## Create empty HDF5 file in the writer process
hf <- "x.hdf5"
# [1] TRUE
## Then, in the reader process open a handle and dump the file
hf <- "x.hdf5"
fid <- H5Fopen(hf)
## Now leave the rhdf5 handle open in the reader and go back to the
## writer process and write a data set
h5write(1, hf, "foo")
# $foo
# [1] 1
## Now go back to the reader and try to read it:
## That is not right---it doesn't reflect the change.
## Maybe the handle is bad. Try to read it using the filename instead
## still can't see it. Try a new rhdf5 handle
fid2 <- H5Fopen(hf)
## Still can't see it. Turns out if I close all the open rhdf5 handles
## I can see it.

# get well parameters: input and calculated
params <- well.params()
well.data <- params$out.data
well.calc <- params$out.calc

# get the well name from the parameters
well.name <- well.data$well.name
# wellFile <- paste(paste("./data", well.name, sep = "/"), "hdf5", sep = ".")
# save(well.data, file = well.file)

# build the full filename
wells.dir <- "./"
wellFile <- file.path(wells.dir, "WOODLIB.01.hdf5")

# add FIELD group and WELL group
field <- "HAGBR"            # field name

hg <- add.wellRecord(wellFile, field, well.name)

ds.well.data <- paste(hg, "well.data", sep = "/")
ds.well.calc <- paste(hg, "well.calc", sep = "/")

h5write(well.data, wellFile, ds.well.data)
h5write(well.calc, wellFile, ds.well.calc)

# if the HDF file does not exist it will create one
if (file.exists(wellFile)) {
        file.remove(wellFile)    # option 1: remove the file

    } else {
        fid <- H5Fcreate(wellFile)
# h5createFile(well.file)
h5save(well.data, well.calc, file = wellFile)
#h5wH <- h5write(well.data, file = wellFile, "welldata")
# H5Dclose(did)
# H5Sclose(sid)
# write a scalar
# if the HDF file does not exist it will create one
if (file.exists(wellFile)) file.remove(wellFile)
if (!file.exists(wellFile)) 
    fid <- H5Fcreate(wellFile) 

sid <- H5Screate_simple(c(1,1))
did <- H5Dcreate(fid, "THT", "H5T_STD_I32LE", sid)
H5Dwrite(did, well.data$tht, h5spaceMem = sid, h5spaceFile = sid)

well.params <- function(well.name = "ExampleGuo",
                        depth.wh  = 0,               # depth at wellhead
                        depth.bh  = 9700,            # depth at bottomhole
                        diam.in   = 1.995,     
                        GLR       = 75,        
                        liq.rt   = 758, 
                        wcut     = 0.10, 
                        thp      = 200,       # tubing head pressure
                        tht      = 80,        # tubing head temperature
                        bht      = 180,       # bottomhole temperature
                        API      = 40, 
                        gas.sg   = 0.7,                     
                        wat.sg   = 1.05, 
                        oil.visc = 5,
                        ed       = 0.0006,      # relative roughness  
                        if.tens  = 30,
                        segments = 30,          # number of depth segments
                        model    = "hagbr.mod",          # VLP model selection
                        salinity = 0 
) {

    # calculate segments and depths
    # depth counts have to be greater than segments to allocate the zero 
    # or initial depth value
    # consider that in length.out parameter
    depths   <- seq.int(from = depth.wh, to = depth.bh, length.out = segments+1)
    n        <- length(depths)   # which is the same as # rows

    # calculate temperature gradient
    temp.grad <- (bht - tht) / depth.bh

    # convert tubing diameter to ft
    diam <- diam.in /12

    # calculate area in ft^2
    area <- pi / 4 * diam^2

    # calculate specific gravity of oil from API
    oil.sg <- 141.5 / (131.5 + API)

    # oil and water fractions
    wat.fraction <- wcut
    oil.fraction <- 1 - wat.fraction
    WOR          <- wat.fraction / oil.fraction

    # calculate oil, gas and water rate at standard conditions
    # oil.srt, gas.srt, wat.srt  
    # oil.Srt, gas.Srt, wat.Srt
    oil.rt <- liq.rt * oil.fraction
    gas.rt <- liq.rt * GLR
    wat.rt <- liq.rt * wat.fraction

    # GOR
    GOR = (oil.rt + wat.rt) / oil.rt * GLR

    # total mass per STB = mass oil + mass water + mass gas. C42.3
    mass.total <- oil.sg * 350 * (1 / (1+WOR)) + 
        wat.sg * 350 * (WOR / (1+WOR)) +
        0.0764 * GLR * gas.sg

    # calculate fluid properties at P, T conditions

    # input parameters
    out.data <- named.list( well.name,
                            depth.wh, tht,
                            depth.bh, bht, 
                            diam.in, ed,
                            thp, liq.rt, wcut, 
                            API, oil.visc,
                            gas.sg, GLR, 
                            wat.sg, salinity, 

    # calculated parameters
    out.calc <- named.list(
        diam, area,
        oil.fraction, wat.fraction, WOR,
        oil.rt, gas.rt, wat.rt,

    # put together input and calculated lists
    out.surf <- named.list(out.data, out.calc)


#' @param depth.wh   depth at the wellhead            double   feet
#' @param depth.bh   depth of the well                double   feet
#' @param diam.in    inner diameter of tubing         double   inches
#' @param liq.rt     liquid rate                      double   stb/day
#' @param wcut       watercut                         double   percent
#' @param GLR        Gas Liquid Ratio                 double   scf/stb
#' @param thp        tubing head pressure             double   psia
#' @param tht        tubing head temperature          double   deg Farenheit
#' @param bht        bottomhole temperature           double   deg Farenheit
#' @param API        oil gravity                      double   API
#' @param gas.sg     specific gravity of gas          double   adim
#' @param wat.sg     specific gravity of water        double   adim
#' @param oil.visc   oil viscosity                    double   cp
#' @param ed         relative roughness of pipe       double   adim
#' @param if.tens    interfacial tension              double   dyn/cm
#' @param segments   number of tubing segments        int      adim
#' @param tol        tolerance for iterations         double   adim
#' @param model      name of the model                char   
#' @param salinity   salinity of water                double   ppm
# converting items in a list in global variables

well <- well.params()                   # list of well parameters

for (item in names(well)) {
    cat(item, well[[item]], "\n")  
    assign(item, well[[item]])          # make list member globals
# save an R object in a RDATA file and retrieve it in a new environment
# to avoid collision with global objects

load("./data/well02.rda")             # load any data

rdata.file <-  "./data/mymodel.Rdata"  

save(well.data, file = rdata.file)               # save the data to a RDA file
load(rdata.file, envir = e <- new.env())         # load the RDA file in environment `e`

identical(well.data,                             # test if both variable are the same
          ignore.environment = TRUE)

Source: http://www.fromthebottomoftheheap.net/2012/04/01/saving-and-loading-r-objects/

# Retrieve objects in RData files and asign them to variables equal
# to the name of the file

setwd("./data")                          # set working directory to ./data

filelist = list.files(pattern = ".rda")   # extract .RData files from working directory

# determine unique names to assign to the objects 
# (this solution is based on the file name)
names <- make.names(sapply(strsplit(filelist, split="_"),"[[",1))

# read in objects, giving each a unique name
list2env(lapply(setNames(filelist, names), function(x) get(load(x))), 
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
a <- seq(1, 10)
b <- 5
c <- 10
aa <- list(a)

df <- data.frame(b = b, c = c, aa = aa)

f0nzie/rNodal documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:14 a.m.