
Defines functions fill_grd

Documented in fill_grd

#' Add date columns and fill missing values in the interpolation grids
#' Add date, year, month, and day columns to the interpolation grids using dates from \code{dat_in}. The \code{\link[fields]{interp.surface}} function is used after splitting the interpolation matrix by month to fill missing values.  Function is used in \code{\link{wrtds}}.
#' @param grd_in interpolation grid to fill, either a single mean grid or an individual quantile grid created within \code{\link{wrtds}}
#' @param dat_in \code{\link{tidal}} or \code{\link{tidalmean}} object
#' @param interp logical for interpolation
#' @import dplyr
fill_grd <- function(grd_in, dat_in, interp = FALSE){

  # infinite to NA, this means a really bad fit
  grd_in[is.infinite(grd_in)] <- NA

  # fill missing values
    # interpolate NA values by month
    mos <- as.numeric(format(dat_in$date, '%m'))
    bymo <- sapply(1:12, function(x){
      # split fit grid by months, 
      # remove missing values in long format
      sel <- mos %in% x
      dts <- dat_in$date[sel]
      toint <- grd_in[sel, ]
      out <- data.frame(date = dts, toint) %>% 
        tidyr::gather('xvar', 'val', -date) %>% 
        na.omit %>% 
        mutate(xvar = as.numeric(gsub('X', '', xvar)))

      # interpolate each month for original grd space
      newvals <- fields::interp.surface(obj = list( x = as.numeric(dts), y = 1:ncol(toint), z = toint),
                                    loc = data.frame(as.numeric(out$date), out$xvar)) %>% 
        matrix(., nrow = length(dts), ncol = ncol(toint)) %>% 
        data.frame(date = dts, .)
    }, simplify =F )
    # combine all months, sort by row
    # back to original grd format
    grd_in <- do.call('rbind', bymo) %>% 
      arrange(date) %>% 
      select(-date) %>% 

  # add year, month, day from dat_in to interp grid
  out <- data.frame(
    date = dat_in$date, 
    year = dat_in$year, 
    month = dat_in$month, 
    day = as.numeric(strftime(dat_in$date, '%d')),

fawda123/WRTDStidal documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 11:28 p.m.