
# library(leaflet)

# pal <- colorNumeric(
#   palette = heat.colors(5),
#   domain = c(0, 1/3, 2/3, 1, 4/3, 5/3))
# qpal <- colorQuantile("RdYlBu", length.bins, n = 5)

single_station_map <- function(stations, selected_nbname = NULL,
                               selected_long  = NULL,
                               selected_lat  = NULL, variable2plot = "none", map_layer = "open streetmap", catchments = FALSE, 
                               colored_markers = FALSE, radius_function = TRUE, popups = FALSE)  {
  ## Functions controling color and size of markers
  my.colors <- c("blue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "red", "black")
  my.color.func <- function(x2plot, my.colors) {
    color.bins <- c(0, 1/3, 2/3, 1, 4/3, 5/3)
    color <- my.colors[trunc(x2plot * 3) + 2]
  if (radius_function) {
    my.radius.func <- function(x2plot) {
      radius <- 4 * exp(x2plot * 2)
  } else {
    my.radius.func <- function(x2plot) {
      radius <- 4
  ## Custom icon
  #   custom_icon <- iconList(blue = makeIcon("./www/icon.png", iconWidth = 24, iconHeight =32),
  #                          green = makeIcon("/Users/jazzurro/Documents/Stack Overflow/green.png", iconWidth = 24, iconHeight =32),
  #                          orange = makeIcon("/Users/jazzurro/Documents/Stack Overflow/orange.png", iconWidth = 24, iconHeight =32))
  map <- leaflet() %>% setView(13, 64, zoom = 5)
  ## Color the markers to indicate potential flood issues
  if (variable2plot == "flood_warning") {
    index <- is.na(stations$flood_warning)
    NA_stations <- lapply(stations, function(x) x[index])
    OK_stations <- lapply(stations, function(x) x[!index])
    map <- map %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = OK_stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                       radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations$flood_warning), 
                       color = ~my.color.func(OK_stations$flood_warning, my.colors), 
                       stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 1,
                       group = "Warning ratio available"
                       # layerId = OK_stations$regine_main
      ) %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = NA_stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                       radius = 4, 
                       color = "blue", 
                       stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 1,
                       group = "No warning ratio"
                       # layerId = NA_stations$regine_main
      ) %>%
      addLegend(position = "bottomright", colors = my.colors, labels = c("NA", "0-1/3", "1/3-2/3", "2/3-1", "1-4/3", "4/3-5/3"),
                title = "Max forecast / mean annual flood",
                opacity = 1)
    # Adding transparent markers with layerID = selected stations so that the map interactivity remains
    if (popups == FALSE) {
      map <- addCircleMarkers(map, data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                              popup = paste(as.character(stations$nbname), "Ratio:", round(OK_stations$flood_warning,2), sep = " "), 
                              radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations$flood_warning), 
                              color = "white", weight = 0, stroke = TRUE,
                              fillOpacity = 0, fillColor = "white",
                              # group = "Selectable stations",
                              layerId = stations$nbname)
    } else {
      map <- addCircleMarkers(map, data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                              # popup = paste(as.character(stations$nbname), "Ratio:", round(OK_stations$flood_warning,2), sep = " "), 
                              radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations$flood_warning), 
                              color = "white", weight = 0, stroke = TRUE,
                              fillOpacity = 0, fillColor = "white",
                              # group = "Selectable stations",
                              layerId = stations$nbname)
  if (variable2plot == "uncertainty")  {
    index <- is.na(stations$uncertainty)
    NA_stations_uncertainty <- lapply(stations, function(x) x[index])
    OK_stations_uncertainty <- lapply(stations, function(x) x[!index])
    map <- map %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = OK_stations_uncertainty, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                       radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty / max(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty) ), 
                       color = ~my.color.func(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty, my.colors), 
                       stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 1,
                       group = "Uncertainty of HBV_2014"
                       # layerId = OK_stations_uncertainty$regine_main
      ) %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = NA_stations_uncertainty, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                       radius = 4, 
                       color = "blue", 
                       stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 1,
                       group = "No uncertainty figure"
                       # layerId = NA_stations_uncertainty$regine_main
      ) %>%
      addLegend(position = "bottomright", colors = my.colors, labels = c("NA", "0-1/3", "1/3-2/3", "2/3-1", "1-4/3", "4/3-5/3"),
                title = "Max forecast / mean annual flood",
                opacity = 1)
    if (popups == FALSE) {
      map <- addCircleMarkers(map, data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                              popup = paste(as.character(stations$nbname), "Ratio:", round(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty,2), sep = " "), 
                              radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty / max(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty) ), 
                              color = "white", weight = 0, stroke = TRUE,
