
# Test Data
test_HT_df <- dplyr::tibble(
  text = "I really love and hate my dog, he is the best most amazing friend anyone could ever ask for!  
  I really hate my love to hate on my stupid dog, he is the worst friend anyone could ever ask for!",
  hashtag = "dog", 
  created = lubridate::as_datetime('2018-02-09 17:56:30'),
  key = "coolguy123")

test_HT_Tidy_df <- saotd::tweet_tidy(
  DataFrame = test_HT_df)
test_HT_PosNeg <- saotd::posneg_words(
  DataFrameTidy = test_HT_Tidy_df, 
  num_words = 1)
test_HT <- test_HT_PosNeg[[1]][2]

check_HT <- dplyr::tibble(
  sentiment = as.character(c("negative", "positive")))

test_Topic_df <- dplyr::tibble(
  text = "I really love and hate my dog, he is the best most amazing friend anyone could ever ask for!  
  I really hate my love to hate on my stupid dog, he is the worst friend anyone could ever ask for!",
  Topic = "dog", 
  created = lubridate::as_datetime('2018-02-09 17:56:30'),
  key = "coolguy123")

test_Topic_Tidy_df <- saotd::tweet_tidy(
  DataFrame = test_Topic_df)
test_Topic_PosNeg <- saotd::posneg_words(
  DataFrameTidy = test_Topic_Tidy_df, 
  num_words = 1)
test_Topic <- test_Topic_PosNeg[[1]][2]

check_Topic <- dplyr::tibble(
  sentiment = as.character(c("negative", "positive")))

# Tests
testthat::test_that("The tweet_scores function properly ingests data frame", {
  testthat::expect_error(object = saotd::posneg_words(
    DataFrameTidy = text), 
    "The input for this function is a data frame.")
  testthat::expect_error(object = saotd::posneg_words(
    DataFrameTidy = test_HT_Tidy_df, 
    num_words = "two"), 
    "Enter a number.")

testthat::test_that("The tweet_scores function computes the scores correctly for hashtags", {
  testthat::expect_equal(test_HT, check_HT)

testthat::test_that("The tweet_scores function computes the scores correctly for topics", {
  testthat::expect_equal(test_Topic, check_Topic)

testthat::test_that("The posneg_words plot using hashtags retunrs ggplot object", {
  testthat::expect_type(object = test_HT_PosNeg,
                        type =  "list")

testthat::test_that("The posneg_words plot using topics retunrs ggplot object", {
  testthat::expect_type(object = test_Topic_PosNeg,
                        type =  "list")
evan-l-munson/SAoTD documentation built on Jan. 11, 2024, 12:26 a.m.