
#' Does code throw an rextendr_error?
#' `expect_rextendr_error()` expects an error of class `rextendr_error`, as
#' thrown by `ui_throw()`.
#' @param ... arguments passed to [testthat::expect_error()]
expect_rextendr_error <- function(...) {
  testthat::expect_error(..., class = "rextendr_error")

#' Create a local package
#' `local_package()` creates a self-cleaning test package via usethis and withr.
#' It also sets the local working directory and usethis project to the temporary
#' package. These settings are reverted and the package removed via
#' `withr::defer()`. This clean-up happens at the end of the local scope,
#' usually the end of a `test_that()` call.
#' @param nm The name of the temporary package
#' @param envir An environment where `withr::defer()`'s exit handler is
#'   attached, usually the `parent.frame()` to exist locally
#' @return A path to the root package directory
local_package <- function(nm, envir = parent.frame()) {
  local_temp_dir(envir = envir)
  dir <- usethis::create_package(nm)
  local_proj_set(envir = envir)


#' Create a local temporary directory
#' `local_temp_dir()` creates a local temporary directory and sets the created
#' directory as the working directory. These are then cleaned up with
#' `withr::defer()` at the end of the scope, usually the end of the `test_that()`
#' scope.
#' @param envir An environment where `withr::defer()`'s exit handler is
#'   attached, usually the `parent.frame()` to exist locally
#' @return A path to the temporary directory
local_temp_dir <- function(..., envir = parent.frame()) {
  current_wd <- getwd()
  path <- file.path(tempfile(), ...)
  dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)


    envir = envir


#' Set a local usethis project
#' `local_proj_set()` locally sets a new usethis project. The project is
#' reverted with `withr::defer()` at the end of the scope, usually the end of
#' the `test_that()` scope.
#' @param envir An environment where `withr::defer()`'s exit handler is
#'   attached, usually the `parent.frame()` to exist locally
local_proj_set <- function(envir = parent.frame()) {
  old_proj <- usethis::proj_set(getwd(), force = TRUE)
  withr::defer(usethis::proj_set(old_proj), envir = envir)

#' Helper function for snapshot testing.
#' Wraps `brio::read_file` and writes content to output using `cat`.
#' @param ... Path to the file being read.
#' @noRd
cat_file <- function(...) {

#' Helper function for skipping tests when cargo subcommand is unavailable
#' @param args Character vector, arguments to the `cargo` command. Pass to [processx::run()]'s args param.
skip_if_cargo_unavailable <- function(args = "--help") {
      processx::run("cargo", args, error_on_status = TRUE)
    error = function(e) {
      message <- paste0("`cargo ", paste0(args, collapse = " "), "` is not available.")

#' Helper function for skipping tests when the test possibly fails because of
#' the path length limit. This only happens on R (<= 4.2) on Windows.
skip_on_R42_win <- function() {
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && getRversion() < "4.3") {
    testthat::skip("Long path is not supported by this version of Rtools.")

skip_if_opted_out_of_dev_tests <- function() {
  env_var <- Sys.getenv("REXTENDR_SKIP_DEV_TESTS") |>
    stringi::stri_trim_both() |>

  if (env_var == "true" || env_var == "1") {
    testthat::skip("Dev extendr tests disabled")

#' Mask any version in snapshot files
#' @param snapshot_lines Character vector, lines of the snapshot file
#' @example
#' expect_snapshot(some_operation(), transform = mask_any_version)
#' @noRd
mask_any_version <- function(snapshot_lines) {
extendr/rextendr documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 9:44 p.m.