Man pages for ethanbass/chromConverter
Chromatographic File Converter

call_entabCall Entab Converts files using Entab parsers
call_openchromParse files with OpenChrom
call_rainbowParse Agilent or Waters files with rainbow parser
configure_openchromConfigure OpenChrom parser
configure_python_environmentConfigure python environment
extract_metadataExtract metadata
read_agilent_dRead files from 'ChemStation' .D directories
read_agilent_dxParser for reading Agilent ('.dx') files into R
read_asmRead Allotrope Simple Model (ASM) 2D chromatograms
read_cdfRead CDF file
read_chemstation_chRead 'ChemStation' CH files
read_chemstation_csvRead Chemstation CSV
read_chemstation_msRead 'Agilent ChemStation' MS file.
read_chemstation_reportsRead 'Agilent ChemStation' Reports
read_chemstation_uvRead 'ChemStation' DAD files
read_chromeleonChromeleon ASCII reader
read_chromsRead Chromatograms
read_mdfRead 'Lumex' MDF files into R
read_mzmlExtract data from mzML files
read_peaklistRead peak lists
read_shimadzuShimadzu ascii reader
read_shimadzu_gcdShimadzu GCD parser
read_shimadzu_lcdShimadzu LCD parser
read_shimadzu_qgdRead 'Shimadzu' QGD
read_sz_lcd_2dShimadzu LCD 2D parser
read_sz_lcd_3dShimadzu LCD 3D parser
read_thermorawRead ThermoRaw files into R using ThermoRawFileParser
read_varian_peaklistRead 'Varian' peaklist. Read peak list(s) from 'Varian MS...
read_varian_smsRead 'Varian' SMS
read_waters_arwWaters ascii (.arw) reader
read_waters_rawRead 'Waters' RAW
sp_converterConverter for 'Agilent MassHunter' UV files
uv_converterConverter for 'Agilent ChemStation' UV files
write_andi_chromWrite ANDI chrom CDF file from chromatogram
write_chromsExport chromatograms
write_mzmlWrite mzML
ethanbass/chromConverter documentation built on Jan. 14, 2025, 2:11 a.m.