                              fillOpacity = 0, fillColor = "white",
                              # group = "Selectable stations",
                              layerId = stations$nbname)
    } else {
      map <- addCircleMarkers(map, data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                              # popup = paste(as.character(stations$nbname), "Ratio:", round(OK_stations$uncertainty,2), sep = " "), 
                              radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty / max(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty) ), 
                              color = "white", weight = 0, stroke = TRUE,
                              fillOpacity = 0, fillColor = "white",
                              # group = "Selectable stations",
                              layerId = stations$nbname)
  if (variable2plot == "none") {
    map <- addCircleMarkers(map, data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                            popup = paste(as.character(stations$nbname), sep = " "),
                            radius = 5, 
                            color = "black", weight = 4, stroke = TRUE,
                            fillOpacity = 1, fillColor = "black",
                            # group = "Selectable stations",
                            layerId = stations$nbname)
  ## Add catchment boundaries to the map and change base layer
  if (catchments == TRUE) {
    map <- addGeoJSON(map, hbv_catchments, weight = 3, color = "#444444", fill = FALSE)
  if (map_layer == "topo map") {
    map <- addWMSTiles(map,
                       layers = "topo2_WMS",
                       options = WMSTileOptions(format = "image/png", transparent = TRUE),
                       tileOptions(tms = TRUE),
                       attribution = "Kartverket")
  if (map_layer == "aerial") {
    map <- addProviderTiles(map, "Esri.WorldImagery", group = "Esri.WorldImagery") 
    #       addWMSTiles(map, "http://wms.geonorge.no/skwms1/wms.nib",
    #                        layers = "ortofoto",
    #                        # "http://wms.geonorge.no/skwms1/wms.terrengmodell",
    #                        # "http://openwms.statkart.no/skwms1/wms.terrengmodell",
    #                         # layers = "terreng",  # did not work,
    #                        # options = WMSTileOptions(format:"image/png", transparent = FALSE),
    #                        tileOptions(tms = TRUE),
    #                        attribution = "Kartverket")
  if (map_layer == "open streetmap") {
    map <- addTiles(map)

multiple_station_map <- function(stations, selected_regine_main = NULL,
                                 selected_name = NULL,
                                 selected_long = NULL,
                                 selected_lat = NULL, single_poly = FALSE, variable2plot = "none", radius_function = TRUE, popups = FALSE) {
  ## Functions controling color and size of markers WILL NEED TO BE GENERALIZED WITH SINGLE STATION FUNCTION!
  my.colors <- c("blue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "red", "black")
  my.color.func <- function(x2plot, my.colors) {
    color.bins <- c(0, 1/3, 2/3, 1, 4/3, 5/3)
    color <- my.colors[trunc(x2plot * 3) + 2]
  if (radius_function) {
    my.radius.func <- function(x2plot) {
      radius <- 4 * exp(x2plot * 2)
  } else {
    my.radius.func <- function(x2plot) {
      radius <- 4
  map <- leaflet() %>%
    addTiles() %>%
    setView(13, 64, zoom = 5)
    map <- addDrawToolbar(map,
                          layerID = "selectbox",
                          polyline = FALSE,
                          circle = FALSE,
                          marker = FALSE,
                          edit = TRUE,
                          polygon = TRUE,
                          rectangle = TRUE,
                          remove = TRUE,
                          singleLayer = FALSE)  # %>% addLayersControl(position = "bottomleft", overlayGroups = c("selectbox")) 
#     addCircleMarkers(data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
#                      popup = paste("Name:", as.character(stations$name), "Number:", stations$regine_main,
#                                    sep = " "), radius = 5, 
#                      color = "black", 
#                      stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.5,
#                      layerId = stations$regine_main)   %>%
  ## Color the markers to indicate potential flood issues
  if (variable2plot == "flood_warning") {
    index <- is.na(stations$flood_warning)
    NA_stations <- lapply(stations, function(x) x[index])
    OK_stations <- lapply(stations, function(x) x[!index])
    map <- map %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = OK_stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                       radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations$flood_warning), 
                       color = ~my.color.func(OK_stations$flood_warning, my.colors), 
                       stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 1,
                       group = "Warning ratio available"
                       # layerId = OK_stations$regine_main
      ) %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = NA_stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                       radius = 4, 
                       color = "blue", 
                       stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 1,
                       group = "No warning ratio"
                       # layerId = NA_stations$regine_main
      ) %>%
      addLegend(position = "bottomright", colors = my.colors, labels = c("NA", "0-1/3", "1/3-2/3", "2/3-1", "1-4/3", "4/3-5/3"),
                title = "Max forecast / mean annual flood",
                opacity = 1)
    # Adding transparent markers with layerID = selected stations so that the map interactivity remains
    # if (popups == FALSE) {
      map <- addCircleMarkers(map, data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                              popup = paste(as.character(stations$nbname), "Ratio:", round(OK_stations$flood_warning,2), sep = " "), 
