Man pages for famuvie/breedR
Statistical Methods for Forest Genetic Resources Analysts

additive_geneticBuild an additive_genetic model
additive_genetic_animalBuild an additive-genetic animal model
additive_genetic_competitionBuild an additive-genetic competition model
as.tripletRepresent a symmetric matrix in triplet format
bispline_incidenceIncidence Matrix of Bidimensional Splines
breedr_arBuild an autoregressive model
breedr_blocksBuild a blocks model
breedr_effectConstructor for a generic breedR effect
breedR.get.HOMEDetermine the user's home directory
breedR.get.USERDetermine the user name
breedR.optionSet and get global options for breedR
breedR.osCheck host OS
breedR.os.32or64bittest 32/64 bits architecture
breedR.os.typeReturn platform string
breedR-packageFrequentist and Bayesian methods for breeders, quantitative...
breedr_progsf90_repoDefault repository for PROGSF90 binaries
breedR.remotePerform a job remotely
breedr_splinesBuild a splines model
build_gridBuild an encompassing grid
build_pedigreeBuild pedigree
b.valuesBreeding values
check_pedigreeCheck the rules for a well-formed pedigree
check_progsf90Checks installation of PROGSF90 binaries
check_var.iniCheck initial variances specification
compare.plotsCompare two or more ggplots of the same kind
competitionBuild a virtual competition model
coordinates_breedRbreedR coordinates methods
default_initial_varianceDefault initial value for variance components
determine.n.knotsDetermine a sensible number of knots
diagonalConstructor for a diagonal random effect
distribute_knots_uniformgridDistribute knots uniformly in a grid
douglasMulti-site Douglas-fir dataset
effect_groupConstructor for a group of effects
effect_typeType of a (group of) effect(s)
extract_blockExtract a block of lines from a section of the REML log
Extract.metageneExtract or replace data in a metagene object
fill_holesFind and fill all the holes in a vector
fixedConstructor for a fixed effect
fixefExtract fixed-effects estimates
genericBuild a generic model
geneticBuild an genetic model
get_efnamesGet names of effects
get_ntraitsExtract the number of traits
get_paramParameters of a breedR component
get_pedigreeGet the Pedigree from an object
get_structureCovariance structure of a breedR component
globulusEucalyptus Globulus dataset
install_progsf90Install PROGSF90 binary dependencies
is_numericlogTest whether a string from a REML log is numeric
larixLongitudinal Larix dataset
loc_gridLattice of spatial locations
m1A small Metagene synthesized dataset
m4Metagene synthesized dataset with four generations'move' an arrangement in a given direction
ngenerationsNumber of generations
nindividualsNumber of individuals
node2lattice_mappingDefine mapping between a lattice and nodes
normalise_coordinatesNormalise coordinates specification
parse.txtmatParse a matrix from a text output robustly
permanent_environmental_competitionBuild an permanent-environmental competition model
pf90_code_missingDetermine a numeric code for missing observations
pf90_default_heritabilityDefault formula for heritability
plot.remlf90Spatial plot of a model's fit components
progsf90progsf90 class
randomConstructor for a random effect
ranefExtract the modes of the random effects
read.metageneMetagene Data Input
remlf90Inference with REMLF90
remoteControl and view a remote breedR-queue of submitted jobs
renderpf90Render a progsf90 effect
renderpf90.matrixRender a sparse matrix into non-zero values and column...
retrieve_remoteRetrieve results stored in some remote directory
sim.spatialSimulate a spatial structure
simulationSimulation of phenotypes and model components
spatialBuild a spatial model
spatial.plotPlot an spatially arranged continuous variable
splat'Splat' arguments to a function
validate_varianceCheck properties for a covariance matrix
variogramEmpirical variograms of residuals
vcov.remlf90Covariance matrix of a fitted remlf90 object
vgram.matrixVariogram of a matrix
famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.