This package implements Monte Carlo methods (including efficient importance sampling approaches) for assessing the false positive and false negative rates expected when using a particular set of genetic markers for pairwise relationship inference. It also provides functions implemented in C++ for computing likelihood ratios for different relationships between all pairs of individuals in a data set.

CKMRsim can be installed with the ‘remotes’ packages` It requires that development tools be installed on your system to allow compilation of C++ via RCpp.

remotes::install_github("eriqande/CKMRsim", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Once that is done (and note that building the vignettes can take a while), you can read the vignettes with:






An easier way to get to read these vignetttes is to find them in the “articles” tab at CKMRsim’s pkgdown page at:

Doing simulations in the face of physical linkage requires the Mendel program version 16. This was formerly available at, but it seems that the site is no longer maintained or connected.

Instead, you can now install it with the install_mendel() function.

A tutorial on how to use CKMRsim, prepared for a workshop at TWS 2022, can be found at

eriqande/CKMRsim documentation built on March 1, 2025, 11:59 p.m.