
#' ks
#' Function to calculate KS based enrichment score based on robust z-scores
#' @param x A slinky object
#' @param data a matrix of scores with genes as rows.  Typically normalized, 
#'    e.g. robust z scores (see \code{\link{rzs}})
#' @return Vector of KS scores for each gene.
#'    The the original CMAP paper by Lamb et al. used
#'    a KS random walk based statistic for calculating enrichment.  Here
#'    we use the same metric to identify differentially expressed genes.
#'    The question arises how to summarize accross replicates.
#'    We use a \"rank of ranks\" approach.  With this
#'    method, each sample is ranked, and then the entire matrix is
#'    ranked to create a single vector.  The KS statistic is then
#'    calculated for each gene based on the position of their replicate
#'    values in the vectorized matrix.  In this way, genes that
#'    consistently have high ranks within each sample will have a higher
#'    KS score than those that are inconsistently ranked.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rzs}}
#' @name ks
#' @rdname ks
           function(x, data) {
#' @rdname ks
#' @aliases ks,Slinky-method
#' @noRd
setMethod("ks", signature(x = "Slinky"),
function(x, data) 
    .ks <- function(ix, n) {
        scores <- -rep(1/(n - length(ix)), n)
        inc <- 1/length(ix)

        # need to account for ties
        ix <- floor(ix)
        scores[ix] <- 0
        for (i in ix) {
            scores[i] = scores[i] + inc
        if (-min(cumsum(scores)) >= max(cumsum(scores))) {
        } else {

    genes <- base::rownames(data)

    # rank in descending order
    ranks <- apply(-data, 2, rank)
    ranks <- rank(as.vector(ranks))
    genes <- rep(base::rownames(data), base::ncol(data))
    tapply(ranks, INDEX = genes, FUN = .ks, length(ranks))
erikor/slinky documentation built on Aug. 21, 2021, 7:43 a.m.