )


erblast/oetteR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:11 p.m.