                              radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations$flood_warning), 
                              color = "white", weight = 0, stroke = TRUE,
                              fillOpacity = 0, fillColor = "white",
                              # group = "Selectable stations",
                              layerId = stations$nbname) 
    # } 
#     else {
#       map <- addCircleMarkers(map, data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
#                               # popup = paste(as.character(stations$nbname), "Ratio:", round(OK_stations$flood_warning,2), sep = " "), 
#                               radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations$flood_warning), 
#                               color = "white", weight = 0, stroke = TRUE,
#                               fillOpacity = 0, fillColor = "white",
#                               # group = "Selectable stations",
#                               layerId = stations$nbname)
#     }
  if (variable2plot == "uncertainty")  {
    index <- is.na(stations$uncertainty)
    NA_stations_uncertainty <- lapply(stations, function(x) x[index])
    OK_stations_uncertainty <- lapply(stations, function(x) x[!index])
    map <- map %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = OK_stations_uncertainty, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                       radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty / max(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty) ), 
                       color = ~my.color.func(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty, my.colors), 
                       stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 1,
                       group = "Uncertainty of HBV_2014"
                       # layerId = OK_stations_uncertainty$regine_main
      ) %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = NA_stations_uncertainty, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                       radius = 4, 
                       color = "blue", 
                       stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 1,
                       group = "No uncertainty figure"
                       # layerId = NA_stations_uncertainty$regine_main
      ) %>%
      addLegend(position = "bottomright", colors = my.colors, labels = c("NA", "0-1/3", "1/3-2/3", "2/3-1", "1-4/3", "4/3-5/3"),
                title = "Max forecast / mean annual flood",
                opacity = 1)
    # if (popups == FALSE) {
      map <- addCircleMarkers(map, data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                              popup = paste(as.character(stations$nbname), "Ratio:", round(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty,2), sep = " "), 
                              radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty / max(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty) ), 
                              color = "white", weight = 0, stroke = TRUE,
                              fillOpacity = 0, fillColor = "white",
                              # group = "Selectable stations",
                              layerId = stations$nbname)  
#     } else {
#       map <- addCircleMarkers(map, data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
#                               # popup = paste(as.character(stations$nbname), "Ratio:", round(OK_stations$uncertainty,2), sep = " "), 
#                               radius = ~my.radius.func(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty / max(OK_stations_uncertainty$uncertainty) ), 
#                               color = "white", weight = 0, stroke = TRUE,
#                               fillOpacity = 0, fillColor = "white",
#                               # group = "Selectable stations",
#                               layerId = stations$nbname)
#     }
  if (variable2plot == "none") {
    map <- addCircleMarkers(map, data = stations, lng = ~ longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
                            popup = paste(as.character(stations$nbname), sep = " "),
                            radius = 5, 
                            color = "black", weight = 4, stroke = TRUE,
                            fillOpacity = 1, fillColor = "black",
                            # group = "Selectable stations",
                            layerId = stations$nbname)


which_station_in_polygon <- function(stations, map_selection) {
  nb_poly <- length(map_selection)
  station_list <- c()
  if (nb_poly == 0) {
    station_list <- NULL
  } else {
    for (p in 1:nb_poly) {
      if (!is.null(map_selection[[p]])) {
        nb_points <- length(map_selection[[p]]$geometry$coordinates[[1]]) - 1
        coord <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = nb_points, ncol = 2)
        for (i in 1:nb_points) {
          coord[i, ] <- c(map_selection[[p]]$geometry$coordinates[[1]][[i]][[1]],
        # Apply point.in.polygon over all stations available
        is_in_poly <- rep(NA, length(stations$regine_main))
        stations_in_poly <- c()
        j <- 1
        for (i in seq(along = stations$regine_main)) {
          # integer array; values are: 
          # 0: point is strictly exterior to pol; 
          # 1: point is strictly interior to pol; 
          # 2: point lies on the relative interior of an edge of pol; 
          # 3: point is a vertex of pol.
          if (point.in.polygon(stations$long[i], stations$lat[i], coord[ , 1], coord[ , 2], mode.checked=FALSE) != 0) {
            is_in_poly[i] <- 1
            stations_in_poly[j] <- stations$regine_main[i]
            j <- j+1
        # Is there a way to "apply" this thing
        # test <- sapply(stations$regine_main, point.in.polygon, point.x = stations$long, point.y = stations$lat, pol.x = coord[ , 1], pol.y = coord[ , 2], mode.checked=FALSE)
        station_list <- c(station_list, which(is_in_poly == 1))
fbaffie/ShinyModules documentation built on May 16, 2019, 11:09 a.m.